What Is Blood and How It Circulates In and Out of the Heart
Merry Jelks A.C. Powell Elementary School
7530 South Shore Drive
Chicago IL 60649
At the end of this mini teach students should be able to explain what blood is
and explain the circular movement of blood going in and out of the heart.
Materials Needed:
Crayons,a paper model of the heart, glue, stethoscope, a pump with a one way
valve, attached tubing of the correct size to snugly fit a large hand bulb, a
diagram of the heart showing continuous circulation.
Students will be given the opportunity to listen to their heart beat and to take
their pulse rate.
Teacher will explain and describe what blood is and how it moves in a circular
path in and out of the heart.
Students will be given a simple riddle on the functions of the blood in which
they will be asked to guess what it is.
After students have answered the riddle, an explanation for taking their pulse
and listening to their hearts will be given in reference to the blood
circulating in and out of the heart.
Students will be asked to paste the heart onto the baby diagram and use their
red crayon to trace the circular path of the blood in and out of the heart
looking at the teachers model.
At the end of the mini teach I would like for my students to be able to explain
what blood is and to trace the circular path of the blood going in and out of
the heart.
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