It's About Time

Vernita Smith Mahalia Jackson Elementary School
917 West 88th Street
Chicago IL 60620
(312) 535-3341


This mini-teach has been designed for first and second graders. You may alter
it in any way to accommodate your grade level. The main objective is to tell
time to the hour on an analog clock and how to compare more and less time.

Materials Needed:

Average size classroom of 20-25 students.
1. Analog Clocks 7. Box of Connecting Cubes
2. Puzzle Clocks 8. Box of Attri-Cubes
3. 6-Rings and 4-Cones 9. 2 Transparent Cups
4. Stop Watches 10. Tape
5. Beads and String 11. Large and Small Spoons
6. Scissors 12. Star and Square Shapes


Start out by asking students what time they got up this morning (answers will
vary). Write times on the board, and explain each time on the hour. Pass out
the analog clocks and explain the parts and their functions. Then call out a
series of different times to the hour. Have students show you the correct time
on their analog clocks. Ask students how long they think it will take to put
together a puzzle clock. Let them give you a time. Group students in pairs,
one student can use the stop watch and the other student can put the puzzle
together. Record the estimated time and the actual time. Repeat the same
procedure using beads and string. Have students string 30 beads then record the
estimated time and actual time. To compare more and less time, have students
cut out a simple shape (square) and a complex shape (star). Let them tell you
which will take more or less time to cut. Record the results. Then have them
fill 2 3/4 cups of water (use tape on cup for visual limitation) using a small
spoon for one cup and a large spoon for the other cup. Record estimated time
and actual time. Take boxes of connecting cubes and attri-cubes, and have
students empty the boxes (one at a time) then replace cubes 2 at a time. Record
the estimated time and the actual time. Stay in groups for ring tossing. This
activity is timed at 20 seconds per student. Line-up the cones one after the
other, about 8 inches apart. Let students toss the rings for points (green-6
points, blue-4 points, and yellow-2 points). When the 20 seconds is up the
student with the most points should be rewarded.

Performance Assessment:

When lesson is completed ask students if they enjoyed the activities. Then let
them tell you why (answers will vary). At this time students should have an
understanding of time to the hour. They should be able to relate school time,
lunch time, and bed time to their real life situations. In addition, they will
be able to compare more and less time. Example: Putting on shoes with laces or
putting on slippers. It will take more time to put on shoes with laces.
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