The Female Reproductive Organs
Glenda Faye Rowe John P. Altgeld
1340 West 71st Street
Chicago IL 60636
This presentation is designed for boys and girls between the ages of eleven and
fourteen. The lesson is geared to identifying the female pelvic organs and to
understanding the changes that occur during puberty and what specific organs are
involved in these changes. The lesson will show the path of the human egg cell
during fertilization and non-fertilization and explain the process of
Overhead projector Activity sheets
Plexiglass model Question box
Balloons Chalkboard
Transparencies Markers
Information charts Video tape and VCR
1. Have the class blow up balloons to show state of change.
2. Begin board activity with words that denote change (SEASONS, BALD, DAY,
3. Use transparencies to show and explain different parts of the female
reproductive organs. The students will trace the journey of the egg from the
ovaries on the plexiglass model.
4. The students will view a video on puberty and discuss its contents.
5. The class will review, on the chalkboard, those changes that occur in the
Performance Assessment:
The students will be able to define terms associated with changes that occur in
the female. The class will be able to trace the passage of the egg cell during
fertilization and non-fertilization. Student will be aware and understand those
physical changes that occur during puberty.
Students from all ethnic groups will encounter or experience physical change.
The changes will vary but the concept is the same for all ethnic groups
throughout the universe.
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