The Amazing Apple

Smith, Bonnie Nansen Elementary School
(312) 821-2785

Objective: To acquaint students with the phenomenon of using "an apple" to practice inquiry process skills of observing, classifying, inferring, predicting, using numbers, interpreting data, controlling variables and experimenting. Apparatus Needed:

Apples (Materials are needed for each student)
A Knife
A Magnifier
Fermentation Apparatus

Recommended Strategy: The apple can "explode into inquiry" by giving students practice in the inquiry process skills of observing, inferring, predicting, using numbers, interpreting data, controlling variables, and experimenting. To begin, work with students individually or in small groups. Pass an apple out to each group of students, a knife (discuss safety precautions), a magnifier, and newspapers to cover the desks. Discuss with students observations of the properties of the whole apple. Then have students cut the apples into several parts. After they observe the inside of the apple, have the children record their results (drawings and descriptions) on a sheet of paper. Continue to help by asking inquiry questions; What similarities and/or differences can you observe about the seeds? What do you notice when you compare your apple with other apples in your group or class? As process investigations, ask students to study two apple specimens you give them. One of the specimens has been exposed to the air overnight; the other is a freshly cut piece of apple. Ask questions about the two pieces. In controlling variables, experiment with the effect of temperature on the rate of moisture loss. As an ecological investigation, the apple is one small part of the Earth's total ecosystem. Some of the remaining apples can be used to make applesauce or apple cider. Before the children consume the applesauce or cider, discuss how cooling or pressure changes the apple's properties. As you see, apples can "explode" with the imagination of you and your students!
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