Place Value

Ceopal Porter Dr. Ralph J. Bunche
164th Park Avenue
Markham, Il. 60426


The second grade students will:

1. Know the place value of the ones and the tens.
2. Know how many ones are in one ten.
3. Be able to write numbers using more than one place value.


Cuisenaire rods, counting sticks, place value charts, and an overhead projector.


Tell the students to count the sticks as you hold up the sticks in front of the
class. Once the ten sticks have been counted, put a rubber band around them.
Have the students count four more sticks. Ask the students, "How many sticks
am I holding?" "How many tens are there?" "How many ones?" Do several more
examples using the counting sticks.

Present the cuisenaire rods to the students. Place on the overhead projector
one orange rod and ten white rods. Tell the students that you want them to
count the white rods as you place them on top of the orange rod. Ask the
students, "How many white rods does it take to make one orange rod?" Then, say
to the students, "We're going to call the orange rod the ten rod and the white
rod the one rod." Draw on the board a place value chart. Then have a student
come to the front of the class and place two orange rods and six white rods on
the overhead projector. Ask, "How many rods are placed on the projector?" Once
the answer is given, ask "How many ten's rods are there?" Write that answer in
the ten's place on the place value chart. Next ask, "How many one's are there?"
Write that answer in the one's place on the place value chart. Do several more

Give each student a place value chart. Tell the students to place the correct
number of rods on their chart in the correct position as you give them a number.
Do several more examples using the cuisenaire rods.

For more practice give the students a worksheet concerned with the place value
of the tens and the ones.
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