The Sense Of Touch

Louise R. Wooten Henry Clay Elementary
13231 South Burley Avenue
Chicago IL 60633


Given a group of objects the learner will identify each using the sense of touch.

Materials Needed:

Hands-On Box Spiny Spurs
Rocks Sand
Ball Water
Wood Clay Dough
Balloons Metal
Plastic Cup Styrofoam

Recommended Strategies:

1. Discuss the sense of touch and name ways in which the sense can be used.
Tell how the sense of touch is special.
2. Explain how the sense of touch works together with the sense of sight.
3. Place items in the Hands-On Box and have a few blindfolded students identify
an object using only his/her sense of touch.
4. Place like objects on a table and have a few blindfolded students identify
the same object as in the box.
5. Allow students to examine objects as to texture, shape, and size from the
above list. Also as to condition of touch sensation; pain, cold, hot, or

Performance Assessment:

Give each student a worksheet and have them identify each object using the
sense of touch. The students' hypotheses may vary but the idea is that the use
of touch is vital in recognizing most things.


As a result of the demonstration, the students will be able to realize the
importance of the touch and sight senses. They will be able to use these
senses in many ways.


Touching objects to achieve familiarity is an aspect for many children's game
in many cultures. It is an important sense for everyone because the touch sense
works together with the sight sense. Everyone needs the sense of touch in many
aspect of life. Touch can be used in games, skin sensation, identification, and
other usage.
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