Money: Demonstrating Coin Values up to $1.00

Camille Gales Coles Elementary School
8440 S. Phillips Ave.
Chicago, Il. 60617


Students will use a variety of coins to make change up to the value of a dollar.
(Lower Primary)


large paper coins, coin paper money, real coins (100 pennies, 2 half dollars,
3 quarters, 5 dimes, 5 nickels per student), one sandwich bag for each student,
3x5 index cards on which are written coin values to be used (for example: show
$0.25; show $0.25 use only one nickel; show $0.25 use no nickels), 81/2 x 11
boards on which are written the words "Put It Here".


1. Teacher attaches large paper coins to strips of paper and places the strips
at various places along the floor. Teacher selects the sum of coins from one of
the strips. Students find the strip whose coin value matches that sum.

2. Teacher places the above assortment of coins in the sandwich bags and
distributes them such that each student has one bag.
a. Students sort the coins by value.
b. Students select one coin from each pile and arrange them in a column by
size from largest to smallest.
c. Students select another coin from each pile. Beside each coin use
pennies to demonstrate the value of each coin.
d. Students arrange second set of coins in a column by value from largest to
e. Students compare and contrast both columns of coins.

3. Teacher reads cards. Students place that coin value on their desks.

4. Game (4 to 6 people): Caller reads cards. Players place coins equal to
that value on the "Put It Here" board. The first player to place the
correct amount on the board wins the point. The first player to accumulate
5 points wins the game and becomes the new caller.


Use of these activities should familiarize students with individual coin values
and assist them in learning to make change.

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