
Davenport, Gracie Spalding School

Objective 1) Physically Handicapped (EMH) students will learn to tell time using a number chart. 2) Students will demonstrate their ability to tell time by using a clock. 3) Students will use this skill to follow a daily schedule. Equipment and Materials Paper Plates Clock Faces Rounded Paper Fasteners Number Chart (1-60) 4 sheets of black construction paper Pages 3 and 12 from System 80 Activity Book Recommended Strategies These students learned to count from 1 to 60. Emphasis was placed on numbers that are multiples of 5. These same numbers were placed on the chalkboard in numerical order. Demonstration of this skill was evaluated when the students learned to count by 5 using the Rote Method and placing the missing numbers in the square on the number sheet. The second strategy lesson began with questions-"How many of you can tell time? Who would like to learn to tell time?" The students agreed that since they had learned
to count up to 60 and to count by 5s up to 60, then it was now time to learn to tell
time. Before the students could actually learn to tell time they had to make their
own clocks. Each child was given a paper plate with a clock face pasted in the
center. Multiples of 5s were written on the paper plate counterclockwise. These
numbers are about half the size of the numbers on the clock. One short hand, one
long hand and a round head paper fastener was given to each student. The students
attached the hands to the clock.

The third lesson began by asking the students,"How are these hands different?" The
students agreed that one was long and one was short. I explained to them that the
short hand is the hour hand and it tells us what hour we are in. The long hand is
the minute hand and it tells us how many minutes we are past the hour. The students
were shown 3, 6, and 5 0'clock. I explained to them that there are two ways to write
the same time. One way is with numbers only and the other way is with numbers and
words. I wrote the following on the chalk board.
3:00 10:00 5:00 7:00
3 o'clock 10 o'clock 5 o'clock 7 o'clock

Two students were asked to come to the front of the room and face the class. I
asked one student to show me 2:00 in the morning and the other student to show me
2:00 in the afternoon. The class agreed that the clocks looked the same.
However, at 2:00 in the morning, they would be sleeping and at 2:00 in the
afternoon they would be in school. I explained to them that 2:00 in the morning
was written 2:00 A.M. and 2:00 in the afternoon was written 2:00 P.M. The
students were asked to do page 3 to demonstrate how well they have learned to tell
time to the hour.

I began strategy five by telling the students that today we are going to learn how to
use the minute hand. I told the class that the smaller number on the paper plate was
for the minute hand or large hand only. I wrote 7:45 on the chalkboard. The
students were told to show that time on their clocks. I explained to the class that
the short hand should be on 7 and the long hand should be on 45. Several other times
were elicited from the class, such as the time that they went to bed, ate lunch and
woke up. In order to demonstrate their ability as to how well this skill was
mastered the students were asked to complete page 12 from their math books.
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