
Extending Our Knowledge of Place Value

Angie Morris Burnham School

906 E. 96th St.

Chicago IL 60617

(773) 535-6530


This lesson is designed to reinforce the knowledge of place value for first and second graders. The objective is to strengthen the knowledge the student has of place value by using their auditory, visual, and/or kinesthetic learning styles. Use numbers 10-99 only.

Materials Needed:

Two students paired

Place value mats

Base 10 sticks

Ones cubes



Kinesthetic learner: Pair students into twos. To count by tens have each child hold up five fingers on their right hand. One student merges his five fingers with his partners five fingers, then they hold them high up in the air. Tell them 5+5=10. [Explain that every time you hold up ten of anything this is called a set]. A set in place value will "only" contain 10 of whatever you are talking about.] Use this for numbers 10-19 only. Then call out any number between 11-19. The ones numbers are shown by using the left-over fingers. Example: The number 17 is called by the teacher. The students merge their right hand together to show one set of tens. One student will hold up 5 fingers and the other student will hold up 2 fingers. Have the students to hold up their merged hand and say 10. The student holding up 5 fingers should then say 11,12,13,14,15, and the other student says 16,17. Call 2-4 more numbers for reinforcement. Then call 20 and see if they hold up 2 sets of hands. To make this more challenging, call up 2 sets of students. Call out a number between 20-40.The number is 27. This time choose the way in which you make 7. Two students hold up 2 sets of tens while the 2nd set of students show the number 7. This time one student will hold up 4 fingers while the other student holds up 3 fingers. Continue in this manner.

Visual learner: Pair students into twos. Pass out place value mats, base 10 sticks, and ones cubes. This will be already placed in a quart sized baggies – 9 base 10 sticks, 9 ones cubes, and 1 place value mat. (A place value mat is a piece of paper with a line drawn vertically in the middle of the paper and the heading in the right column saying ones and the heading in the other column saying tens.) Hold up a base 10 stick and explain that this is a set-1 set of tens. Now, have them hold up 3 base 10 sticks. Tell them that this is 3 sets of tens. Have them count by tens and tell you how many sets of tens there are. They must be placed in the tens column. Call out several numbers in this manner so the student can get familiar with the word sets. Any of the ones cubes should be placed in the ones column. Clear your mat each time you call a new number.

Auditory learner: Pair students into twos. Follow the directions above for either of the learners listed. As you verbally give instructions have this student tell you what they are doing while they demonstrate it. Everything this learner does should be a show- and- tell. When you call a number out loud this student should be able to tell you what number is in the ones column and what number is in the tens column. The number is 59. Ask the student (always start with the ones column first) what number is in the ones column and what number is in the tens column. If any student has problems at this point, write the number on the board and draw a line between the 5 and 9. If the student still has trouble comprehending the concept, then write the word "ones" in the ones column and write the word "tens" in the tens column. Now ask the student what number is in the ones column and what number is in the tens column.

Performance Assessment:

The student will be able to: a.) hold up an adequate amount of fingers or b.) write the proper place value for a number or c.) tell you verbally how many tens and ones in a given number or d.) tell you how many sets of tens in a given number. The rubric is to successfully answer 2 out of 3 correctly using either methods a.) or b.) or c.) or d.)


Early Intervention Program-Teachers Edition