Elementary Mathematics-Science SMILE Meeting
25 April 2000
Notes Prepared by Earl Zwicker
          OUR FINAL MEETING...
                             ...will be May 9, 2000
                                        4:15 p.m.

          Section A: BRING A CALCULATOR!!

          111 LS    A       Barbara Baker        Barbara Baker
          (K-5)             Chandra Price        Chandra Price
                            Mikhail Siddiq       ___________________
                            Marva Anyanwu        ___________________

          153 LS    B       Brian Cagle          ___________________
          (4-8)             Janet Sheard         ___________________
                            __________________   ___________________

                               SEE YOU THERE!!

Henry Heald Lecture
Professor Leon Lederman
Nobel Laureate in Physics and
Chair, Teachers Academy for Mathematics and Science

Monday, 22 May 2000
Perlstein Auditorium [33rd & State, NW Corner]

for a discussion about

The Essential Transition from 19th to 21st Century
High School Science Education

buffet supper 6 pm
discussion 7 pm
RSVP to (312) 567-8820 or parson@iit.edu

Section A:

Virginia O'Brien (Higgins School)
did "For the Birds" - (handout) with us. We each received a small brown bag containing a pine cone, peanut butter, 2 feet of heavy orange yarn, plastic knife, napkin, piece of newspaper. We tied the orange yarn to the large end of the pine cone, used the knife to cover the bottom 2/3 of the pine cone with peanut butter (with the newspaper to keep things clean), then dipped the peanut butter end into a large bowl of birdseed. Simply suspend it from a nearby bush or tree and watch the birds! Included were forms for keeping a Bird Watch Diary, and how to do feather painting, make brown bag nests, and "binoculars" from cardboard tubes. A good combination of hand-skill learning with observation and data taking. Thanks, Virginia!

Lilla Green (Hartigan School)
put us to work on the Skeletal System, Strength of Bones, and two pages of skeleton cut-outs to color, cut, and assemble to display a human skeleton. She explained how her children would cut a skeleton transparency into puzzle pieces and make a challenge to the class to put the skeleton together correctly, learning the names of bones in the process. Materials she placed out on the table were: stick glue, scissors, paper fasteners (for bone joints), 12 inch x 17 inch construction paper (yellow, green, orange), crayons, hole punch. In class, students would examine real bones, some soaked in vinegar (and which would bend!) (handout - Strength of Bones).

Books on display were the following:

Soon we were busy doing the cutting, coloring and joining the paper skeleton bones together. A dynamic learning experience!

Erma Lee (Williams School) passed out packs of 74 soda straws to five groups, and challenged us to build the tallest tower. The trick is to find ways to join the straws in a stable way. The winner was about 1 meter high! Great fun, and a way to build cooperative skills and creativity.

NOTE: To remove stickers, tape, labels, gum, etc get this substance:

"Goo Gone" Sticker Lifter.
Magic American Corporation
23700 Mercantile Road
Beechwood OH 44122

Section B:

Carl Martikean (Wallace HS, Gary) asked us, "How many times can you fold a piece of paper into halves?" Well - after making some guesses we got busy doing the experiment to find the practical answer: 7 or maybe 8 times! Why? Because the paper gets too thick to bend. It works with onion skin paper the same way! There are many things that can be learned from this other than the obvious. What are they?

Sally Hill (Clemente HS)
passed out Math Bingo sheets to us, to play the game as couples. The page was divided into a 5x5 grid of rectangles, each containing a specific math expression for a sum, difference, product, fraction, area, percent, etc. Having supplied us with markers, she called out various possible answers to the math questions, like "16" or "3.1416 ... ". If this was one of the correct answers, we would then mark the spot with a green disk. As soon as one of us got a diagonal filled, we called out BINGO! Then we had to go to the board and do the math operations called for in the rectangles on the diagonal. What a great idea!

Lee Slick (Morgan Park HS)
showed us a piece of magnetic strip. Cut it in two, then move one piece over the other. What happens? It jumps! Why? A good way to get students involved with an investigation of magnetism, with non-traditional magnets. If the the top strip is turned over, there is no interaction. Why? Lee also mentioned that it was not a good idea to put these strips too close to computers, computer screens, or diskettes, because they will either destroy data or interfere with the operations. Thanks, Lee.

