Reflections Of

Fowler, Elva House Cook Elementary School

Objective(s): The student will be able to: 1) define reflection. 2) observe and compare the angle of incidence with the angle of reflection. 3) find the number of images reflected by two mirrors when the mirrors are placed at different angles. 4) demonstrate reflection of light using a kaleidoscope. 5) illustrate how multiple images can be produced with a particular kaleidoscope arrangement. Apparatus Needed: Paper, rulers, small mirrors, protractors, small object (e.g. beads, coins), plastic strips, clear contact paper, sequins, beads, duct tape, scissors. Recommended Strategy: 1) Students draw a broken line on a piece of paper, next a straight line is drawn extending from the broken line at any angle. A small mirror is set upright at the point where the two lines meet. Students then turn the mirror until the reflection of the dotted line is in line with the real dotted line. Next students line up a ruler with the reflection of the straight line in the mirror. The reflection of the straight line in the mirror is extended and drawn on the paper. Next the angle of each side of the broken line is measured with a protractor. 2) Students use two mirrors, a protractor and an object to find out how many images are formed when the two mirrors are placed at different angles. 3) Students construct a kaleidoscope using three plastic strips taped into a triangle with duct tape. In between two clear contact circles are put a few sequins and beads. This circle is looked at through the plastic triangle strips.
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