Academic Year Bi-Weekly SMILE Class Notes

During the academic year, each of the disciplines meets in bi-weekly classes. As a requirement of the class, participants are asked to present a brief phenomenological lesson at least once each semester. Class notes are taken, printed and distributed to the participants as a reminder of the lessons presented.

The following biweekly notes are available:

Past notes for High School Mathematics - Science
Past notes for High School Biology-Chemistry 
Past notes for High School Mathematics-Physics
Past notes for Elementary Mathematics - Science

2005-2006 Academic Year High School Science and Mathematics Lessons

September 13, 2005 with lessons by Roy Coleman (SMILE CD), Earl Zwicker (Linear Motor), Fred Schaal (VIA Rail vs. Amtrack), Paul Fracaro (CBL System), Karlene Joseph (Predicting Paths: Exercises for Critical Thinking), Bill Colson (Science Songs), Bill Blunk (More Science Songs) and Ann Brandon (NSTA Magazine).

September 20, 2005 with lessons by Roy Coleman (Using Wire Spools to Teach Physics), Ann Brandon (Testing the Royal Inch), Bill Shanks (Rocket Balloons and Aircraft), Carl Martekian (Learning to See Behind) and Pat Riley (Rate-Determining Steps in Chemical Reactions).

October 4, 2005 with lessons by Don Kanner (Who Lives Where), Roy Coleman (Bathroom Physics), Walter McDonald (Bits and Computers), Fred Schaal (Dubito Ergo Sum), Larry Alofs (Snake Eggs), Khara Kriswell (Fire and Ice), Ben Stark (Mrs. Levine's Pickle Recipe), Charlotte Wood-Harrington (Cheap Constant Velocity Cars and a Kinetic Problem) and Paul Fracaro (Paper Plate Fractions and Whiteboard Demonstrations).

October 18, 2005 with lessons by Don Kanner (Physics with MSTS: Microsoft Train Simulator), Betty Roombos (Explore, Plan and ACT), Fred Schaal (RR on the Great Divide), Ann Brandon (Halloween Math and Straw Stuff), Walter McDonald (Hidden Magic coin), Dianna Uchida (Science Fair Projects) and Roy Coleman (Bowling Ball Air Gyroscope).

November 1, 2005 with lessons by Dianna Uchida (Square Roots Using Sotolongo's Method), Terry Conatello (Clingers), Benson Uwumarogie (Patterns), Bill Blunk (Friction), Bill Shanks (Center of Gravity), John Scavo (Hybrid Vehicles and Digital Cameras) and Walter Kondratko (Lemon Batteries and Burning Pennies).

November 15, 2005 with lessons by Bill Blunk (Original tom Lehrer Songs), Bud Schultz (Ancient Matches), Larry Alofs (LED's, etc.), Brenda Daniel (Fire Safety), Ed Scanlon (Evolution), Don Kanner (Any Questions?), Khara Criswell (Music) and Ann Brandon (Strange Temperatures on Shipboard).

November 29, 2005 with lessons by Fred Schaal (Conserving the Heat of My Toes), Nneka Anigbogu (Random Rectangles), Charlotte Wood-Harrington (National Boards), Arlyn VanEk (Odds and Ends),  Bud Schultz (Easy Primitive Toys) and Larry Alofs (Combination Locks).

December 13, 2005 with lessons by Bill Colson (Stamps) Earl Zwicker (Zulu Time), Ron Tuinstra (A Virtual Cadaver), Chris Etapa (Waves), Erik Jergens (Projectile Motion Made Visible) and Marva Anyanwu (Teaching the Metric System).

January 24, 2006 with lessons by Ben Stark (Measurement of the Oxygen content of Air), Don Kanner (Siphoning the Net), Chris Etapa (Get a Grip), Debbie Lojkutz (Einstein's Big Idea), Roy Coleman (Color Changes), Marva Anyanwu (Measure Your Metric Knowledge and What is Your Nano IQ?) and Bill Colson (Secret Science in Art).

February 7, 2006 with lessons by John Scavo (The Mousetrap Car), Fred Schaal (Prose and Poetry Day), Terry Donatello (Nuclear Sciences), Pat Riley (Covalent Bonding for the Inclusion Classes) and the High School Bridge Building Contest.

February 21, 2006 with lessons by Fred Schaal (Construction Points on an Ellipse), Larry Alofs (Pan Pipes, Fresnel Lenses and Hall Effect Sensors), Walter McDonald (Sangaku), Roy Coleman (Torques) and Bill Blunk (Ping-pong Electrostatics).

March 7, 2006 with lessons by Ben Schultz (Gonzo Gismos), Don Kanner (The sound of Physics), Fred Schaal (Parabolic Points), Earl Zwicker (Mr. Angry on the Left, Mr. Happy on the Right), Porter Johnson (Sangaku Follow Up), Lee Slick (Cricket Temperature) and Bill Colson (Assorted Literature and References).

March 21, 2006 with lessons by Chris Etapa (Information on Low-cost MSSE Program), Fred Schaal (Graphing Inverse Trig Functions), Fred Farnell (Kepler's Law Website), Roy Coleman (XnView and Google Earth Software), Larry Alofs (Piezoelectricity), Ann Brandon (Math Puzzle [Kakuro] and Paper Clip Energy), Bill Colson (Comments on Mr. Calm and Mr. Angry), Bill Shanks (Whistle Baloon Helicopter) and Bud Schultz (Leyden Jar).

April 4, 2006 with lessons by Fred Schaal (Looking for 6174), Walter McDonald (The Energy Cell), Karlene Joseph (Go Figure) and Terri Donatello (Newspaper Articles).

April 18, 2006 with lessons by Jeff Terry (Fun with Liquid Nitrogen and Making a Comet), Ron Tuinstra (HDN: Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn), Ed Scanlon (Predicting the Weather), Carl Martikean (Alternative Fuels), Benson Uwumarogie (Attempts to Improve Math Scores) and Porter Johnson (Regular Pentagons and Pentagrams).

May 2, 2006 (the LAST SMILE class) with lessons by Porter Johnson (Future Plans), Brenda Daniels (Time for Kids Magazine), Nneka Anigbogu (Math Ideas for Non-College Prep Students), Walter Kondratko (Crystals and Crook's Tube), Bill Blunk (Giveaways), Arlyn VanEk (Impedance Matching), Eric Jurgens (Going From a Circuit Schematic to the Breadboard), Marva Anyanwu (Earthquakes and Other Things), Bill Colson (Interesting Websites) and Porter Johnson (The Shroud of Turin Project).

