Marjorie Fields [Young Elementary School]
Static Electricity with paper and sugar
Shirley Cesair [Henderson School]
white glue and borax --> flubber peanut description; return to bog
partner tries to identify.
Imara Abdullah [Douglas School]
ions in fruit
Sheila McKinnon [Sherman School]
origami: Japanese-inspired paper folding: elephant, pig,
shark, airplane
Barbara Pawela [CPS retired - formerly at May School]
Physical and Chemical changes in various systems:
Nina Lilisa [Good Counsel HS]
Energy transfer: energy exists in bundles, and we can illustrate
transfer of a bundle of energy by transferring a wad of paper.
Earnest Garrison [Chicago Vocational HS]
Pocket Sundial: it measures local solar time, and there is a
correction to be made for the date. PJ comment: these sundials must
be different at different latitudes on earth [Chicago is 42o
above the equator], and must go around the other way in the Southern
Hemisphere. See the picture of an Antipodean Sundial in
Christchurch, New Zealand:
Estellvenia Sanders [Chicago Vocational HS]
Science and Signing [Part 10]:
In sign language you have
the option of giving the "sign" or "spelling out" the letters, and the
signs have many meanings. The signs are often related to common
[hand touching head and off = "forget"; "opening pop bottle and making
a "pop" = "pop"; needle into arm = "drugs"; etc]. She reviewed these
signs: coke, red, color, food, glass, visual, taste, lemon,
orange, yellow, clue/idea.
It was commented that deaf people are often good dancers, and they especially enjoy music very loud so that they can "feel" it.
Ben Butler [L Ward School]
Making a balance scale out of everyday materials: