Dianna Uchida [Morgan Park
Elephants and Flowers
Dianna showed us a plastic sheath that seemed quite rigid.
She filled
it with warm water (about 50 °C), and showed us that it
became much more
flexible. She then showed us the Wonder Vase, which was initially
a flat
plastic sheath. She added warm water to it, and it became quite
so that she could mold it into the form of a roughly cylindrical
When she poured the hot water out of it, it retained that new
shape. She
then added cold water to it, and put flowers into it, illustrating its
use as a
vase. Then she removed the flowers and water, and again filled it
warm water. The material became quite flexible, so that she could
mold it
into a flat sheet again. Remarkable, NON? Larry
Alofs mentioned
that an old term for plastic was "thermoplastic", because of its
property of becoming more flexible when warm.
Q: How do you make an elephant fly?Thanks, Dianna!
A: You have to start with a really big zipper!
John Scavo [Kelly
Christmas Toys, Revisited
John showed the deluxe radio-controlled car, obtained on sale at
Navy Pier
for $20 -- in contrast to the usual price of $85. It
accelerate, do flips, reverse direction, and turn around -- all on
command! John also explained that the cheapest dry
cell batteries often last the longest, since durability seems to be
with the thickness of the metallic battery case. A very nice
gadget to
give to an 8 year old, John!
John next mentioned Magnetics: a set of 250 pieces [steel balls and magnetic shafts of various lengths] that could be used for building tetrahedrons and other stick-figure geometric structures. He had obtained the set for $9.99 at Walgreens™, although more expensive sets are available elsewhere. Charlotte Wood-Harrington pointed out that the various sets may have incompatible "building blocks", as she found to her dismay when her family received several sets for Christmas.
Finally, John mentioned that the Erector Set™ is still available --- and still a classic, although it is no longer manufactured by Gilbert. Thanks for showing us your toys, John!
Betty Roombos [Gordon Tech HS, physics] and Marilynn Stone [Lane
Penny and twirling coat hanger
The twins took coat hangers that had been bent into a roughly
rhomboid shape, supporting them on one finger at the top, with the hook
at the
bottom. They each placed a penny on the flat end of the hooks of
hangers, and began to cause the hangers to rotate in a vertical plane
about the supporting finger. The pennies stayed on
the hangers! How come? They were able to make the
stay there as the hangers rotated, and on several occasions pennies
remained there even
after the rotation was stopped. Most remarkable -- but did they
"twin power" to do this? Actually, it is largely a
question of
balance and steady motion, but there are a few tricks. Be sure to
file the
end of the coat hanger hook flat with a file, and then make sure that
the flat surface lies perpendicular
to the pivot point. An excellent demonstration of centripetal
Thanks, Betty and Marilymn.
Fred J Schaal [Lane Tech HS,
A particular question about a particle
Fred made reference to the book Parallel Worlds by Michio
which describes neutron stars. Kaku explains that in
neutron stars,
gravitational attraction prevents the neutrons from repelling one
Fred's question is: Why would neutrons repel one another in
the first
Porter Johnson explained that, in ordinary nuclei, because of the strong force neutrons and protons attract one another at distances of order 1 Fermi = 1 femto-meter = 10-15 meters. However, both neutrons and protons (as well as electrons) are Fermions (spin 1/2 particles), and no two of them can be in the same state. The Pauli Exclusion Principle requires that neutrons and protons must occupy states of progressively higher energy in nuclei. Protons repel one another with the long-range Coulomb force. Consequently, stable heavy nuclei become neutron-rich. For example Uranium 238 has 92 protons and 146 neutrons. Big nuclei eventually become unstable, even when they are neutron-rich, because of the Coulomb repulsion of protons, in agreement with the Pauli principle, the heaviest known nucleus containing about 118 protons. It has long been postulated that extremely neutron-rich massive objects could become stable. These "neutron stars" are predicted to have one solar mass and a radius of about 10 km, corresponding to a density of 1018 kg/m3 --- the density of heavy nuclei. There is overwhelming evidence for the existence of such neutron stars, which are called pulsars since they emit sweeping searchlight beams (seen as pulses) of electromagnetic radiation.
