Pollution - What is it doing to us?
Dalila M. Johnson Charles Sumner Academy
4320 W. Fifth Ave.
Chicago IL 60624
(312) 534-6730 or 6991
1. Students will recognize some forms of pollution.
2. Students will recognize and understand some of the devastating effects of the
acid rains and other possible factors that are contrary to the pH balance of
3. Students will learn that it does affect our water supply.
a. our drinking water
b. life that lives in the waters
4. Students will begin to understand how it is possibly affecting our diet and
unfortunately our health.
5. Students will then be able to understand and appreciate some of the grave
concerns and issues and the need for environmental control.
6. And students will want to appreciate their environment and this great planet
earth upon which we live more.
Materials Needed:
1. visual aids - models of 2. soil 3. household chemicals
sun clay hair spray
ozone layers water nail polish remover
earth rocks bleach
vehicles wood chips perm
poster boards plastic cups baking soda
noise device plastic motor oil
a. Experiment will start with myself wearing many protective devices. I will
be wearing a hard hat, safety goggles, ears plugs, gloves, boots, face mask,
etc. Students will undoubtedly want an explanation. We then will review
and discuss what we've learned from our previous lessons. Then students
will begin to answer their own curiosity. They will tell me why I may be
wearing different devices. They will want to identify each device probably
with some form of pollution. Now they will feel familiar and confident.
b. We will examine the models of the sun, ozone layers, and the earth. We will
discuss how the sun helps us and how it could possibly harm us with its
powerful ray. Students will learn that the ozone layers are like sunglasses
for the earth, a very valuable pair that cannot be replaced.
c. Students will be encouraged to examine different factors that are
unfortunately contributing to acid rain. Ex. vehicles, factories, household
items, etc.
d. We will spray some of the chemicals on the model of the ozone layers which
will be made of tissue paper to signify its fragileness. Students can
discuss in brief the danger involved with the damaged layers. Ex. skin
cancer, eyes.
e. In a transparent plastic cup each group will build several layers of the
earth from sand, soil, clay and rocks. They will each have four cups of
water. Now they will do several tests with the water. Each is to be mixed
with a household chemical. Using pH strips They will test the water with
the chemicals and again after they've poured it through the earth's layers.
These tests will help students determine how pollution is affecting our
water supply and the soil that grows our food.
* They will understand our survival is at risk.
* Enforcement and Enrichment
a. English - write letters to Environmental Protection, aldermen, senators,
representatives, and the president of the United State expressing
appreciation or concerns
b. Fine Arts - create a poem or song
c. Science - create posters with a message
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