Problem Solving

McCree, Marilyn District 12


The student will be able to solve word problems using addition, subtraction,
multiplication or division.

Equipment and Materials A play Grocery Store Pointer Pencils Money Paper Ruler Magazines Cash Register Scissors Newspaper Ads Recommended Strategy: Discuss with your class when we solve problems in real life. We must decide what information we need in order to answer the question that is asked. Frequently we have a lot of information that we do not need and sometimes we do not have the information that we do need. Discuss different things we see and buy when we go to the grocery store. Set up a real grocery store in your classroom, attach prices to them. Have a student select three or four items for purchase. Have student give the total price of all items. Ask student how much change they would receive from $5. Ask student how much change they would receive from $10.I would extend the activity described above and ask student what they would buy for $5. Could they buy one of each item? two or more items? Have the students use grocery ads from the newspapers. Specify an amount of money they might have, say $20. Check several items and have them compute the total price and determine how much money they would have left. The student should make up word problems to exchange with other students. Give students card with number "Headlines" on them and have students make up word problems to go with them. Ex. (75 + 65 + 35 = _____). Procedures: 1. Read the problem carefully. 2. Picture in your mind what is happening. 3. What information is given. 4. What is the question? 5. Decide what arithmetic you will use. Do the arithmetic. 6. Answer the question.
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