An Introduction to the Senses

Therese R. Tobecksen St. Andrew the Apostle
331-155th Place
Calumet City IL 60409
(708) 862-4143


Primary students will identify body parts associated with the five senses.
They will name the five senses. They will perform simple experiments involving
the senses.

Materials Needed:

Several empty 35 mm film canisters, baby powder, lemon, jar of dill pickles,
cinnamon, peppermint oil, chocolate, unpopped popcorn, salt, air popper,
fresh dill weed, fresh mint leaves, small fabric samples of various textures,
sheets of various grades of sand paper


Begin by making air popped popcorn for the students. Discuss all the ways in
which they were able to know that popcorn was popping. Allow students to eat
some popcorn and continue discussion. Divide students into groups of four or
five. Distribute numbered film canisters containing lemon, dill pickle,
cinnamon, peppermint, chocolate, and baby powder. Students will discriminate
between the six smells and write the appropriate number next to each on a list.
After students have completed the smelling activity, allow them to see what was
in the six canisters. Give students the opportunity to see fresh dill weed and
Distribute each film canister containing salt or popcorn kernels. Students
will shake the canisters and be able to distinguish between the two sounds. A
student will walk around the room shaking the canister. Students cover their
eyes and point to where the sound is coming from. Students repeat the activity
covering one ear at a time.
Students will be given the opportunity to taste either a piece of chocolate
or a dill pickle. They will be asked to try to determine where on the tongue
the taste buds are located for the tasting of sweet and sour. After students
conclude that sweet is tasted on the tip of the tongue, discuss the reason why
we like ice cream cones and lollipops. Students should be led to discover that
sour things are tasted on the sides of the tongue toward the front.
With eyes closed or wearing blindfolds, students will be given pairs of
circle shapes cut from various types of fabric and various grades of sandpaper.
Students will attempt to match two like circles.

Performance Assessment:

Students will point to their body parts that are associated with each of the
five senses. Students will draw a head and a hand print and label the sense of
touch, taste, sight, smell, and vision on the drawing.

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