Roy Coleman made a presentation before the group--- in the spirit of Popeil-GinsuŽ Knife Commercials. Using an electronic projector and laptop computer, he showed us samples of the content of a CD containing all information on the SMILE and SMART websites. But, wait; there was more stuff on it!All for just $10! And on a CD nicely packaged in a beautifully labeled jewel case.
- OpenOffice [open source software --- similar in spirit to Microsoft OfficeŽ]
- GradeGuide [shareware teacher grading program]
- Mozilla Browser [open source browser that can easily disable pop-ups!]
- MailWasher [shareware e-mail filter]
Then in a short ceremony of sorts, Roy also presented several long-term staff members with cups bearing the inscription: Where's My CoffeeŽ [Magic Coffee Happy Face Mug; Item No: 4706; ordered from The Johnson Smith Company ([]. There are dark, frowning faces on the cup when it is empty, and bright, smiling faces when the cup contains HOT coffee. Roy showed that it was important to keep it filled with HOT coffee, since the change is thermally activated. What a wonderful eye-opener! Thanks, Roy!
Pat Riley [Lincoln Park HS, Chemistry]
How Thick is a Piece of Aluminum Foil??
Pat had us separate into groups of about 4, and then gave each group the
following problem:
Task: Determine the thickness of Aluminum foil! Write down the steps your team does in order to solve this problem.Time: You have 20 minutes to solve the problem
Good work, Pat!
Therese Donatello [St Edwards
Elementary School] The Nuts and Bolts of Chemical
Therese helped us understand chemical ions at a molecular level by using
various types nuts and bolts to model them. We divided into groups of
about 4, and she gave each group a set consisting of 4 nuts and four bolts. The nuts and bolts
all had the same diameter, but the bolts were of
various lengths. The length of a bolt represents its
"valence", corresponding to the maximum number of nuts that would fit
on the bolt. A bolt of "valence two" will hold two nuts, etc.
There were various types of nuts, with square heads [Sq] or
hexagonal heads [Hx]. We could use the symbol [Bo] to represent a short
bolt, as well as [Bl] to represent a long bolt. Then, the configuration with two
hexagonal nuts on a short bolt is represented by the
symbol [BoHx2], whereas with two square nuts it would be [BoSq2].
We could also "combine" the bolts by having two short bolts to share the same hexagonal nut. This would correspond to the combination [Bo2Hx], in our symbolic notation. We could then use bolt combinations to model chemical reactions. For example, the reaction [combination]
A nutty but good idea, Therese!
Notes taken by Ben Stark.