High School Biology Chemistry SMILE Meeting
02 May 2000
Notes by Ken Schug


Henry Heald Lecture
Professor Leon Lederman
Nobel Laureate in Physics and
Chair, Teachers Academy for Mathematics and Science

Monday, 22 May 2000
Perlstein Auditorium [33rd & State, NW Corner]

for a discussion about

The Essential Transition from 19th to 21st Century
High School Science Education

buffet supper 6 pm
discussion 7 pm
RSVP to (312) 567-8820 or parson@iit.edu

          OUR NEXT MEETING...

                             ...will be on September 5, 2000, for
          registration and admission for the Fall semester. You will
          receive a letter reminding you. Many of us have already

Kim Baker (Fairfield Academy)
did "something different." We each received a page titled "Don't Use it All Up," and on it we were asked to list as many as 15 uses for water. Then she passed out plastic shoe boxes containing 7 sponges (different sizes). Each group put 2.5 cups of water into the box. Then we added the sponges one at a time, each sponge representing a different use of water. The original water level, representing the height of the water table, decreased with each sponge added. We then discussed how water resources can be conserved, as we squeezed out the sponges to bring the "water table" nearly back to its original level. A pretty analogy and a good way to get your students to conserve!

Pam Moy (Morgan Park HS)
passed out an article on "How Females Choose Their Mates," Scientific American (April 1998) [see the website http://www.sciam.com] which she uses for AP Biology class at prom time. An interesting article, and a neat idea!

Chuck Buzek (Spry School)
took us outside to "measure" tree heights and canopy widths (related in most cases). The nice weather made this a pleasant thing do, and we gained some insight into the characteristics of trees and how they may be measured. A fine way to end our last meeting for this semester!