Thanks for the microwave warning. I have seen this happen before. It is caused by a phenomenon known as super heating. It can occur any time water is heated and will particularly occur if the vessel that the water is heated in is new. What happens is that the water heats faster than the vapor bubbles can form. If the cup is very new then it is unlikely to have small surface scratches inside it that provide a place for the bubbles to form. As the bubbles cannot form and release some of the heat that has built up, the liquid does not boil, and the liquid continues to heat up well past its boiling point. What then usually happens is that the liquid is bumped or jarred, which is just enough of a shock to cause the bubbles to rapidly form and expel the hot liquid. The rapid formation of bubbles is also why a carbonated beverage spews when opened after having been shaken.
...will be December 12, 2000
4:15 p.m.
Section A (K-5) meets in 111 LS
Section B (4-8) meets in 152 LS
Dec 12 A Leticia Rodriguez Nancy Katich
Willie Mae Merrick Monica Ban
Pearline Scott Elizabeth Cowan
Virginia O'Brien Anne Genther
Iona Greenfield Sophia Watson
Margie Fields
Sophia Watson
B Val Williams Val Williams
Chris Etapa Chris Etapa
Marva Anyanwu
Francesca Drnek (Brunson School)
started us off with a quiz - What Is Your Banana IQ? -
(handout) with a set of 10 True/False statements. Here are 2
When we had finished our answers, she gave us a page - The BIG Banana Peel, which asked the question: What part of the banana is edible?, and instructing us: Use your BANANA to find the answer. And she handed out bananas so that each group of two of us received one, along with a colorful plastic balance to make weighings. We had to complete the table on the page by finding
Francesca drew a copy of the table on the board, and then asked some of us who had completed it at our desks tell her our data, which she then used to fill in the table on board, for all to see.
So we were able to make a comparison, and she gave us a page with such a table to fill in for Bananas A, B, C, D, E - and find averages of each measured and calculated quantity. A bar graph could be constructed on the bottom half of the page. Finally, she gave us a 4 page copy of information about the Banana Plant. By this time we eagerly read it, and learned the correct answers to the quiz that we had taken at the beginning; The banana is a berry! Bananas do not grow on trees - the banana plant has no trunk but is rather a gigantic herb growing from an underground stem. She then reviewed with us the quiz and which statements were true or false. Wonderful, Francesca! A real phenomenological approach.
Monica Ban (Anthony School)
placed on the table for all to see: a transparent plastic vase (10 3/4
inches high!), a 6 or 4 inch Spathaphyllum Plant (Peace Lily),
a plastic bag containing water and a fish! - and other stuff. She gave
us a handout:
The handout provided an Introduction, Objective, Materials, Procedure, Results, and Maintenance Hints.
Monica gave us the website (Gardening Magazine) as a reference, along with Terry's Aquarium/Pet Co. To top it all off, she had a beautiful Betta Vase as a giveaway to the lucky number-drawer, who happened to be Ken Schug! A great idea to promote student interest in biology and an eco-system (but not necessarily the fairness of lotteries!). Thanks, Monica!
Elizabeth Cowan (Anthony School)
set up a colorful display on the table showing these four books about
Magnets, and a variety of magnets and materials to
experiment with.
Magnets (FS-83129 Physical Sciences), which described Concepts ("Magnets are objects that will pick up or attract things containing iron or steel." etc)
Discovery Through Experiments (Magnets Attract, Magnetic Force Passing Through Materials)
Language Arts Connection (Magnets & Their Uses)
Math Connection
Art Connection
Science Connection
Literature Connection
This was followed by pages with experiments to do: Magnets Attract - Question: What are some objects that magnets attract? Materials: magnet, paper clip, key, scissors, rubber band, penny, piece of foil, nickel, toothpick, soda can, nail, chalk, crayon, button, marble, etc. A record sheet followed to record observations for each object: Predict, Record (observed). And then Think & Write: In what way were the objects that the magnet attracted alike? etc. Elizabeth invited us to the table to find the answers for ourselves, and soon we were crowded around, using the materials to do so. We saw objects attracted, repelled, and iron filings on a piece of paper formed a changing pattern when a magnet was held under the paper and moved around. Fascinating! A beautiful way to involve students in their own learning!