Good question, Fred!
Ann Brandon [Joliet West HS,
Making Waves
Ann showed
us her home-made device for showing modes of vibration of a
string. The device contains a dry cell battery pack, two DC
motors, a
potentiometer, string, and two plastic rods attached to a wooden
The motors are anchored to the plastic rods and attached to drive
opposite ends of the
string.. Transverse vibrations of the string are induced, with
the tension
in the string varied by stretching it. For details and a photo see
the notes from the Math-Physics
SMILE meeting of 22 April 2003: mp042203.html.
As the tension in the string is increased, the velocity v of
vibrations also increases. The frequency f of transverse
vibrations is
determined by the (fixed) rotational frequency of the motors.
Because of the relation v = l f,
the wavelength
l increases in this case. We thus get
fewer nodes
on the string when we increase the tension. We produced stable
oscillations with
1, 2, 3, and 4 internal nodes on the string.
Ann will bring materials for us to construct several of the devices at our next meeting,. Great physics show! Thanks, Ann.
Charlotte Wood-Harrington [Brooks HS,
Geek of the Week
Charlotte passed around the book Teaching Introductory Physics
by Arnold
Arons [Wiley 1997; ISBN 0-471-13702-3], which contained some
invaluable advice: http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471137073.html.
Charlotte is going to work on the D0 detector at Fermilab this summer, as a result of her involvement with Quark Net. She has a cosmic ray detection system in her classroom, and there is a similar one at Walter Payton HS. The idea is to put them at various locations around the city, possibly including Millenium Park, so that Extensive Air Showers of cosmic rays can be monitored. Primary cosmic rays strike the upper atmosphere of the earth (say, about ten kilometers above the ground), and produce a spray of secondary particles, mostly muons. These muons may travel to the earth's surface, and be detected. If the primary cosmic ray is sufficiently energetic, the air shower may spread over the entire city at ground level. Very exciting stuff --- and in her own classroom!
In connection with a vivid description of reveries involving a midlife crisis, Charlotte mentioned that she had recently obtained a Toyota Prius™ automobile with a hybrid engine. It is a joy to drive, and she gets 48 miles per gallon. The gasoline engine is started with a small auxiliary battery, which becomes discharged because of power requirements, when the car is not driven for a period of about two weeks. A trickle charger would maintain it.
Thanks, Charlotte.
Arlyn Van Ek [Illiana Christian HS,
Arlyn brought in a set of 4 transformers that convert house
current [120 V AC] into about 10 V AC. He showed
the output
Voltage from
First transformer on a small oscilloscope. We saw the
graph of Voltage
versus time, and became convinced that AC was coming out
of the transformer.
The Second transformer had a diode in series with an output
lead. Since the diode permits the flow of current only in one
direction, we would
expect the output signal to be "pulsed DC", or "half-wave
rectified AC". The Third transformer was connected to a
two-diode configuration, which gave full-wave rectified AC, but
with only about
70% of the maximum voltage obtained with the first transformer.
Finally, the Fourth
transformer was connected to a configuration of four diodes, giving
rectified AC with the same maximum voltage as with the first
Finally, Arlyn connected a capacitor across the
secondary leads of the
Fourth transformer (with four diodes). The oscilloscope
trace showed a rather
constant Voltage -- we obtained DC at last! For more details
see the All
about Circuits website http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/vol_3/chpt_3/4.html.
Very nifty stuff, Arlyn!
Benson Uwumarogi [Dunbar HS,
Circle, Radius p
Benson used a cloth measuring tape to determine the circumference
diameter of various round objects, and then calculated the ratio C
/ D, with these results:
Object | C: circumference | D: Diameter | Ratio |
metallic cookie tin | 79 cm | 25 cm | 3.16 |
plastic lid | 32 cm | 10 cm | 3.20 |
Because we ran out of time, Bill Blunk [Meeting of the Board] and Babatunde Taiwo [Electric Motors] were unable to make presentations. They will be scheduled for our next meeting, 26 April 2005.
Notes prepared by Porter Johnson