Measurements: Inches
Joyce McCoy Spencer Math & Science Academy
214 North Lavergne Avenue
Chicago IL 60644
(312) 534-6150
This lesson is designed for the primary grades.
Solve problems involving measurement using information taken from various items
Students will be able to measure to the nearest inch.
Students will be able to identify the length and width of rectangles.
Students will be able to write simple addition problems.
Students will be able to perform simple addition of two one-digit numbers.
Materials Needed:
wooden blocks of various sizes (squares and rectangles)
empty boxes of various sizes
12-inch ruler
tape measure
Word list: ruler, tape measure, block, square, rectangle, box, sum, add,
addition, wide, width, length, height, measurement, plus, equal, close,
closest, long, longest, large, largest, short, shortest, tall, tallest,
Using a 12-inch ruler, there should be no results over 12. The purpose of
measuring items is to link the concept level and the symbolic level.
Measurements can be linked with addition. Display a 12-inch ruler and have
students identify it. Explain that an inch is a customary unit used to measure
length and width. Stress that the distance between numbers on an inch ruler is
1 inch. Ask: How do you measure with an inch ruler? (Line up the left end of
an object with the left end of the ruler and see how long the object is.) Work
independent with several students. Point out that about how many means
measuring to the nearest inch, not to the exact inch.
One student can come to the front of the room and measure the length and width
of an item. The teacher or student will write both of the numbers on the
chalkboard. The two numbers are written as an addition problem. The same
student will write the correct answer on the chalkboard. If student is unable
to add the problem, the student will use the unifix cubes to find their answer.
The student can use the tape measure to measure the length and width at the same
time to check an answer. Have enough items so that each child can participate.
Students can write the ten problems down on a piece of paper. Use number skills
to observe the associative and commutative properties of addition. Example:
3+4=7 and 4+3=7. Students can make a written record of their combinations using
all ten problems.
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