Computerized Problem Review
Mini Teach Group Summary
Donna Allen
Joytiben Desai
Albert Oldenburg
To summarize the concepts of distance, velocity, vectors, and
acceleration. To develop the methods of the problem solving and
specific techniques. To give the students a form of computerized
problem review.
Notebook paper, pencil, chalk, T-V monitor, VHS recorder, several
sheets to be handed out (data necessary for ten problem repeats for
each problem).
I. Perspective and Update
A. The students became acquainted with and somewhat proficient in
l;measuring length, area, volume, time, mass, and various units of
each. Also vectors, scalars, error analysis, significant figures,
scientific notation, computer notation, orders of magnitude,
graphing, direct and inverse proportions.
B. The students have outlined the chapter(s). A form and procedure
were given.
C. Lectures and discussions were presented and developed.
D. Quizzes were used to encourage and enhance their concept
knowledge (10-20 questions, T,F, or multiple choice scantron, 10-15
E. Experiments are used as a hands on first hand experience of the
concepts and their interactions.
F. The examples of the problems are to abbreviate and quantize the
concepts, and also to show how they work together are developed
during our lecture and discussion periods.
G. A problem assignment is then given the students. In this case
problems 1-7 page 47 were assigned.
II. Procedure for Solving Physics Problems
A. From some previous experience in solving any word problem and
most physics are word problems, we know that there are key words
and tricks to get them solved.
B. O.K. now what are the key words in the first problem, in order?
Write them down on your paper.
C. Trick 1. Now since physics problems are similar to math problems
we will use the first letter of each word to represent that word
like an abbreviation of that word and label each number that we
know from the problem.
D. Trick 2. What letter or letters don't we know or have a number
for? Write these down also.
E. Trick 3. How does this unknown letter work together with the
known letters?
F. If we are stuck here we could go back to our definitions of
our vocabulary to help us out and refresh our memory.
G. In order to keep the problems organized I would like the student
to use this simple form from now on in physics.
(page no.),(problem no.)
47-1. Given: (diagram included),(equation form definitions)
H. After this the problems 1-7,pg.47, are assigned for the next
I. These problems are handed in the next day. Then I present the
students with a ditto sheet of a repeat of from five to ten
problems for each problem of the text book assigned problems.
III Computerized Review
A. A computer with a monitor is set up for use in front of the
B. A program is loaded into the computer and made to appear on the
C. This program is our review program for doing the problems on page
47 (text) in this case.
D. At this point a student may be asked to operate the computer
with the teacher's guidance to enter the appropriate responses.
E. Briefly the program consists of (in basic) a looping statement
(to repeat the problem four times), several input statements to
input data for the specified problem, an equation to solve the
problem, an output print statement to visually see on the screen
the answer to the problem, then a next statement to repeat or go
back and redo the same problem as many times as the "FOR" statement
F. Then we take the firs four of these problems and develop them
according to our physics problem solving procedure on paper
concurrently while developing them on the computer monitor screen.
G. We then compare the student papers with the computer monitor
screen to see if we are on the right track.
H. After three repeats of each problem, that is each student is
writing down the given, equation, substitution, answer/units for
each repeat, we move on to the next problem.
I. We then do as many problems with three repeats as time permits.
J. Just before the bell rings I tell the students that they can do
as many problems from the ditto sheets as they can and they are to
be turned in as more homework problems with certain amount of
credit attached.
K. The chapter or unit test is usually predetermined and occurs on the
day the problems are handed in.
L. The problems are handed in upon entering class and the students
usually seat themselves quietly and quickly to proceed to take
their test.
IV. Conclusion:
A. When the students have the opportunity to do this computer review
their test scores typically are two to three times those of
comparable tests taken without the review.
B. Nearly all the students that participate enjoy and look forward
to doing these computer reviews.
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