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2004-2005 Academic Year Biology-Chemistry Lessons

September 14, 2004 with lessons by Pat Riley (Density and Heat Capacity), Roy Coleman (SMILE/SMART CD) and Ben Stark (The Genetics of Sex Determination).

September 28, 2004 with lessons by Chris Etapa (The Ecosphere), Theresa Donatello (Atoms - The Rutherford Experiment) and Ken Schug (A "Chemistry Road Show").

October 12, 2004 with lessons by Ron Tunistra (Density and Significant Figures), Ken Schug (A Cesium Bottle) and Marva Anyanwu (BB's Needed to Sink a Straw).

October 26, 2004 with lessons by Barbara Lorde (Naming Elements), Ken Schug (Thermometers), Wanda Pitts (Magnets) and Ed Scanlon (Impact Craters).

November 9, 2004 with lessons by Carol Giles (Mold), Chris Etapa (Elodea) and Barbara Lorde (Transpiration).

November 23, 2004 with lessons by Carol Giles (More Mold), Walter Kondratko (Melting Point Determination) and Brenda Daniel (The Human Body's Skeleton).

December 7, 2004 with lessons by Walter Kondratko (Spectrums and Colors), Chris Etapa (Mutations and Variations) and Mary Lucy Adetunji (The Five Senses).

December 14, 2004 with lessons by Walter Kondratko (Flame Test for Metallic Ions) and Ron Tunistra (Human Response Times).

January 25, 2005 with lessons by Ben Stark (Colors of Light) and Carol Giles (Categorization).

February 8, 2005 with lessons by Terri Donatello (Heat Transfer and Density), Ron Tuinstra (Honing Observation Skills Using Catalysts) and Pat Riley (Conservation of Matter).

February 22, 2005 with lessons by Walter Kondratko (Mystery Solutions) , Brenda Daniel (Magnetism and Electricity) and Marva Anyanwu (Human Traits).

March 8, 2005 with lessons by Wanda Pitts (The Straw Balance and Gravity), Carol Giles (The Heat Treat) and Chris Etapa (Some Fabulous Information).

March 29, 2005 with lessons by Marva Anyanwu (Genetics), Terri Donatello (Physical Properties) and Ken Schug (Identifying Gases by Color).

April 12, 2005 with lessons by Chris Etapa (Greenhouses on the Go), Walter Kondratko (Boyle's Law) and Ed Scanlon (Scrapbook).

April 26, 2005 with lessons by Ben Stark (Seeds of Wisdom), Sister Mary Lucy Adetunji (Vinegar & Eggs), Terri Donatello (Rolling Uphill).

May 10, 2005 with lessons by Barbara Lorde (Dancing Spaghetti), Ed Scanlon (Prediction the Weather) and Terri Donatello (More on Map Reading).

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2004-2005 Academic Year Mathematics-Physics Lessons

September 14, 2004 with lessons by Roy Coleman (SMILE&SMART CD), Don Kanner (A quick Connection with Wind), Larry Alofs (A History Lesson), Fred Schaal (Green Line Adventure), Ann Brandon (Friction - 45o or Bust), Walter McDonald (Nines), Bill Colson (Philately), Lee Slick (Making Vectors from a "Flotation Noodle") and Fred Farnell (Numerology With Their Special Bell Schedule).

September 28, 2004 with lessons by Fred Schaal (A Bike With Afterburners), Betty Roombos (Constant Speed Buggy), Larry Alofs (The First Motion Graph), Debbie Lojkutz (Studying Motion Using A Ticker Tape Timer), Don Kanner (A Quick Graph) and Charlotte Wood-Harrington (The Physics of Guinness Stout).

October 12, 2004 with lessons by Ann Brandon (ISPP and Other Workshop Information), Bill Blunk (Finding Metallic Stakes to Mark Property Lines), Walter McDonald (Perfect Numbers and Triangular Numbers), Bud Schultz (The Lightly Story) and Bill Shanks (Harbor Freight Scale of Volt/Ohm Meters).

October 26, 2004 with lessons by Don Kanner (A book Review), Monica Seelman (The Mystery of Straw Worms), Fred Schaal (Hawking Hawking), Babatunde Taiwo (Understanding Car Crashes Video), Benson Uwumarogie (Special Parts of a Triangle) and Bill Colson (Interdisciplinary Projects With Camera Obscura and a Pinhole Camera).

November 9, 2004 with lessons by Leticia Rodriguez (Interactive Fractions), John Scavo (A Tip Car), Roy Coleman (Rocket Launch), Dianna Uchida (The Science Explorer Book), Fred Schaal (1 + 1 = 1), Ann Brandon & Debbie Lojkutz (Accelerometers), Rich Goberville (Light-up Tie, Floating Snowball and Chinese Yo-Yo), Bill Shanks (Water Source Detector) and Monica Seelman (Divisibility Test for 7).

November 23, 2004 with lessons by Bill Blunk (How Smooth is Smooth), Don Kanner (Helium), Fred Farnell (The Physics of a Hanging Sign), Charlotte Wood-Harrington (A 'Tom Senior' Newton's Third Law Demo) and Bill Shanks (3.5m Tape Measure for $1.00).

December 7, 2004 with lessons by Leticia Rodriguez (Magnetic Fishing Pole), Bill Blunk (A 'Tactile Magnifier'), Fred Schaal (Spheres to Cubes), Ann Brandon & Debbie Lojkutz (Non-scrambled Eggs), Karlene Joseph (The Physics of Hopper-Poppers), Bill Shanks (Helmholz Resonator and Cubing a Cube), Monica Seelman (Testing for Divisibility by 7), Sally Hill (Physics Catapult Project) and Porter Johnson (Answer to Larry Alofs' question of 11/9).

December 14, 2004 with lessons by Lee Slick ((Film Canister Optics), Larry Alofs (Inductance), Paul Fraccaro (Best Paper Size), Roy Coleman (Weighing Bridges for Contest Using Nickels), Arlan VanEk (Air ZookaTM Vortex Launcher) and Bill Shanks (LED Lantern).

January 25, 2005 with lessons by Don Kanner (Three No-Trumps), Marilynn Stone (Constant Speed Buggies), Fred Schaal (Prose and Poetry Day), Roy Coleman (NCLB and Miscellaneous Stuff), Bill Colson (Idea for School Development), Rich Goberville (New Toys), Bill Shanks (Point'n'Measure Digital Tape), Walter McDonald (interference of a Digital Clock) and Ann Brandon (Scotch Tape Electrostatics).

February 8, 2005 The Chicago Region High School Bridge Building Contest.

February 22, 2005 with lessons by Walter McDonald (Buoyancy), Fred Schaal (Pump up the Volume), Fred Farnell & Don Kanner (Fizzing Pop Bottles), Bud Schultz (Dropping Magnets Through Pipes Revisited) and Bill Shanks (Laser-Cheap).

March 8, 2005 with lessons by Fred Schaal (RANDINT(1,14,4)+50), Bill Colson (Poetry), Bill Shanks (Geometry), Ann Brandon (Magnet Experiments) and Leticia Rodriguez (Ceragem Thermal Acupuncture Massager).

March 29, 2005 with lessons by Don Kanner (Signs of the Times + p a la mode), Larry Alofs (Vacuum Bazooka), Ann Brandon (Masses for the Masses), Bill Blunk (Flying Rocks: Angels in the Centerfold?), Charlotte Wood-Harrington (Series and Parallel Resistances), Roy Coleman (Foot - Hand Rotation) and Monica Seelman (Fractals and Sierpinski's Pyramid).

April 12, 2005 with lessons by Dianna Uchida (Elephants and Flowers), John Scavo (Christmas Toys Revisited), Betty Roombos & Marilynn Stone (The Penny and Twirling Coat Hanger), Ann Brandon (Making Waves), Charlotte Wood-Harrington (Geek of the Week), Arlyn VanEk (AC-DC) and Benson Uwumarogi (Circle, Radius p).

April 26, 2005 with lessons by Ann Brandon (Workshop on Standing Wave Machine), Fred Schaal (Follow-up Question on Book by Michio Kaku), Babatunde Taiwo (Simple Electric Motors), Fred Farnell (Rolling, Falling , Rolling), Don Kanner & Bill Blunk (winning a Tug of War) and Bill Shanks (Meeting of the Board & A One Watt Flashlight).

May 5, 2005 with lessons by Leticia Rodriguez (Evaluation of CERAGEM Thermal Bed), Bud Schlutz (Dots and Lights), Larry Alofs (Cheap Stirling Engine), Bill Shanks (Ray-tracing on a Blackboard Made Easy), Porter Johnson & Earl Zwicker (Newton's Third Law) and Fred Schaal (There May be Dark Matter in Your Living Room).

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2003-2004 Academic Year Biology-Chemistry Lessons

September 9, 2003 with lessons by Ben Stark (Calculating the oxygen content of air) and Pat Riley (Recognizing physical properties: comparing and contrasting).

September 23, 2003 with lessons by Therese Donatello (Density + Archimedes Principle) and Ben Stark (a tour of IIT's research labs).

October 7, 2003 with lessons by Estellvenia Sanders (Matter and differences in materials), Chris Etapa (Nature walk part I) and Robert Albert (Observation and inference).

October 21, 2003 with lessons by Barbara Lorde (Make your own lungs), Wanda Pitts (Inertia challenges) and Chris Etapa (Nature walk part II).

November 4, 2003 with lessons by Wanda Pitts (Leaf art), Lilla Green (Energy), Ken Schug (Energy comments) and Erma Lee (Salad advice).

November 18, 2003 with lessons by Carol Giles (Internet experience), Christine Scott (Five senses and floating and sinking) and Ed Scanlon (Kepler's third law).

December 2, 2003 with lessons by Ann Parham and Winifred Malvin (Bernoulli's law), Joyce Bordelon (Flight and glider construction), Barbara Pawela (Surface tension of water) and Marva Awyanwu (Surface tension of water - continued).

December 9, 2003 with lessons by Marva Anyanwu (Surface tension of water - continued) and Brenda Daniel (Science Fair materials and a scavenger hunt).

January 27, 2004 with lessons by Patricia Riley (Types of chemical reactions) and Therese Donatello (Atomic structures: don't use the Bohr Model anymore).

February 10, 2004 with lessons by Ron Tunistra (The concept of the mole), Chris Etapa (Energy ball) and Larry Alofs (Flame tests).

February 24, 2004 with lessons by Bradley Wright (Fuel Cell Football) and Jane Shields (Tie Dye chromatography).

March 9, 2004 with lessons by Jane Shields (Tie dye chromatography continued), Ben Stark (Calculating the Oxygen content of air), Brenda Daniels (How big is the continent of Africa), Bradley Wright (How do you see a gas) and Wanda Pitts (Two sticklers by Terry Stickels).

March 23, 2004 with lessons by Don Kanner (Acid Reflux), Wanda Pitts (Spinners), Barbara Lorde (The Muscular-Skeletal system of humans) and Carol Giles (Defining, identifying and interpreting a pedigree).

April 6, 2004 with lessons by Jane Shields (Chemical indicators, homemade Litmus paper, acids & bases), Ben Stark (The can crusher) and Terry Donatello (Identification and chemical properties of minerals).

April 20, 2004 with lessons by Estellvenia Sanders (Combining substances), Marva Anyanwu (Apple model of the Earth), Jane Shields (Low stress learning) and Bradley Wright (Chemist's recipe for chocolate chip cookies).

May 4, 2004 with lessons by Christine Scott (Seeds), Chris Etapa (Force and motion illustrated with rockets), Ed Scanlon ( A comparison of humanoid skulls), Joyce Bordelon (Simple machines), Lilla Green (A discovery activity) and Ron Tuinstra (Environmental Science activities).

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2003-2004 Academic Year Mathematics-Physics Lessons

September 9, 2003 with lessons by Don Kanner (Hygroscope), Fred Schaal (Tank cars and Mars), John Bozovsky (Now you see it - now you don't), Larry Alofs (Crude explanation of John's pictures), Bill Colson (Flashy Doo-dah's), Ann Brandon (Space inversion mask) and Fred Farnell (Balancing an egg on end).

September 23, 2003 with lessons by John Scavo ( Alka-Seltzer rocket), Walter McDonald (Fibonacci numbers), Jane Shields (Why is the sky blue?), Roy Coleman (pulling a spool with a string and AAPT photo contest) and Bill Shanks (Miraculous battery recharger).

October 7, 2003 with lessons by Porter Johnson (The Golden ratio and Fibonacci numbers), Roy Coleman (weather data, unit conversions and the speed of falling raindrops), Bill Blunk (Paper match rocket and more), Imara Abdullah (Posters), Fred Schaal (TI-83 helper), Ann Brandon (Inertia and seat belts) and Porter Johnson (The physics of baseball).

October 21, 2003 with lessons by Carl Martikean (Enjoyable experiments with dry ice), F. Lee Slick (More on matches and brimstone), Jane Shields (Weather frog), Bill Blunk (Columbus and the telescope), Babatunde Taiwo (Graphing calculator and motion sensor), Bill Colson (Molecular expressions/Florida State website) and Fred Schaal (Railroading on the great divide).

November 4, 2003 with lessons by Larry Alofs (Why measure resistance), Karlene Joseph (New Pasco track accessories), F. Lee Slick (Mnemonics), Gary Guzdziol (Drum implosion video), Monica Seelman (How much paper is there in a roll?) and John Scavo (Batteries revisited).

November 18, 2003 with lessons by Ann Brandon (Pressure revisited), Fred Farnell (Electric tennis shoes), Marilyn Stone (Optical illusions), Fred Schaal (STO FRM not that bad), John Scavo (how many blades on a propeller), Richard Goberville (Newton's third law), Karlene Joseph (Launching your marbles), Bill Shanks (Plumb bobs) and Gary Guzdziol (Air pressure collapse).

December 2, 2003 with lessons by Fred Schaal (Graphing parabolas: a challenge), Walter McDonald (Fibonacci number programs on the HP-48 calculator), John Bozovsky (Physics in film clips) and Professor Eduardo De Santiago (Building lighter and stronger bridges).

December 9, 2003 with lessons by Don Kanner (Helicopter whirligigs and more), Leticia Rodriguez (Chemical tests), Fred Schaal (Unleashing complex numbers), Arlyn VanEk (Air resistance of a swinging block), Fred Farnell (Rocket balloons), Bill Shanks (Clothes pins that light up) and Karlene Joseph (Crash and burn website).

January 27, 2004 with lessons by Don Kanner (Microsoft® Train Simulator), Fred Schaal (Interior and exterior angles), Arlyn VanEk (rotational mechanics) and Bill Shanks (LEDs and color mixing).

February 10, 2004 The Chicago Region Bridge contest.

February 24, 2004 with lessons by Arlyn VanEk (The Gravity Probe B mission), Carl Martikean (Galileo's study of motion), Larry Alofs (The 'Eternal' flashlight), Ann Brandon (Series light bulbs), Camille Gales (A question from "The Chicken from Minsk" book) and Fred Farnell (What is inside Twinkling shoes).

March 9, 2004 with lessons by Walter McDonald (Sailboat questions), Fred Farnell (Dissection of twinkling shoes), Bill Shanks (pop can electroscope) and Fred Schaal (slice angle of a pie).

March 23, 2004 with lessons by Bill Colson (Euler's disk), Bill Blunk (Plane mirrors), Ann Brandon (current without batteries), Betty Roombos (ESPN Sports Figures video) and Fred Schaal (all of the pie crust).

April 6, 2004 with lessons by John Scavo (Cub Scout Science), Peter Smagacz (drift velocity), Roy Coleman (diodes and bulbs), Bill Blunk (Jacob's ladder and signaling with plane mirrors), Bud Schultz (Interactive physics simulations - SIMS©) and Ann Brandon (forming images with plane mirrors).

April 20, 2004 with lessons by Marilyn Stone and Don Kanner (dropping weights through pipes), John Bozovsky (Rocket altitude measurement), Monica Seelman (Bubble Trumpets and bubble recipes) and Babatunde Taiwo (Vernier Force plate with the graphing calculator).

May 4, 2004 with lessons by Benson Uwumarogie (Algeblocks), Karlene Joseph (Birthday candles and spectroscopes), Fred Schaal (Fraction action), Richard Goberville (lightning reaction), Leticia Rodriguez and Bud Schultz (Copernic Agent search engine), Don Kanner (Funnel multiplication), Walter McDonald (Is there a second Earth out there?), Bill Blunk (series circuits -- or what), Ann Brandon (Sophie Germain play and Phone cord wave machine) and Sally Hill (Optical illusions).

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2002-2003 Academic Year Biology-Chemistry Lessons

September 10, 2002 with lessons by Roy Coleman (SMILE & SMART CD-ROM) and Ken Schug (Hydrogen Peroxide reaction, Cartesian Diver, Boyles' Law and chemical reaction rates).

September 24, 2002 with lessons by Pat Riley (Milk of Magnesia reactions), Marva Anyanwu (fingerprints) and Carl Martikean (science from a humanistic perspective).

October 8, 2002 with lessons by Ed Scanlon (capture-recapture sampling method), Therese Donatello (the properties and phases of matter) and Teri Roland (why leaves change color).

October 22, 2002 with lessons by Gary Guzdziol (why do candles burn), Christine Scott & Lilla Green (a twig's story), Erma Lee (animals or whatever?) and Christine Etapa (observations and categorization).

November 5, 2002 with lessons by Carol Giles (bobbing mothballs), Frana Allen (squirmy worms), Estellvenia Sanders (bilingual biology) and Tyrethis Penrice (full of hot air).

November 19, 2002 with lessons by Winifred Malvin (investigating snails), Barbara Lorde (static electricity), Wanda Pitts (soap boats), Brenda Daniel (the future world of biodiversity) and Erma Lee (bouncing buttons and raisins).

December 3, 2002 with lessons by Pushpa Bahl (titration) and Carl Martikean (catalysts).

December 10, 2002 with lessons by Ann Parham (measuring stress), Chris Etapa (measuring density), Barbara Pawela (the chemistry of fire) and Jyotiben Desai (dinosaurs for sale).

January 28, 2003 with lessons by Roy Coleman (SMILE & SMART CD), Pat Riley (thickness of aluminum foil) and Therese Donatello (the nuts and bolts of chemical compounds).

February 11, 2003 with lessons by Frana Allen (matter and atoms), Pat Riley (electron structure), Chris Etapa (force and motion) and Fred Schaal (tree circumferences & Christmas bird survey).

February 25, 2003 with lessons by Chris Etapa (Diffusion and osmosis) and Ken Schug (a bag of chemistry tricks).

March 11, 2003 with lessons by Barbara Lorde (making a plastic toy), Tyrethis Penrice (soft vs. hard water), Chris Clausing (inorganic nomenclature) and Barbara Pawela (strong ice).

March 25, 2003 with lessons by Wanda Pitts (balancing), Chris Clausing (CD spectroscope), Ana Timbers (starch in green leaves) and Brenda Daniel with Erma Lee (different salads in a bowl).

April 8, 2003 with lessons by Ann Parham with Winifred Malvin (making erasers), Carol Giles (Styrofoam packing nuggets), Chris Eatpa (models of cells and organelles) and Brenda Daniel with Erma Lee (edible plant parts).

April 22, 2003 with lessons by Joytiben Desai (mining for peanuts), Christine Scott with Lilla Green (soup) and Marva Anyanwu (potatoes on the desk).

May 6, 2003 with lessons by Joyce Bordelon (states of matter), Ed Scanlon (dissecting owl pellets) and Marva Anyanwu (genetic engineering II).

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2002-2003 Academic Year Mathematics-Physics Lessons

September 10, 2002 with lessons by Porter Johnson (course syllabus), Fred Schaal (observations on famous trains), Larry Alofs (Son of 'Stomper'), Bill Colson (various book reports), Porter Johnson (microwave oven websites), Earl Zwicker (Geckos and coffee filters), Roy Coleman (SMILE & SMART CD-ROM), Bill Shanks (white LEDs and bicycling energy), Don Kanner (teaching of reading of Physics material) and Ann Brandon (ISPP meeting & Vernier workshops).

September 24, 2002 with lessons by Bill Colson (when written instructions are not enough), Roy Coleman (1000 Playthinks & 'Fermi' questions), Fred Farnell (what are these instructions for?), Betty Roombos (a Viewmaster), Larry Alofs (Catsup/Ketchup saver for tornado bottle & angular momentum), Ann Brandon (walking the dog & graphs and more graphs), Bill Blunk (slow motion climbatron), Hoi Hyunh (math notation and visual geometry) and Don Kanner (grading on the curve).

October 8, 2002 with lessons by Don Kanner (rocket ship physics), Bill Blunk (molecular Shish Kabob), Maria Vinci (tiling and tessellation), Walter McDonald (Fractals: how long is the coastline of Florida), Monica Seelman (shoelaces, bows, knots & topology), Fred Farnell (a slow train) and Larry Alofs (flying bat toy).

October 22, 2002 with lessons by Bill Shanks (more power 2U), Ann Brandon (projectile motion), Fred Schaal (riding the rails again), Leticia Rodriguez (Cardiostriders: aerobic gym shoes), Roy Coleman (wicked witch & flying fizix teachers) and Ben Butler (hip-hop changes in units).

November 5, 2002 with lessons by Fred Schaal (TI-92 graphing calculator), Bill Colson ('Onion' article), John Bozovsky (pushing a paper straw through a potato), Bill Shanks (mixing colors), Arlen Van Ek (identifying colors in a dark room), Ann Brandon (collisions and momentum) and Hoi Hyunh (seeing infinity with a magnifying glass).

November 19, 2002 with lessons by Betty Roombos (the ballistic cart on television), Fred Schaal (coding/decoding and matrices) and Professor Eduardo De Santiago (bridge design).

December 3, 2002 with lessons by Bill Blunk (refills for BIC© 4 color pens & jumping off a table), Larry Alofs (diffraction vs. refraction), Karlene Joseph (a story of science excitement), Ann Brandon (energy of a pendulum), Don Kanner (Camera Obscura) and Richard Goberville (Physics toys and cartoons).

December 10, 2002 with lessons by Michelle Gattuso (taking the WRECK out or writing recommendations), Lee Slick (CHEAP apparatus - thunder tube, eye image inverter and tea bag rocket), Fred Schaal (TI-92 attacks triangle), Larry Alofs (optical mice and 'Onion' article), Bill Shanks (adding colors using spotlights and colored cellophane), Don Kanner (motion of toy train), Karlene Joseph (synthesizing planar motion with x- and y- coordinates) and Walter McDonald (reading x-ray images).

January 28, 2003 with lessons by Roy Coleman (SMILE & SMART CD plus wearing your ID 'around your neck'), Ann Brandon (Tennis Ball Collisions), Bill Colson (Krypton is a gas, superheros book), Karlene Joseph (Spinning Eggs), Ben Butler (more spinning eggs), Bill Blunk (Electrostatics for the 'unhaired'), Bill Shanks (Physics of car shopping) and Porter Johnson (GPS info about Chicago).

February 11, 2003 The Chicago Region Bridge Building Contest.

February 25, 2003 with lessons by Don Kanner (jug resonance), Roy Coleman (replacement of mercury thermometers), Walter McDonald (approximation of funcions), Bill Shanks (color mixing and persistence of vision), Michelle Gattuso (kinetic & potential energy) and Monica Seelman (surface tension).

March 11, 2003 with lessons by Ann Brandon (induced currents), Carl Martikean (octave chimes from conduit), Arlyn Van Ek (electrical power), Betty Roombos & Karlene Joseph (relative motion and Newton's laws), Don Kanner (more jug resonance), Fred Schaal (TI interactive software), Bill Blunk (space shuttle tiles), Bill Shanks (fuel efficiency of a bicycle) and Bill Colson (Pi day).

March 25, 2003 with lessons by Fred Schaal (TI interactive on a laptop), Larry Alofs (PVC tubular resonance), Katherine Hocker (Home-made spectroscope), Ben Butler (what is a million), Arlyn Van Ek (magnetic fields/fluids), Hoi Huynh (balancing mathematics) and Don Kanner (areas and volumes).

April 8, 2003 with lessons by Ajay Gambhir (lab supplies), Don Kanner (shape vs. volume), Fred Schaal (triangle problem), Karlene Joseph (wine glass resonance), Michells Gattuso (magnetic field observation box), Gary Guzdziol (atmospheric pressure effects), Carl Martikean (invisibility and longer jumping), Camille Jensen (beetle strength) and Bill Blunk (the spinthariscope).

April 22, 2003 with lessons by Bill Blunk (obtaining shuttle tiles), Porter Johnson (GPS data), Gary Guzdziol (Atmospheric pressure revisited), Leticia Rodriguez (math concepts & fraction game), Bill Blunk (seeing the spinthariscope work), Ann Brandon (waves and resonance), Lovesea Jose (water tube accelerometer) and Bill Colson (geometry puzzle).

May 6, 2003 with lessons by Don Kanner (the hydraulic ram), Bill Shanks (persistence of vision and LED color mixing), Arlyn Van Ek (resonance street show), Monica Seelman (psychic puzzle), Roy Coleman (simulated Rutherford experiment), Ben Butler (dry ice and its liquid state), Peter Smagacz (isolating rotation KE) and John Bozovsky (vibrating string apparatus).

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2001-2002 Biology-Chemistry Academic Year Lessons

September 11, 2001 with a lesson by Ben Stark (the human genome).

September 25, 2001 with lessons by Lee Slick (chemical rebus), Chris Etapa (lab safety and science fair), Pat Riley (how to produce a reaction) and Therese Donatello (measuring and observation).

October 9, 2001 with lessons by Barbara Pawela (edible plants and seeds) and Marva Anyanwu (the tensile strength of spaghetti)

October 23, 2001 with lessons by Lee Slick (pH indicators), Carolyn McGee and Carolyn McBride (nutrition facts from pumpkins) and Robert McBride (genetic molecules).

November 6, 2001 with lessons by Karlene Joseph (a measuring activity) and Erma Lee (the solar system).

November 20, 2001 with lessons by Estellvenia Sanders (digital numerics), Frana Allen (the nose) and Winifred Malvin (NASA handout on rockets).

December 4, 2001 with lessons by Tyrethis Penrice (behavior of matter-adhesion and cohesion), Karlene Joseph (cell diversity) and Mary Scott (air power).

December 11, 2001 with lessons by Karlene Joseph (eggs and diffusion) and Pat Riley (kitchen chemistry and observation).

January 22, 2002 with lessons by Ben Stark (burning reactions) and Karlene Joseph (more burning and speckled verses striped corn). 

February 5, 2002 with lessons by Barbara Pawela (demos about air), Frana Allen ('Switch-on' kits) and Marva Anyanwu (triboluminescence).

February 19, 2002 with lessons by Karlene Joseph (gas laws), Fred Schaal (redwings and grackles) and Therese Donatello (our bodies).

March 5, 2002 with lessons by Karlene Joseph (atomic orbitals, respiration and oxygen).

March 19, 2002 with lessons by Pushpa Bahl (paper chromatography of food coloring), Ben Stark (Bernoulli's Principle) and Ken Schug (more on Bernoulli's principal).

April 2, 2002 with lessons by Estellvenia Sanders (what is a cell), Erma Lee (geochemistry-the movement of ground water) and Karlene Joseph (facial features with a genetic basis).

April 23, 2002 with lessons by Ann Parham and Winifred Malvin (bottle volcano, mysterious balloon and density) and Barbara Pawela (spring planting).

May 7, 2002 with lessons by Christina Etapa (teaching atoms), Therese Donatello (porosity revisited), Tyrethis Benrice (electricity and magnetism), Marva Anyanwu (the secret of the speeding boat), Mary Scott (black magic) and Brenda Wall (slick sliding soap).

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2001-2002 Mathematics-Physics Academic Year Lessons

September 11, 2001 with lessons by Kon Kanner (summer vacation wave patterns), Bill Colson (famous last words from Popular Science and Flatterland: Like Flatland only More So), Monica Seelman (a Venn Diagram), Ann Brandon (gravity demo), Bill Blunk (more Amazing Toys), Roy Coleman (SMILE CD), Earnest Garrison (paper clip lab) and Fred Schaal (conditional logic).

September 25, 2001 with lessons by Fred Schaal (more conditional logic), Fred Farnell (follow the bouncing ball), Larry Alofs (the density of air), Earnest Garrison (propeller vehicle variations), Ann Brandon (d-v-a vs time graphing), Roy Coleman (ISPP meeting announcement) and Bill Shanks (next time).

October 9, 2001 with lessons by David Dunlop (Great Lakes Space Foundation rocketry presentation), Fred Schaal (bat to human frequency conversions), Porter Johnson (vocal ranges) and Marilynn Stone (illustrating circuits).

October 23, 2001 with lessons by Don Kanner (inertia and Newton's Laws), Porter Johnson (comments on Newton), Bill Colson (Kitty Ball), Monica Seelman (casting out nines), Fred Schaal (magic squares), Ann Brandon (pressure) and Marilyn Stone (homemade illustration of circuits).

November 6, 2001 with lessons by Gerard Voland (IIT's IPRO science careers), Fred Schaal (congruence of plane figures), Ann Brandon (Newton's Third Law), Arlyn Van Ek (mass vs. weight), Bill Shanks (home made conducting baton), Richard Goberville (garage sale planetary model) and Leticia Rodriguez (science fair projects).

November 20, 2001 with lessons by Larry Alofs (Reveille on various instruments), Bill Blunk (Air-driven cart) and Eduardo de Santiago (bridge building design basics).

December 4, 2001 with lessons by Porter Johnson (generator or alternator), Bill Blunk (fan car revisited plus happy/sad balls), Bill Shanks (color mixing), Fred Farnell (wrinkled moon flag), Don Kanner (jury duty physics), Bill Colson (new toys), Leticia Rodriguez (magnet experiment), Ann Brandon (West Point virtual bridge contest) and Hoi Huynh (areas of polygons and the Pythagorean Theorem).

December 11, 2001 with lessons by John Bozovsky (rough rider toys), Don Kanner (thoughts about the CASE exam), Monica Seelman (repeating decimals), Arlyn Van Ek (Loc Liner and 24 hour towing service) and Bill Shanks (how bright is bright).

January 22, 2002 with lessons by Fred Schaal (screaming orange hat), Don Kanner (200 puzzling physics problems), Bill Shanks (comment on Fred's hat and solar heating/cooling) and Arlyn Van Ek (headrests on automobile seats).

February 5, 2002 with lessons by Fred Farnell (Newton's second law and momentum), Larry Alofs (pendula), Porter Johnson (more pendula), Ann Brandon (more pendula), Bill Blunk (garbage), Roy Coleman (dropping a hammer, Millikan eggs and no gravity day) and Earl Zwicker (string blow pipe).

February 19, 2002 was the Chicago Region High School Bridge contest.

March 5, 2002 with lessons by Don Kanner (reed instruments), Walter McDonald (centripetal force), Bill Colson (probability), Fred Schaal (bad number in magic square), Roy Coleman (more probability and 'physics' stuff available from the Oriental Trading Company), Larry Alofs  (glass blocks for optics), Bill Blunk (April 1st and surface tension), Fred Farnell (hydrogen tankers) and Porter Johnson (more on hydrogen tankers).

March 19, 2002 with lessons by Ann Brandon (static electricity with ping-pong balls), Fred Schaal (even magic squares), Bill Colson (horsepower and torque in internal combustion engines), Bill Shanks (LED exit signs), Roy Coleman (the electric ding-dong), Larry Alofs (more glass block for optics) and Bill Blunk (more of April 1).

April 2, 2002 with lessons by Don Kanner (magic triangles), Roy Coleman (April 1st restroom trip memo), Fred Schaal (even magic squares), Earl Zwicker (getting a full nights sleep), Bill Blunk (comets, stamps and more April 1st), Larry Alofs (vibrating pipes) and Ann Brandon (sinking straws).

April 23, 2002 with lessons by Monica Seelman (digital numbers, geometrical shapes and pouring water), Fred Schaal (topological theory and planetary alignment), Walter McDonald (higher dimensional geometry), Bill Blunk (Wilberforce pendula), Leticia Rodriguez (tessellations, math applications), Larry Alofs (Radio Shack's digital thermometer) and Arlyn Van Ek (standing waves with a scroll saw).

May 7, 2002 with lessons by Fred Schaal (hexcode digital numbers), Lee Slick (anti-gravity fluid), Don Kanner (liquid nitrogen bath), John Bozovsky (laser light show), Hoi Huynh (division with mirrors) and Arlyn Van Ek (illustration of polarization).

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2000-2001 Biology-Chemistry Academic Year Lessons

September 5, 2000 with lessons by Pat Riley (acids and bases) and Lilla Green (bugs).

September 12, 2000 with lessons by Glenda Ellis (speed comparisons), Erma Lee (bean counting) and Karlene Joseph (invisible writing).

September 26, 2000 with lessons by Pam Moy (data gathering) and Zoris Soderberg (food groups).

October 10, 2000 with lessons by Pam Moy (scientific inquiry), Chris Etapa (UV light and tonic water), Karlene Joseph (overflowing with paperclips) and Pat Riley (antacids as bases).

October 24, 2000 with lessons by Pat Riley (flame testing), Zoris Soderberg (heart facts), Val Williams (the skeleton) and Karlene Joseph (hand and finger motion).

November 7, 2000 with lessons by Pam Moy (chromatography), Marva Anyanwu (exercise and respiration) and Chris Etapa (a red-tail boa constrictor).

November 21, 2000 with lessons by Chris Etapa (slime) and Pat Riley (ionic verses covalent bonding).

December 5, 2000 with lessons by Terry Donatello (material properties and the periodic table) and Chris Etapa (waste management).

January 23, 2001 with lessons by Pam Moy (DNA models), Ben Stark (DNA replication) and Pat Riley (the atom and electron structure).

January 30, 2001 with lessons by Theresa Donatello (Double displacement reactions) and Zoris Soderberg (Air and Bernoulli's Principle).

February 13, 2001 with lessons by Glenda Ellis (layers in a glass), Erma Lee (estimation) and Pat Riley (Conservation of mass in chemical reactions).

February 27, 2001 with lessons by Ben Stark and Pat Riley (Mendel's First Law).

March 13, 2001 with lessons by Karlene Joseph (Genetic Recombination), Sarah Brennan (Stoichioometry Fudge recipe) and Zoris Soderberg (Nutrition).

March 27, 2001 with lessons by Val Williams (Traveling Sounds), Mary Scott (The great pepper chase), Karlene Joseph (Two Liter Tornado Makers) and Threse Donatello (Organic Chemistry structures).

April 10, 2001 with lessons by Theesa Donatello (Organic Chemistry structures continued), Karlene Joseph (propagation of sound) and Ben Stark (glucose).

May 1, 2001 with lessons by Shirley Cesair (Peanut math and electrical charges), Sarah Brennan (Gasses) and Karlene Joseph (Radioactive Decay).

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2000-2001 Mathematics-Physics Academic Year Lessons

September 5, 2000 with lessons by Bill Colson (new math audio tape), Ann Brandon (water on penny), Don Kanner (Galileo's inclined plane), Fred Schaal (astronomy), Bill Blunk (toys), Carl Martikean (weighing a car) and Lee Slick (squaring numbers ending in 5).

September 12, 2000 with lessons by Fred Schaal (cementing handle bars), Larry Alofs (magnetism), Don Kanner (Einstein and evolution), Bill Shanks (fluorescent light starters), Lee Slick (mercury), Bill Shanks (astronomical influences), Porter Johnson (the Sun's energy variations), Ann Brandon (AAPT products) and Porter Johnson (the 45th parallel).

September 26, 2000 with lessons by Fred Shaal (TI-92 math), Walter McDonald (the torsion balance), Marilyn Stone (inclined planes and projectile motion), Fred Farnell (the sonic ranger), Bill Colson (air density), Ann Brandon (K-Mart stadium horn) and Larry Alofs (the magnet tube).

October 10, 2000 with lessons by Don Kanner (tube 'black box'), Ed Robinson (the Nim-Mod game), Marilyn Stone (the Pythagorean puzzle), Fred Schaal (mathematical concurrence), Roy Coleman (CASE exam scheduling), Betty Roombos (vector problems) and Fred Farnell (new look at sonic ranger problem from 9/26 class).

October 24, 2000 with lessons by Fred Schaal (more TI-92 uses), John Bozovsky (parts for Pasco air track), Betty Roombos (coffee filter drop tests), Larry Alofs (ping-pong ball bounce and repulsive fruit), Don Kanner (resistance problems) and Porter Johnson (paramagnetism).

November 7, 2000 with lessons by Fred Shaal (more TI-92 uses), Bill Colson (interesting stories), Porter Johnson (plane maps of spheres), Walter McDonald (X-Ray images) and Ann Brandon (friction).

November 21, 2000 with lessons by Don Kanner (solution to resistance problems from 10/24 class), Bill Blunk (frames of reference), Fred Schaal (TI-92 geometry) and Eduardo De Santiago (Bridge design and analysis).

December 5, 2000 with lessons by Bill Shanks (LED's), Rich Goberville (physics toys), Larry Alofs (the Curie point), Janet M. Sheard (SMART program lesson on the planets) and Sally Hill (tower of Hanoi).

