
Sandra M. Green Frazier School
4027 W. Grenshaw
Chicago IL 60624


1. The students will be able to define the following words:
calories nutrition
chlosterol obesity

2. The students will be able to do the following:
brainstorm freewrite

3. The students will be able to plan a balanced meal for a day including
breakfast, lunch and dinner.

4. The students will learn how to count calories.

5. The students will be able to read and use a calorie chart.

6. The students will learn how to maintain a desirable weight.

7. The students will be able to learn to identify foods that are low in

8. The students will learn how to use a data table.


charts magazines hangers nuts balance
thermometers paper clips pins water matches
pecans almonds peanuts walnuts glue
graduated cylinders aluminum beverage cans (empty)
construction paper markers calorie tables
data table tape recorder pie tins (aluminum)


Begin the lesson with a ten minute exercise.
Discuss what happens when you exercise.
Show various pictures from magazines of people with model like figures.
Discuss how models maintain their figure.
Display before and after charts (pictures of celebrities who were
overweight or obese) of celebrities who lost weight. Examples: Oprah
Winfrey, Luther VanDross, Dolly Parton and Roseanne Barr.
Discuss why people gain weight.
Students will make charts of foods that are high in calories and foods
that are low in calories. Students will be given glue, scissors,
magazines and construction paper. They will cut out pictures of foods
that are high in calories and foods that are low in calories. The
pictures will be put on construction paper. After completing the
charts, the students will look at their calorie tables and determine
how many calories their charts contain.
Students will make a menu for a day (including breakfast, lunch, and
dinner). They will look at their calorie charts and see how many
calories they are consuming a day.
Discuss with the students how many calories they should consume in a
Students will be given Tables 1, 2, and 3 and Sample Calorie
On the Sample Calorie Calculation, space is provided for students to
calculate how many calories they should consume in a day.
Students will do an experiment to determine the amount of calories in
various nuts.


Assemble hangers (students will make hangers into tripods).
Empty aluminum beverage cans (with tabs) will be suspended from the
hook of the hanger.
Skewer a nut (peanut, almond, walnut, or pecan) with a safety pin or
paper clip.
Pour 100 mL of water from a graduated cylinder into aluminum
beverage can.
Place thermometer inside the aluminum beverage can. Record the
initial water temperature (oC) on the Data Table.
Ignite nut (make sure nut is on top of an aluminum pan).
Make sure the burning nut is directly under the aluminum can,
(flame should be close to the bottom of can).
After the flame has burnt out, measure and record the final water
temperature. Record the information on the Data Table.
Calculate the average amount of heat released by the nut.

Performance Assessment:

A nut was found in a Brazilian rainforest. You are a scientist.
You would like to find out how many calories the unknown tropical
nut contains. How would you determine the amount of calories in
the unknown tropical nut?

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