Mass and Weight in the Metric System

Janet L. Powe Harold Washington Elem.
9130 University
Chicago IL 60619


To choose the most reasonable metric unit of mass.
To work in a group to weigh objects in the metric system.
To solve problems using milligrams, grams, and kilograms.


Simple balance scale
Set of gram weights
Everyday objects to be weighed in grams, milligrams, and kilograms


For each group have students weigh and record the mass of various objects.
Compare the weights of objects by holding gram weights in one hand and the
object in the other hand.
Work in a group and decide which measure should be used for each object.
Estimate weights before measuring on scales.
Calculate students weight in kilograms.
Use mini-scale to measure in milligrams.

Performance Assessment:

Students will be able to estimate whether to measure objects in milligrams,
grams, or kilograms.
Students will be able to use balance scale to determine weights of objects
for lesson in g, mg, and kg.
Students will be able to identify metric-unit relationships.
Comparison of student results with teacher results will be the final
assessment of the lesson.

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