Guest Contributions to SMILE Lessons
The SMILE program welcomes guest contributions from educators,
and others interested in providing single concept lessons which use
phenomenological approach to learning. Contributed lessons will join
the current library of over 900 lessons provided through the SMILE
program. If you would like to submit a lesson for consideration,
read the section on format and submission.
Contributed Lessons
Lessons from Art DiVito,
Harold Washington College (Retired), Chicago, Illinois
(Added 7/18/12)
- Pedogogical U-tube videos:
- A comercial program for helping to teach math in the classroom
available through this
Lesson from Srdjan Jankovic,
Institute for Occupational Health, Belgrade, Serbia
(Added 5/21/09)
Lessons from Jeremy
(Added 9/18/08)
Lessons from Edwina
(Added 7/24/07 - updated 11/4/13)
Lesson from Sulan Dun
(Added 5/26/06)
Lessons from Joel S. Steinberg
(Added 2/15/06)
Lessons from Steve
Tester, Alexandria
City Public Schools, Alexandria, Virginia
(Added 12/12/05)
Lessons from Doug Spicher,
Eldridge Landing Middle School,
Elkridge, Maryland
(Added 6/6/05)
Lessons from Barbara Jackson, Camilla
Senior School in Ontario
(Added 6/25/02)
Lessons from George J. Spix
(Added 4/25/2000)
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