

Renee M Allen Louis Wirth

4959 S Blackstone

Chicago IL 60615

(773) 535-1410


To see the relationship between mass and acceleration of an object.

Materials Needed:

(8 groups of 3)………….8 pairs of scissors 8 spring carts

1 roll of masking tape 8 metersticks

8 sheets of plain paper 8 pencils

16 masses of 1 kg


Students will work in groups of three. In the group, one will be the starter, one will be the spotter, and one will be the recorder. The recorder will make a data chart as follows:

  Distance Cart Moved Distance Cart Moved With 1 Mass Distance Cart Moved With 2 Masses Conclusions
Trial l

Trial 2

Trial 3

Trial 4



  1. The starter should label the number or name of his/her group with masking tape and place it on the spring
  2. Locate each group in a marked area against the wall.
  3. Starter should release the cart without pushing in spring (force) and observe.
  4. Starter should push spring (force) in half way, by forcing against the wall, and release. Then record observation.
  5. Starter should push spring in all the way, by forcing against the wall all the way, and release. Then record observations and data on data chart.
  6. Repeat #5 using 1 mass (1 kg ) on the cart, and record on data chart.
  7. Repeat #5 using 2 masses (2 – 1 kg) on the cart, and record on data chart.

Performance Assessment:


5    A. Explanation on paper shows understanding that force produces acceleration.

      B. Explanation on paper shows the more mass the less distance the cart will travel.

  1. Data chart information all recorded.

4   A. Explanation on paper shows the more mass the less distance the cart will travel.

  1. Data chart information all recorded.

3   All information on data chart recorded.

2   About half of the information on data chart recorded.

1   No information recorded at all.


Science Connections……….Merrill