Pam Moy (Morgan Park HS)
constructed models of DNA [Deoxyribonucleic Acid] with brightly
colored (psychedelic)
pipe cleaners. Long white pipe cleaners were used for the backbone
components, which are composed of sugars and phosphates. These pipe
cleaners were formed into an X, twisted in the middle, and then the legs were
twisted together to form a loop, or a Figure 8. The four different
colors of short pipe cleaners were each used to represent the four
different nitrogen bases:
Base Symbol |
Base Name |
Color |
Allowed Pairing |
A |
Adenine |
Orange |
A with T |
C |
Cytosine |
Pink |
C with G |
G |
Guanine |
Green |
G with C |
T |
Thiamine |
Yellow |
T with A |
G C A A T C T A A |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--| C G T T A G A T TBen Stark (Professor of Biology, IIT) explained how cells replicate their DNA and check that the coding [ordering and pairing] is correct. He also explained that many problems with defective DNA are linked to genetic diseases, and that many of the defects in DNA are caused by exposure to ultra-violet [UV] light. The most common mutation is a "transition mutation", in which an A is replaced with a G, a G with an A, a T with a C, or a C with a T.
Pat Riley (Lincoln Park HS)
started out by asking what was inside an atom. After drawing a model of
the atom, she stated that protons and neutrons lie inside the nucleus, a
tiny, heavy core. We then went on to explore the functions of the
protons and neutrons.
Protons, being positively charged, attract the negatively charged electrons, which move in orbits around the nucleus. Neutrons serve as a kind of nuclear glue to keep the nucleus together, in spite of the "like charged" repulsion of the protons. These electron orbits may classified according to various orbital shells, which lie further and further from the nucleus, and which may contain more and more electrons. In the Bohr model, here are the orbits and the various numbers of electrons that they may contain.
Orbit Number |
Maximum Number of Electrons
n = 1 |
2 |
n = 2 |
8 |
n = 3 |
18 |
n = 4 |
32 |
n = 5
50 |
The negatively charged electrons move in one of these orbits and stay close to the nucleus because of the attraction of the positively charged protons.
Pat then went on to tell us that this simple Bohr model is actually too simple! She made an analogy of these orbitals with the rooms on various floors of a hotel. These rooms may be of these types:
circular [S-orbitals]
figure-8 [P-orbitals]
4 petaled (daisy-shaped) [D-orbitals]
... and even ...
6-petaled [F-orbitals].
Orbital Number |
Floor Number |
Number of
Number of Each Type |
n = 1 |
First Floor |
1 |
1: circular S-orbitals |
n = 2 |
Second Floor |
4 |
1: circular S-orbitals
n = 3 |
Third Floor |
9 |
1: circular S-orbitals
n = 4 |
Fourth Floor |
16 |
1: circular S-orbitals
We should think of the rooms as three dimensional---spherical rather than circular, dumb-bell shaped rather than figure-8, and so forth.
Pat showed how that this model allows us to understand how electrons are packed into the small amount of space around the nucleus. Also, she pointed out that it is difficult to visualize electrons, since
[1] the electrons themselves are very small, if not "point particles";
[2] the electronic orbitals take up 99.999999... percent of the space inside the atom.
Notes taken by Pat Riley and Pam Moy.