Flight Physics

Group Mini Teach
Antoinette Rabalcaba
Loretta Rich
Renee Russell
Eric Skalinder


Familiarize students with forces influencing a body in flight
Introduce Bernoulli's Principle
Construct simple types of aerodynamic designs

Apparatus needed:

two 8" X 11" sheets of paper
one half sheet of paper
cut outs - simple gliders
paper clips
scotch tape

Recommended Strategy:

A. History - Man's interest in flying examples and living visual aids
B  Forces affecting an object in flight (transparency)
C. Balanced Forces
D. Bernoulli's Principle Blow on top of 1/2 sheet of paper to observe 
E. Construction of simple falling bodies
   1. The Control  Drop a sheet of paper to the floor. Observe its
                 flight pattern. What forces influence the paper?
   2. Construct a cone and drop it to the floor.  Observe its flight 
                 pattern.  What forces have been overcome by the cone
                 shaped nose?
   3. Take one sheet of paper and fold one horizontal end over end 
                 five times, press flat, and secure the three paper 
                 clips (one clip at the center and the other two clips 
                 at 3-4cm from each edge). PAPER WING.
   4. Drop PAPER WING to the floor and observe its flight pattern
            Use fingernail and thumb too curl edge opposite clips 
            on the paper wing.  Drop paper wing to the floor and again
            observe the flight patterns.  Fold and crease to the center 
            open and drop the paper wing again make observations. 
            Next fold up edges to make rudders and drop again.
   5. Parts of an airplane functions (transparency)
   6. Construction of simple aerodynamic structures Wing and Dart
            pass out cut outs, scissors
            test gliders and determine the best designs based upon
            the forces which control successful flight 
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