Elementary Mathematics-Science SMILE Meeting
23 March 1999
Notes Prepared by Earl Zwicker

Section A:

Lilla Green (Hardigan School)
Color Your Brain.
When one considers a organizational system, it is often either economic or political. What, then, is the human brain? It is simply the "power supply" for your senses, or is it more? An image of the human brain [more precisely, brains, because there are several of them in our bodies] was handed out, and we were to color it according to its various functions.

Christine Scott (Beethoven School)
Primary and Secondary Colors.
She showed several colorful books, and demonstrated mixing colors, using food coloring [red, yellow, blue]:

red + yellow =orange
red + blue =purple
yellow + blue =green
red + blue + yellow=black
Then, in a different approach she mixed M&M's. She passed out a handout Make Your Own Butter.

Dana Gentile (ST Barbara School)
Vibrations and Sound.
1: Rubber Band Guitar
She made a little guitar out of "lunchroom castoffs". She used a milk carton as sounding instrument, 4 rubber bands as strings, and a tagboard as a bridge. She taped the carton shut, wrapped the rubber bands around it longways, taped the tagboard into a triangular shape, and put it under the rubber bands. She strummed to obtain a presentable sound, and then moved the bridge to obtain a different sound. Very interesting!

2: Plastic Cup Telephone
She made a telephone out of 2 plastic cups, a fish line, and two paper clips. She poked small holes in the cups with the paper clips, and then tied ends of the fish line to the paper clips after sending them through the base from outside to inside. When she pulled the line tight, and spoke into the cup, a person at the other end could hear her voice.

Desiree Raddetz (ST Barbara School)
She added a little liquid detergent [Joy] to a cup of water to make soapy water, and then blew bubbles with small straws. She showed the different colors of the bubble, and had a contest among groups to see who could blow the biggest bubble. She introduced graphing techniques to show bubble sizes.

Laura Shimkus (Greeley School)
Easter Eggs.
We put a hard boiled egg in water, and then added a little vinegar. Little bubbles formed around the base of the egg. Why? Then she used natural coloring to dye the eggs, putting them into the colored solution for about a minute. The colorings were beets, red cabbage, red onions, and tumeric (yellow). The eggs were then dried on a paper plate. The other class members also dyed some eggs.

Cynthia Southern (Spencer School)
Can you tell the source of the sound by listening?
She had a bell and a whistle, and had "contestants" blindfolded, with little cards to signal their guess as to the sound source. They were able to distinguish the sounds.

Section B:

Therese Tobecksen (St Anthony the Apostle School)
Classification of Students with drawings.
Begin by sketchng an outline of a "gingerbread man". Then add the following items according to the characteristics and preferences of the student. one hair for each year of age
boy: bow tiegirl: ribbon in hair
blue eyes: round eyesgreen eyes: square eyes brown-black eyes: diamond eyes
brother: right earsister: left ear #earrings: #sisters/brothers
sox fan: nose upcubs fan: nose down
likes science: mouth uphates science: mouth down
straight hair: ///curly hair: %%%
buttons: has petsdog: square button cat: round button
bird: star button hamster: oval button
church member: arm bandboard member: leg band
In this way we can characterize students by pictures.

Al Tobecksen (Richards Career Academy)
Pattern blocks [available for circa $7 per box]. Puzzles [inside plastic box].
Form an equilateral triangle out of 8 blocks.
Form a regular hexagon out of 6 blocks.

Pam Gibson and Bonnie Anderson (Libby School)
1: Math Square Game
Take a piece of paper and put 7 squares on the page. Put a number [0-9] inside each square. Then pick a target number. How many the target number be formed with arithmetic operations using only the numbers in the square? This is a contest.

2: Home-made Lava Lamp
Use goggles for safety. Add tap water, green food coloring, vegetable oil, and table salt to a container [1 liter or so]. The oil goes to the bottom because of the salt. Then, as the salt dissolves in the water, bubbles go to the top.

3: Zog Hotel
Classify the "animals" on cards by the following

  1. Number of Legs [2, 4, 6]
  2. Straight or Curly Hair
  3. Number of Antennae [1, 2]
  4. Color or cards [B, G, Y]
Arrange the Zogs in individual rooms in an 8 X 8 hotel, so that Zogs in adjacent rooms have only one of these four features in common.

Estelvenia Sanders (Chicago Vocational HS)
Science in Sign, part 12
She showed us the following signs:
SaltFast Food [FF]Add
Calculate the grams of the following in each food item: