Getting To Know You

Kathy Koval Randolph School
7316 South Hoyne
Chicago IL 60636
(312) 535-9015


This lesson can be easily adapted for all grade levels. Upon completion of
this lesson, the students will be able to do the following:
-Use a ruler and measure accurately to the nearest inch.
-Draw and label properly different graphs (line, pie, bar, pictograph)
-Estimate/record measurement on number line using intervals.
-Collect data and analyze


-Tape measures
-ribbon (one per child)
-post-its (two per child)


Students work with a partner for this activity. You may want to have tape
measures already pretaped to a wall. Some taped in a horizontal fashion to help
assist measurement in arm span. Others taped in a vertical manner to assist the
measurement of height.

-One student measures his/her partners arm span (finger tip to finger tip).
-Record this information on a post it.
-Measure partners height. Record information on same post-it.
-Cut a piece of ribbon to the height of partner.
-Use second post-it and record height only in large print.
-Switch roles of partners.
-After students are finished with measurements, students are to hang their
ribbon on the wall according to height. The ribbons should hang from smallest
to largest. Students should also identify their ribbon with their post-it
that states their height in large print. (You may want to have cards with
measurements already established in intervals of six inches to help assist
students in finding "their" place on the classroom number line).
-When all students are finished, the teacher can help students use the
information to graph.
-Demonstrate to students that all graphs need a title and x and y axes.

Bar graph
(Use graph paper on overhead) Have students suggest title for graph. Now fill
in information on x axis (height). Write in measurements from smallest to
largest. The y axis will represent the number of people. Show students how to
fill in bar graph as they complete a copy at their seat.

Create title and the x and y axis with the students.
Have students draw a long rectangle, square, or short rectangle on their post-
it (the one with arm span and height measurements). This shape should represent
their body shape.

Long rectangle height > arm span
Perfect square height = arm span
Short rectangle height < arm span

Call students up by rows to place their post-its on the pictograph according to
body shape.

Pie graph
Remind students that a pie graph represents the class as a whole, each section
represents one student. Have a pie graph already sectioned according to the
number of students in the class. Color code body shapes with a color chart.
Example: perfect square = blue
long rectangle = red
short rectangle= yellow

Have a student come up and color the pie graph accordingly.
You may want to glue this circular graph onto a large sheet of paper and
write all of the necessary information on the sheet (title, color code).

Performance Assessment:

Students would decide what topics, ideas they would like to graph in class.
(Types of pets owned, favorite tv show, sport, game, etc, number of siblings.)
Students can break into pairs and interview or write a short questionaire for
their classmates to complete. Students would have a time frame to gather
information and then come up with a graph that would best portray the
information gathered. Students would need to decide what type of graph would
best meet their needs. Display graphs around the room and discuss information.

Ask students how you sectioned off the pie graph so that each section has the
same size. Introduce a protractor and the measurement of a circle is
360 degrees. Give students a paper plate and protractor and have them work in
groups of 5. Tell them to evenly divide the paper plate into 5 equal pieces and
draw their favorite pizza topping on their section.

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