Pam Moy (Morgan Park HS)
showed us a jar
containing a green fluid. It was an extract made by
soaking spinach leaves in ethyl alcohol for a week (one
day was sufficient to leach out the color). She gave each
group of two of us an 8 oz styrofoam cup into which the
dark green spinach extract was poured to a depth of about
one inch. A strip of coffee filter was placed with bottom
end submerged in the extract, and the top end taped to
side of the cup. Then we went on to the next presentation,
and after about an hour and ten minutes we came back to
this experiment and observed the strips. There was a dark
green band of color at the bottom, then a light green band
followed by a yellow band. The process we had performed is
called "chromatography," and the strips with the colored
bands are called chromatograms. The differently colored
bands come from different chemical pigments in the spinach
(chlorophylls, etc), which diffuse at different rates
through the wet paper strip.
An inexpensive but most informative experiment, and a great introduction to many topics: chromatography; plant chemistry; diffusion rates of different molecules; color differences associated with different molecules...and probably others. For additional ideas see the website Thanks, Pam!
Marva Anyanwu (Green School)
posed the problem:
What effects does exercise have on respiration? In respiration
Food + O2 ---> CO2 + H2O + energy
which takes place inside cells in mitochondria. Breathing is moving air in and out of the lungs, but respiration is as described in the prior sentence. Marva asked groups of us to do an experiment. We used a bromothymol blue (BTB) indicator to measure respiration rate, and we predicted that exercise would increase the rate that BTB would change its color in response to increased respiration.
Each group had two clear plastic cups containing BTB which was initially blue. A straw was placed in each cup. The idea was that as a volunteer exhaled through the straw and into the liquid, starting at time zero, CO2 was added to the liquid (from the breath of the volunteer), and the pH would decrease (because of formation of carbonic acid, H2CO3), so the color would change from blue to green to yellow. Two trials were run; one with the volunteer at rest, the other after the volunteer ran in place for 3 minutes. The experiment worked pretty much as expected, but there were complicating factors.
We found that CO2 in the the room air caused the BTB solution to turn yellow on its own, without exhalation. As we exercised, we produced more CO2 in each breath, which caused the BTB to turn yellow in a shorter time. But - with more breaths in a given time, wouldn't more CO2 be expected after exercise? Ken Schug suggested adding water from a closed container just before the test, and adding the BTB just before the test. Or, put a cover over the container to slow (but not eliminate) CO2 dissolution. For additional details see the website
Marva showed us how to put chemistry to work to measure biological a biological process. Beautiful stuff, Marva! Thanks!
Chris Etapa (Gunsaulus Academy)
brought us a surprise (something alive!) in a cardboard (Xerox paper)
box. It was something from her "zoo" at home, and she uses
it to teach geometry, observation skills, what animals
want versus what they need, etc. She then introduced us to Pythagoras,
a male, red-tail boa constrictor snake,
about 5 years old and 6 feet long!! Chris said that if she
would turn off the heater that keeps him warm, he would go
into hibernation for about 3 months. He sheds his skin in
one piece, and collecting and saving the shed skins
provides a record of growth.
We discussed and examined Pythagoras, Chris described his habits/behavior. His skin patterns (diamond or rhombus - geometry!), and she also used him as a model for kids to calculate his volume (more geometry & algebra). He eats about one mouse per week, but he would eat more, given the chance. For more information see the website
PJ comment: the original Pythagoreans were vegetarians; see the website
What an exciting and interesting lesson; a sure fire way to get student attention, and create an interest in learning. Thanks, Chris!
What is going to happen next?!
Notes taken by Ben Stark