Kimberly Baker (Fairfield Academy - formerly Marquette East)
handed out a page titled Don't Use It All Up! (Earth Science), and put us to work listing 15 uses for water. The winner gets a fresh bottle of water! Can you do it? We compared answers, which made it interesting. Next, groups of 2 or 3 received a plastic container (about 12 inches x 6 inches x 14 inches) with sponges inside. The container represents the earth. With sponges removed, add water to a depth of about 2 inches and mark the level. This represents the height of the water table. Think of a use for water, then add a sponge to represent that use. With each sponge (use) added, the water level would drop as the sponge soaked it up. Finally, the level dropped nearly to the bottom. The moral: Water has many uses, but there is only a finite supply. Therefore, re-use is essential. Conserve water, use the same water for two purposes when possible, re-use water. When we squeezed out the sponges, the water did not return to its original level because sponges retained some; re-use is not 100% efficient. A beautiful lesson!

Pearline Scott (Franklin School)
started us off with a page from a calendar. We had to pick out any 3x3 array of numbers on the calendar, eg:

Now calculate the average value of the numbers:
162 / 9 = 18
. This is the number at the center of the array! Neat! Why does it work this way?

Next, we formed into two teams, and Pearline placed standard (Cartesian) x,y coordinates on the board, with the usual 4 quadrants and the origin at (0,0). Teams alternated in sending a representative to the board to locate a point. The objective was to get 4 points in a row [up, down, or diagonal], and to keep your opponents from doing so in the process. It took about 10 - 15 rounds before one team won. A fun exercise in plotting and graphing!

Finally, starting with a set of squares on a paper, draw straight lines within a square to form 2 triangles and 2 quadrilaterals inside. What can you do with one line? ... two lines?...three lines? A good geometry exercise, and one that requires some thought and creativity! Thanks, Pearline!



          Feb 8     A       Frana Allen          Frana Allen
                            Barbara Lorde        Barbara Lorde
                            Jean Essig           Jean Essig
                            Earnie Garrison

                    B       Barbara Pawela       Barbara Pawela
                            Zoris Soderberg
                            John Scavo
                            Earnie Garrison

          Feb 22    A       Erma Lee             Erma Lee
                            Shirley Hatcher      Shirley Hatcher
                            Glenda Ellis         Glenda Ellis
                            Beverly Merchant     Beverly Merchant
                            Camille Gales        Camille Gales

                    B       Therese Donatello    Therese Donatello
                            Charlene Smith       Ed Scanlon
                            Ed Scanlon
                            Ernest Garrison

          Mar 7     A       Allen Evans          Allen Evans
                            Winifred Malvin      Winifred Malvin
                            Alma White           Alma White
                            Margia Artis         Margia Artis
                            Marjorie Fields      Marjorie Fields

                    B       Earnest Garrison     Earnest Garrison
                            John Scavo           Charlene Smith
                            Carl Martikean       Estelvenia Sanders
                            Porter Johnson

          March 21  A       Cynthia Southern     Cynthia Southern
                            Marie Wong           Monica Seelman
                            RaeLynn Schneider    Joyce McCoy
                            Wanda Pitts          Wanda Pitts
                            Monica Seelman       Monica Seelman
                            Earnest Garrison

                    B       Patricia E Phillips  Patricia E Phillips
                            Val Williams         Sally Hill
                            Estelvenia Sanders
                            Barbara Pawela

          Apr  4    A       Christine Scott      Ben Butler Jr
                            Claudette Rogers     Kenneth Onumah
                            Shirley Cesair       Carolyn McGee
                            Carolyn McGee        Iona Greenfield
                            Ben Butler Jr
                            Sophia Watson
                            Carolyn McBride

                    B       Janet Sheard         Janet Sheard
                            John Scavo           Charlene K. Smith
                            Sally Hill
                            Estelvenia Sanders

          April 25  A       Lilla Green
                            Virginia O'Brien
                            Erma Lee             Claudette Rogers

                    B       Carl Martikean
                            Pearline Scott       Pearline Scott
                            Kim Baker            Kim Baker
                            Sally Hill
                            Lee Slick