What Happens When You Eat?
Kelly Ludwig Lincoln-Way High School
1801 East Lincoln Highway
New Lenox IL 60451
(815) 485-7655
These activities will show students what organs aid in digestion and how
digestion occurs in the human body. This lesson maybe appropriate for middle
grades, but is designed for the upper grade curricula.
Materials Needed:
Activity #1: How Long is the Digestive System?
- yarn (at least 4 different colors)
Activity #2: Digestion
- sugar cubes
- granulated sugar
- 2 clear cups filled with water
Activity #3: Carbohydrate Digestion
- unsalted soda crackers (2 per student)
Activity #4: Hands on Digestion
- a small lump of hamburger (meatball size)
- one plastic baggie
- 1M HCl
- Digestive Juice A (pepsin, trypsin and water)
- Digestive Juice B (bile salts, pancreatin enzyme and water)
Activity #5: How do Villi aid the Small Intestine in Absorption?
- paper towels (10 per group)
- 4 cups of an equal amount of water
- graduated cylinder
Activity #6: A Digestive System Simulation
- large thin plastic bag - newspaper
- paper sacks (2 sizes) - Zip-lock bags
- M&M's candy - masking tape
- markers & paper - sponges
- trash can - labeled spray bottles of water
Activity #1: How Long is the Digestive System
Have students cut a piece of yarn according to the following measurements.
Allow students to use different color yarn to represent different organs. After
the yarn has been cut tie the pieces together.
Esophagus 25 cm
Stomach 20 cm
Small Intestine 700 cm
Large Intestine 150 cm
TOTAL 895 cm
Activity #2: Digestion
Place a sugar cube in a cup of water. Place about a spoonful of granulated
sugar in the other cup of water. Observe what happens.
Activity #3: Carbohydrate Digestion
Have the students chew two unsalted soda crackers for two minutes without
Activity #4: Hands on Digestion
Place the hamburger, 3 eyedroppers full of 1M HCl, one tablespoon of
Digestive Juice A and two tablespoons of Digestive Juice B into a plastic bag.
Knead the bad with your hands (simulates the stomach) for about 10-15 minutes,
it will have been reduced to mainly liquid and have a definite odor.
Activity #5: How do Villi aid the Small Intestine in Absorption?
Compare how 1, 2, 3, and 4 folded paper towels absorb. Dip each paper
towel into a cup of water (use the same amount of water in each cup). Record
the volume of water left in the cup (using a graduated cylinder).
Activity #6: A Digestive System Simulation
Things to make ahead of time:
1. FOOD TUBE: Lay out two parallel lines of tape on the floor, 3'
apart and long enough for half the class to stand
shoulder to shoulder on one side of the parallel
2. FOOD PARTICLE: The food particle consists of M&M's placed in
small zip-lock bags. These are placed in wadded
newspapers in small paper sacks. Place the small
sacks in larger sacks with added newspaper. Place
all sacks and add newspaper until the large
plastic bag is full. This bag is then taped or
tied closed to complete the food particle.
1. Peristaltic Movement: Put the food particle to be eaten at one end of the
food tube and a large trash can at the other. Have students line up on
both sides, facing each other, squeeze the food particle the length of the
food tube.
2. Digestion: Label and/or instruct the players. As the food comes to a
student they should narrate what they are doing and why.
Teeth - tear food apart (break plastic bag)
Saliva - use spray bottles to moisten food particle
Stomach - tear small bags apart
Pancreatic juices - spray food
Small Intestine - absorbs food, find bags of candy and pass to blood
(the teacher can play the role of the blood)
Large Intestine - reabsorbs water, sponge up water on the floor
Rectum/Anus - puts the waste papers in the trash can
Performance Assessment:
At the completion of this lesson students should be able to answer the
following questions:
1. What system in your body is the same length as the completed piece of
yarn? What is it's length (in centimeters, in feet)?
2. From your observations in Activity #2, what can you conclude must be
done to food before digestion begins?
3. What physical and chemical changes occurred to the soda cracker?
4. What caused the physical and chemical changes to the soda cracker?
5. Did you notice a taste change in the soda cracker?
6. How was mechanical digestion simulated in Activity #4.
7. What evidence was their that chemical digestion occurred in the
8. Which paper towel had the largest surface area?
9. Which cup had the highest volume of water left?
10. How do the villi (of the small intestine) aid in absorption?
11. Follow the path of a food particle through the digestive system;
include the organs and their functions.
These six activities will enhance the student's knowledge of what organs
aid in digestion and how digestion occurs in the human body. Students will have
a more comprehensive understanding of what happens in their bodies when they
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