Geometric Bingo

Lawrence, Anne Wells Community Academy

Objectives: Learners in grades 7-10 will be able to name and identify the names of 20 geometric shapes. Students will derive the properties of various geometric figures as questions are formulated to distinguish the shapes. Apparatus Needed: Geometric Bingo game card, envelope of geometric chips for each player. Overhead projector and transparent game card with transparent chips. Teacher must prepare game materials as follows: Game cards can be made from construction paper and can be laminated for repeated use. Each board should be 5x5, or contain 25 one-inch square spaces. Label the four corners on the board "FREE"and add one of the following terms under the word "FREE": point, line, line segment, and ray. Cut at least twenty-one two centimeter square chips for each student and place these in envelopes for them. Each chip should have a picture of one of the two-dimensional geometric shapes commonly called a plane. Consult the glossary of any geometry textbook for a list of terms for geometric figures. Recommended Strategy: Supply one game card for each player. Each card should have twenty-one spaces or places with the geometric names that correspond to each of the chips in the envelope. Names should be typed onto adhesive labels and entered onto the game board in a random fashion. Prepare an overhead transparency of the game card and chips for purposes of explanation, discussion and calling the game. Directions: Introduce this activity by treating the entire class as the
opponent. Use the transparency on the overhead projection as the
display board. Students work individually or as teams. Teacher explains
that the FREE space names--"point","ray","line","line segment"--are
givens which help us understand the descriptions of the twenty shapes
that make up the game. Players should then be directed to look at the
center FREE space and instructed to take the chip from their envelopes
that has the stick-on tag. Players earn this center FREE by writing a
description of their body size or dimension. The student chooses a
term from an arbitrary list of personal sizes that can be written on
the chalk-board,i.e., compact, midsize, fullsize, sleek; or, obelisk,
rotund, statuesque, etc. Student selects and writes his/her body type
on the tagged chip and attaches it to the back of the game board over
the center FREE space. This part of the introduction is mainly
motivational; thus, it is optional. The game proceeds as follows:

l. Caller draws a figure from the envelope containing the cut-up game
chips and matches it with the form on the display board. Students are
then encouraged to pronounce the name of the shape, locate the figure
among their game pieces, and place it in the appropriate place on the

2. The goal is to have players formulate a series of questions or
opinions regarding properties of the figures as they attempt to bingo.

3. Examples of valid questions are as follows:
"Is your figure a plane?"
"Does your figure have diagonals?"
"Is this figure a basic Sesame Street shape?"
"Does this figure contain one pair of parallel sides?"

Scoring: Players win by getting bingo horizontally, vertically, or
diagonally. Players game chips may be left on the board after each game
until all shapes have been called on the display board.

Conclusion: As students play "Geometric Bingo" they are actively
thinking about the commonalities and differences exhibited by the
figures and the strategical value of the questions they ask. The game
can be modified to include various skills throughout a geometry course.
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