

Laws of Probability: Mutually Exclusive–vs–Mutually Inclusive Draws or Playing the Odd’s


Mikail A. Siddiq

Raymond  School

3663   So.  Wabash






I want my students to learn the difference between a mutually exclusive and a mutually inclusive draw and the resulting effect.   This presentation could be used for students from grades 8 thru 16 with relative ease.




The materials used for this presentation are for a class size approximately of 25 students. They will need the following materials:

Five (5) to Ten (10)

Decks of playing cards

Five (5) to Ten (10)

Sets of Dice

25 or  More

Lottery playing cards of various games:

Example: Big Game, Lotto, and Little Lotto.




To show the students how to cut down the odds or reduce the probabilities of losing by using Fractions and Decimals to show the better odds or probabilities.


Performance Assessment:


The performance assessment is to see if the students understood the use of fractions and decimals to increase their changes of winning. If they actually put this strategy to use and become successful at using it, then the money they win will be their grading rubric.   




This presentation was not intended to influence people to gamble. It was intended to show you how the Gaming Industry, which is Government Regulated, uses fractions and decimals to cut down their chances of losing.




The terms mutually exclusive and mutually inclusive and their definitions were taken from the following book: Book 2 – Modern Algebra and Trigonometry structure and method, Revised Edition, Dolciani, Berman, Wooton.