Nancy Katich (Burnham/Anthony, K/primary)
did 100th Day Activities with us, and gave out a 2 page
write-up. A colorful display of 5 children's books was set up,
and other materials set out on the table. She then did a variety of the
activities with us, including Watch Cassie Grow. Cassie is a
caterpillar, and Nancy had created Cassie on the board for us to see. A
series of paper circles (about 4 inch diameter) were stuck to the board
in a row. They were a bright green, and the first circle had a face and
pipe cleaner antennae. They were consecutively numbered, with the 5th,
15th, etc. circles in white, and the 10th, 20th, etc in orange.
Starting with just Cassie's head (first circle with face) on the board,
with each passing school day another segment (circle) of Cassie's body
would be added. By the 100th day, it would be 100 circles long! -
perhaps sometime in January of the school year. And then a big,
beautiful paper butterfly would appear on the board! - Cassie had
metamorphosed! What a great way for students to learn counting, 5s,
10s, and something about the life cycle of a caterpillar. Examples of
Nancy showed us examples of many of these completed activities. She asked a colleague, Anne Genther, to come up, and hung a necklace - made by stringing 100 Cheerios O's on a string - around Anne's neck, and then placed a colorful paper crown on her head with the words "100th Day" printed on it. Also listed in the handout were Student Books (15 references), Teachers Resources (5 books). See also the website "100th Day of School": day/links.html. What an exciting set of ideas to stimulate youngsters to learn, and to enjoy learning!
Anne Genther (Burnham/Anthony, K-3)
gave us a handout: Domino Activities, with 12 pages from the
following reference:
Math Activities with Dominoes, by Helene Silverman and Sandy
[Cuiseneaire Company of America 1996] ISBN 1-5745-2027-X.
She listed these objectives, among others:
Learning is enjoyable and dynamic with such good ideas! Addition and subtraction math skills may also be developed using dominoes. Thanks, Anne!
Monica Seelman (St. James School)
passed out 4 sheets of paper (11 x 17 sq inches, white) to us, and
scissors. She then instructed us how to make a "book." Sure enough!
With a very few scissors cuts and a clever assembly idea, we each had
constructed a "book" which having 16 pages, and which held together
very nicely to form a "book!" A great trick!
Next, Monica gave us a 6 page handout with instructions of how to draw stars: For K-2, the Star Man - a 5 pointed star with face, body, arms and legs. She showed us how to do this at the board. For grades 1-3, make an 8 pointed star beginning with a tic-tac-toe grid. Then came Star Geometry (grades 4-6), and she pointed out a 5-pointed star has a prime number, and 6-pointed is not. This led on all the way up to a 12-pointed star and the rules for forming such a star. The greater the number of points, the closer the resulting star/polygon approaches a circle. Beautiful math ideas from such a humble beginning, Monica! Thanks!
Notes taken by Earl Zwicker
John Scavo (Evergreen Park HS)
gave us copies of articles from the Sunday 26 November Chicago Sun
Times. One,
entitled New Find Completes Long-necked Dino, concerned
discoveries made on the edge of the
Sahara Desert in Niger. A web-site was given:
Other articles:
"Are obesity and virus linked?"Interesting science reading, John. Thanks!
"DNA testing could prove links to Lincoln."
"Coronary stent now standard."
Carl Martikean (Wallace School, Gary)
showed us some interesting ice stuff. He had two containers that looked
like they were partly filled with water. He put a piece of ice in one,
and it floated. But when he put a piece of ice in the other container,
it sank! How come? After some discussion, Carl revealed the
answer. The liquid in which the ice sank was isopropyl alcohol,
with a
density of about 0.80, and not water; density 1.00! He
then mentioned that
Heet™ (a commercial product to add to auto gasoline tanks in
winter) will dissolve a small amount of water in a gasoline tank,
preventing the water from freezing and stopping the gas from getting to
the engine. Next, Carl had a question for us: If ice is
floating in water, and it then melts, does the water level change?
