
Anne Chamberlain Bethune Elementary
3030 W Arthington Avenue
Chicago IL 60612
(312) 532-6890

Objective 1: Children shall "discover" that sound waves can be directed with a megaphone and collected with an ear trumpet. Materials Needed: Each group of four or five students will need a megaphone/ear trumpet (roll and staple poster paper into a conical shape) and a ticking device (clock or timer). Strategy: 1. Participants speak to one another--first normally, then with hands cupped around their mouths, and finally through a megaphone. They talk about any differences they notice. 2. Participants listen to one another--first normally, then with hands cupped behind their ears, and finally through an ear trumpet. They talk about differences they notice. 3. Each member of the group counts how many paces away he can hear a ticking device--first with the unaided ear, then with an ear trumpet. The group will compare the distances, and draw a conclusion. Conclusion: Sound waves can be collected and directed into our ear and increase our ability to hear. Objective 2: Children shall "discover" that sound travels differently through a solid, a liquid, and a gas. Materials needed: Each child or group will need a 40 cm piece of 5 cm flexible tubing: an aluminum foil pan: 60 cm of string: tape: a stethoscope: a can of soda: a drinking glass: and a 3 liter tub of water. Strategy: After each of the following activities the students name the material the sound traveled through (a solid, a liquid or a gas). They record through which state of matter they heard better. 1. Hold one end of a piece of tubing to your mouth and the other end in your ear as you talk. 2. Tape a foil pan to the middle of a piece of sting. Bang the pan against your desk and listen. Twist the ends of the string around the tips of your index fingers. Place those finger in your ears. Bang the pan and listen again. 3. Listen as you knock on your desk. Place a stethoscope (or your ear) against the desk as you knock again. 4. Open a can of soda. Listen to the bubbles. Place the can next to your ear and listen again. 5. Listen to the classroom next door. Place the open end of a drinking glass against the wall and your ear against the bottom of the glass and listen again. 6. Volunteer students listen to tapping sounds made against a tub of water. Then place one ear into the water while holding the other ear shut and listen again. Conclusion: Sound is transmitted best through solids, next though liquids, then through gases.
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