Science Fair Time Line
                           Prepared in SMILE+ Program
                                 August 19 1994

June 30 through Summer
     Set up work areas
     Collect materials
     Identify donors and get donations
     Disseminate letters of interest to parents
     Double-check resources outside school
     Check school calendars
     Develop/update science fair Bibliography

September 1 - 14
**   Pitch science fair and show video at open house
     "Brainstorm" in class
     Teach scientific method, the metric system, and
**   Provide list of ideas
     Enlist students with experience
**   Teach terminology through activities
**   Share ideas and experiences with faculty
     Form school science fair committee and set agenda

**  represents an activity that continues into the future

September 15 - October 15
     Refine ideas
     Refine terminology
     Present previous successful project
     Assemble lists of possible judges
**   Identify media/deadlines/publicity sources

**  represents an activity that continues into the future

By October 15
     Finalize research plan
     Finalize certificates, endorsements, safety

October 15 - Thanksgiving
     Reminder at report card pickup
     List of suggested holiday lists
     Instructional topics:
           portfolio assessment
     Distribute format of reports to students
     Letter to judges:
           four weeks before fair
           RSVP card
           include assessment sheet
     Meeting for "brainstorming" support and
          information: "do's" and "don'ts"
     Set up student publicity committee
     Finalize student abstracts
     Letter to PTO President about Fair

Thanksgiving - Holidays
     Letter to judges: 
           four weeks before fair
           RSVP card
           include assessment sheet
     Students write reports and finalize exhibits
     Determine number of participants
     Begin publicity for science fairs

December - January
     Local Science Fair
          5 minute video presentations
          "still shots"
     "Thank You" letter to judges [including results] one
     week after fair 


     District Fair
     Recognition Assembly [Awards Certificates] after
     district fair 

Early April
     Preparation for City Fair
          perfection of exhibits
          practice presentations
          public speaking exercises
     City-wide Fair
          [field trip for participants in local fair]
     Preparation for state fair

     Preparation for state fair
     Field trip for science club

                        More Precise Chronology Near Fair

Four weeks before fair:
     judges letter of invitation
     involve writing teachers
     solicit parents for assistance in fair

Three weeks before fair:
     Arrange for tables

Two weeks before fair:
     Get written reports
          check spelling on final drafts
     Meeting of parent assistants

One week before fair:
     10 parents to come to school

One day before fair:
     Get tables and set them up 

Day after fair:
     Clean and return tables [with thank you notes!]

One week after fair
     Contact district coordinator with results
     Thank you letters to judges and parents

                             Chicago Public Schools
                                 District [*Six]
                                  Science Fair

7:30          Committee meets to finalize site plan

8:00-9:00     Student arrive to set up projects

8:30-9:30     Judges Breakfast and Orientation

9:30-11:00    Judging of Exhibits

11:00         Judges duties officially end

11:00-11:30   Open viewing of exhibits

11:30-12:15   Lunch [Exhibit area closed]

12:15-1:15    Open viewing & Final Scoring Review

1:15-2:15     Awards Ceremony [Cafeteria]

2:00-3:00     Students take down exhibits

                     The [*location] cafeteria will be open
                         for those who wish to purchase
                           lunch [*11:00am  - 1:00pm]
                             on the day of the fair.

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