Answer: No! But if the ice is held completely submerged under the
water, and then melts, the water level will drop. Why? Explanations?
(Answers next time?) Good puzzler, Carl!
Emma Norise (Dunbar Career Academy)
gave us a chemistry experiment (3 pages) Is It an Acid, Base, or
Neutral Liquid? Emma then passed out equipment so all of
us could be involved in doing the experiments. The first step is to
make a pH indicator by boiling red cabbage leaves and
drawing off the colored liquid. Emma had prepared this for us; we each
got some. The pH of a water solution tells us how acid or
basic it is. The red cabbage liquid tells us that by its color:
pink is acid, dark blue or greenish is base. So we did the
experiments and got the results indicated in the table below.
substance acid or base colorWe checked IIT water (greenish), and 7-Up (pink/acid). [For more details see the recent smile lesson bc101000.htm and the website Good stuff, Emma! Thanks!
baking soda mild base greenish
lemon juice acid pinkish
grapefruit juice acid pinkish
water neutral greenish
milk of magnesia mild base greenish
vinegar acid pink
Bernina Norton (Abbott School, 6th grade)
showed us some new ideas on math from the Math Fair: Historical
Connections in Multiplication (1992 AIMS Education Foundation).
First came the
Russian Peasant Method of Multiplication, and Bernina
gave us a dandy one page handout showing how to do this. She had us
work through some examples on our own; it worked! Here's how:
To multiply 18 X 25 Divide by 2 and discard Double this remainders columnUsed during the 1800's, and still in use in some parts of Russia. An unusual process to us, but according to Porter Johnson it is closely related to binary arithmetic. The first factor 18, which can be written as18-------------25Cross out all the rows
which have aneven9 50number on the left.
Then add up all the
4-------------100remaining numbers on
the right.
2-------------2001 400 ------- 450 our final answer
18 = 16 + 2 = 24 +21,
has the binary representation 100010. Note that 16 X 25 = 400, and 2 X 25 = 50; we add these answers to get 400 + 50 = 450.
Next, she took us through Lattice Multiplication via another handout, same source. Used by the early Hindus, she had us work through some problems with this method. Here is an example:
First form the figure
_______________and write the two factors to be multiplied on its top and left sides, as shown:
| /| /|
| / | / |
| / | / |
| / | / |
| /| /|
| / | / |
| / | / |
| / | / |
7 6Now, multiply the each number on top with each number on the right, and put the factors in the corresponding sub-region. For example, 6 X 9 = 54 (top right).
| /| /|
| / | / |
| / | / |
| / | / | 9
| /| /|
| / | / |
| / | / |
| / | / | 8
7 6Now, add along the diagonal slices, as shown:
| /| /|
| / | / |
| 6 / | 5/ |
| / 3 | / 4 | 9
| /| /|
| / | / |
| 5 / | 4 / |
| / 6 | /8 | 8
7 6Now, put the numbers in columns and add, as shown:
| /| / |
| / | / |
| 6 / | 5/ |
6 | / 3 | / 4 | 9
| /| /|
| / | / |
| 5 / | 4 / |
| / 6 | / 8 | 8
13 |_/_ __|_/ ___|
14 8
The answer, 7448 appears.
8 14
__6_____ 7448
You will have to study this example to appreciate the method. If you reverse the factors in the multiplication (98 x 76), the same numbers appear (in a different order) in each diagonal slice. Thus, when you add them, you get the same answer. Clearly, you must have 98 X 76= 76 X 98, according to Porter Johnson. Although this method is a variation of the ordinary method of multiplication, the relation a X b = b X a [multiplication is commutative] is more evident in this approach. Cool stuff, Bernina!
Notes taken by Porter Johnson.