SMILE NOTES: 11 November 1997

Prepared by Alex.Junievicz

Porter Johnson announced the next WEBSURFING session: Saturday 22 November 9:30 am in Life Sciences Building [3101 S Dearborn] Room 206. All students and teachers are welcome.

See the web page:

Betty Roombos [Gordon Tech] Inertia

Hit the hoop so that the circle compresses vertically; then the chalk will fall down and into the bottle.

#2. Place a coin in someone's palm. To take it, hit the palm so that the coin stays up and grasp it.

#3. Using hot wheels and track show-calculate minimum release height for the car to complete the loop-the-loop successfully.

The school just adopted a 4x4 85min block.

1 year = 8 classes students take 4 classes and teachers are to teach 3 classes

- Science lost 20 %

- Locks schedule (especially in smaller schools)

- Fewer changes for 7x teachers who use longer periods.

- Recommended to do 3 tasks which are hard for math

- They put in a activity period for a sports-club, but they didn't ask students if they wanted to have a social time. 15 min on Wednesdays

- No time for LRC-Library must be before or after school

- No time to for students or teachers to socialize

- 25 min lunch associated with block 3 just time to eat

- At 4th block students are dragging-tired

- No time to relate to or converse with other teachers.


Walter McDonald [CPS Substitute; X-ray Technician at Great Lakes Veterans Hospital]

He showed us a way a converting a physics [electrical] problem involving internal-external resistance to an experiment. Also some of the problems of using reactive loads on an AC circuits with DC formulas were touched on, and labeling truths (an UV la beled lamp in which we could not detect any UV

radiation). Lee Slick and Larry Alofs wheeled out the band saw and showed the power surge at the start because of the windings [inductance] in the motor.


Fred Schaal [Lane Tech]

Fred wanted to use an older basic program written in Tandy Basic on an IBM-compatible computer. Both have proprietary programs and he could not get gwbasic to function. Since it was saved as a encoded file, a word processor could not read the progra m. GWBASIC is not on the later releases of generic MS DOS. Thus one should use an older version of MS DOS and get a compiler-interpreter. MS DOS 3.2 was about the most stable version and is in the IIT-SMILE disks so that almost any IBM type will operate. (note Larger than 100 meg hard drives require later DOS's but will still boot up on floppy but most likely will not read the hard drive) 6.22+ versions are the next best. MS Basic versions react differently and above version 3.2 is needed for Pentium machines. (Problem in # of files open must be specified on

>2 later releases, and sub-directory network)

Another problem is windows should be exited before using MS Basic. In W95 basic works through the MS DOS prompt in most cases. Set up a BAT file and them make the bat file an ICON

It was suggested that Fred use another computer to read the BASIC program and save it ASCII so that it could be read by another BASIC program—probably without changes..

Bill Shanks [Joliet Central HS and Joliet Junior College: happy and enviously retired!!]

He showed the effect of heat on a laser beam. Using an old heater he showed how the beam passing above would bend up. The beam projected on the board would rise and be very jumpy when passing through the air above the heater.



Wave Front ||||||||| \\\\\\ first part to enter

>>>>>> ||||||||||| \\\ the slower medium

|||||||||||| \


Also bending of light and sound over cold water were discussed. We can see further (Benton Harbor etc) sometimes because of the cold water even though line geometry says "no". One can hear people across a pond, which normally would not be p ossible.

- FATA Morgana - [named after "Fairy Morgan" of King Arthur’s Legends]

In Polar region things look closer than they are light is focused by passing over the polar ice.

An excellent reference to luminal atmospheric phenomena is the Scientific American reprint series


---Ann Brandon passed out bridge building rules, had not yet been received at the schools.

Jamie Chichester [Lincoln Way HS] passed out Larry Byrd Basketball experiment

Lee Slick [Morgan Park HS]


Finished the day with several building projects

1. glue to cups so it would roll up

#2 Motor (originally Rudy Keil's brainchild)

Masking a simple DC motor with a 1.55V D cell and a coil with wire that is enameled, which must be sanded for proper contact. . .

09 December SMILE session: Bridge Building Lecture by Professor John O’Leary, IIT Civil Engineer