Matthew F. Mendyk Steinmetz High School
3030 N. Mobile
Chicago, IL 60634
1-312-889 0225
1. Students will see a comparative difference in volume lung capacity.
2. Students will understand that a relationship exists among many
1. Posterboard ( to construct calipers.)
2. Metric rulers.
3. Overhead projector.
4. Balloons.
Introduce lesson by comparing respiration systems from organisms that
are simple to organisms that are complex.
As man manifests complexity in all systems, so also is his respiratory
system. Compare internal and external respiration.
1. Vital Capacity.
(A) Stretch balloon.
(B) Inhale a deep breath and exhale into your balloon.
(C) Use calipers to determine balloons diameter in centimeters.
(D) Record information in column labeled vital capacity.
(E) Record four additional trials.
2. Expiratory Reserve.
(A) Take a normal breath, exhale normally and expel the remainder
into your balloon.
(B) Measure and record.
(C) Record four additional trials.
3. Tidal Volume.
(A) Breath normally and exhale into your balloon without disrupting
your pattern.
(B) Measure and record.
(C) Record four additional trials.
4. Statistics.
(A) Transfer balloon diameters in centimeters to cubic centimeters
by using the graph on your work sheet. (Volume)
(B) Record these volumes.
(C) Compare class data.
(D) Compare data for all classes.
(E) Compare data for men and women.
(F) Compare other combinations of interest.
1. Air has volume, is matter, and can be measured.
2. The differences in respiration among humans can be determined.
3. Biological evolution appears to develop from the simple to the complex.
4. There is an obvious association among the sciences.
5. The students understand and can define:
(A) Vital capacity.
(B) Expiratory reserve.
(C) Tidal volume.
(D) Internal respiration.
(E) External respiration.
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