

Lynnette Millner Robert H. Lawrence School

9928 S. Crandon Ave.

Chicago IL 60617

(773) 535-6320


The objective of recycling paper is to allow the children to explore paper; where does it comes from and how it is made. The students will be able to use measurements in the standard and metric form as well as work in cooperative groups. Also, children will learn about reusing, reducing and recycling waste and materials.

Materials Needed:

Sheet of newspaper large bowl egg beater or electric blender

water corn starch hand lens

large square pan screen blotting paper or wax paper

rolling pin marker pencil

paper spatula flowers, food coloring and bleach are optional


  1. Tear a piece of newspaper into very small pieces and place it in a large bowl. Add enough water to cover the paper and soak it for 10 minutes.
  2. While the paper is soaking, mix 1/4 of a cup of water with 1/8 of a cup of cornstarch. Mix well with spatula or egg beater until it dissolves. (Bleach or food coloring may be added at this time.)
  3. A mixture of water and paper fibers is called a slurry. Use a hand lens to observe the paper fibers in your slurry. Record your observations and draw what you see.
  4. Put the paper and water mixture into the blender with the water and cornstarch mixture. Cover the blender and run the blender on high for two minutes OR combine the mixtures and use the egg beater to blend them together.
  5. Put the screen over the pan and pour the material onto the screen. Spread it out to form a thin layer. Cover the mixture with wax paper and use a rolling pin to squeeze out the excess water. Slowly remove the wax paper.
  6. The NEW paper needs a day or two to dry and it can be done on either the screen or the wax paper.
  7. A flower may be placed in the NEW paper while drying to add a classy flare.

(The measurements may be changed to the metric system if desired.)

Performance Assessment:

Prior to doing the experiment, have the students draw what they think are the steps to recycling paper.

  1. Draw the stages of the experiment.
  2. Draw the conclusion/outcome of what you did.
  3. Does it match your hypothesis?
  4. Write letter to a friend or family member on your paper.


  1. Science Interactions; Glencoe Course 2; 1995
  2. Recyclying paper Lesson Plan #:AELP_GEN0019 1994
  3. Biology; Activity 48;