Fundamentals of Multiplication

Carl D. Mason Suder School
2022 W. Washington
Chicago, Illinois


I will introduce third graders to the fundamentals of multiplication

(1) How multiplication is a quicker and neater form of addition

(2) How numbers in multiplication are placed into groups (or sets)

(3) How students within the classroom can simulate the concept of groups and
(sets) to construct the visual effect of multiplication by way of forming
groups of (2's) (3's) and (4's)


cuisenaire blocks.

papers folded in half, thirds and forth

prop used to show an example of groups, pairs or sets

Teacher's Strategies:

Students will learn to add numbers and objects but the count will be equal in
numbers and amounts

Students will learn with repeat addition that the larger your sum the longer and
tedious your operation

Students will learn that addition is a slow type of multiplication
ex. 3 groups of 2's is 2+2+2=6

Students will reverse the order of 3 groups of 2's to 2 groups of 3 both
operations will equal 6 as a product

Students will learn to put problems into simple word problems - ex. If 2 stamps
cost 3 cents each how much will they cost? 2 groups of 3 is the same as 3+3=6.
Six is your answer.

Classroom Projects:

Students will take 3 sheets of paper that have lines dividing it into halves,
thirds and quarters. Horizontal lines interval of one inch from top to bottom.

Students will fold all 3 sheets along the fold lines.

Students will be given a problem 3 groups of 2's. The student will then take
the paper folded in halves and then the student is to tear 3 groups of the

horizontal lines so that they hold 3 strips the students will now count each
fold which should equal 6.

Students will work cooperatively in groups of 3's.


This program is design as an introduction of multiplication for third graders.
I feel that the strips of papers can be another option for the teacher so that
the class does not become to "cut an dry".
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