January 23, 2001 with lessons by Bill Colson (new books), Frana Allen (special ed. experiments), Fred Schaal (bouncing money), Ann Brandon (Dr. Mae Jemison's visit), Arlyn Van Ek (ESPN sports programs), Roy Coleman (comments on the CASE exam) and Porter Johnson (PTRA's needed).

January 30, 2001 with lessons by Fred Schaal (construction cranes), Larry Alofs (magnesium pencil sharpeners), Earl Zwicker (National Engineers Week), Don Kanner (a phenomenological test) and Ann Brandon (Millikan Eggs).

February 13, 2001 The 2001 Chicago Regional Bridge Contest.

February 27, 2001 with lessons by Bill Colson (a Rube Goldberg contest), Fred Schaal (surface areas of pyramids), Earnest Garrison (teaching electricity and magnetism), Bill Shanks (Christmas light electricity) and Walter McDonald (triangulation of height).

March 13, 2001 with lessons by Bill Colson (Pi day and value), Fred Schaal (factoring large polynomials), Marilyn Stone (series and parallel circuit board), Don Kanner (straw reed instrument and hearing test), Porter Johnson (length of day and night), Betty Roombos (liquid volume, Arlyn Van Ek (electric motors vs. generators) and Ann Brandon (circuit problems).

March 27, 2001 with lessons by Don Kanner (changes of state), Fred Schaal (lost gloves), Larry Alofs (polarization) and Porter Johnson (comments on polarization and energy production).

April 10, 2001 with lessons by Earnest Garrison (discovery kits on e & m), Fred Schaal (rusty find), Walter McDonald (graphs of trig functions), Fred Farnell (waves on a slinky), Bill Colson (resource handbook, rope trick and MAXIT game), Don Kanner (tides and the tidal bore) and Porter Johnson (the golden rectangle).

May 5, 2001 with lessons by Lee Slick (unit conversions), Fred Farnell (reflections and mirrors), Don Kanner (image from a magnifying glass), Marilyn Stone (polarization and birefringence), Bill Blunk (magnetic field about a disk magnet), Rich Goberville (resonance), Ann Brandon (centripetal force), Arlyn Van Ek ('magic' liquid), Estellvenia Sanders (Teeing for angles game) and Roy Coleman (puzzle and solution).

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2000-2001 Elementary Mathematics-Science Academic Year Lessons

September 19, 2000 with lessons by Christine Scott (kitchen chemistry), Frana Allen (reminders), Erma Lee (numbering), Sally Hill (counting potato chips), Zoris Soderberg (flight) and Christine Etapa (a katydid).

October 3, 2000 with lessons by Glenda Ellis (the Solar System), Joyce McCoy (windmills), Dena Hall (displacement), Cynthis Southern (geometric shapes), Imara Abdullah (sound waves), Beverly Merchant (popcorn), Barbara Hill (dinosaurs), Bob Foote (measuring coins), Christine Etapa (toothpick biochemistry), Ken Schug (enzymes) and Barbara Pawela (properties of gases).

October 17, 2000 with lessons by Claudette Rogers, Carolyn McGhee, Laurie Brandon-Burke and Carolyn McBride (motivating with money), Winifred Malvin (energy transfer), Jean Essig (flying paper bat), Mamie Hill (the human body), RaeLynn Schneider (cut out bats), Earnest Garrison (using Hot Wheels), Zoris Soderberg (the five K's of science teaching), Roy Coleman (the toboggan slide problem) and Therese Donatello (cereal box ingredients).

October 31, 2000 with lessons by Barbara Lorde and Wanda Pitts (human body measurements), Margia Artis (rainbow cheese), Tracy Walker, Andrea Runaas and Janet Haug (Pocket activities), Shirley Cesair (discovering shapes), Roy Coleman (teachers flying on their brooms), Estellvenia Sanders (science in sign part XIX), Ed Scanlon (hydroponics and the bean) and Chris Etapa (making a cork helicopter).

November 14, 2000 with lessons by Angis Morris (an elevator problem), Rae Lynn Schneider (learning to cut), Chandra Price (number 'tricks' and Hawaiian animals), Rita Ford (pop-up rocket), Tanisha Kwaaning (solving word problems), Jeanine Frazier (Popsicle stick subtraction), Jannyce Omueti (Chaotic Computing), Bernadette Dvorscak (multiplication rectangles), John Scavo (battery life), Therese Donatello (energy concepts game) and Marva Anyanwu (the scientific method).

November 28, 2000 WARNING about heating water in a microwave. Class lessons were by Francesca Drnek (banana IQ), Monica Ban (the Betta Vase), Elizabeth Cowan (magnets), Nancy Katich (100th day activities), Anne Genther (domino activities), Monica Seelman (bookmaking and stars), John Scavo (miscellaneous articles), Carl Martikean (interesting ice stuff), Emma Norise (acid, base or neutral) and Bernina Norton (math fair ideas).

December 12, 2000 with lessons by Frosty the Snowman (how much snow can Chicago get (12")), Jack Frost (how cold can Chicago get (-20C)), Sophia Watson (air pressure), Virginia O'Brien (animal eats), Marjorie Fields (counting coins), Leticia Rodriguez (volcanoes), Valvastia Williams ('Dem Bones' skeleton), Iona Greenfield (head vs. height measurement) and Marva Anyanwu (reflections in multiple mirrors).

February 6, 2001 with lessons by Monica Seelman (Tops), RaeLynn Schneider (Flow and Go boat), Christine Scott (liquification of foods), Marjorie Fields (combinations)< Erma Lee (body parts), Theresa Donatello (reaction time), Chris Etapa (the universal sundial) and Porter Johnson (electrostatics).

February 20, 2001 with lessons by Barbara Lorde (geometric shapes), Leticia Rodriguez (volcanoes), Jean Essig (air science tricks), Mamie Hill (three dimensional figures), Beverly Merchant (colored shapes with pipe cleaners), Roy Coleman, Lee Slick and Kerri Kerfin (reaction time), Porter Johnson (comments on reaction time), Beth Womack (bridge design) and Barbara Pawela (seeing the invisible).

March 6, 2001 with lessons by Winifred Malvin (Oxygen and products of combustion), Margia Artis (big bubble battle), Glenda Ellis (right or wrong), Marie Wong (gummy bear color distribution), Sally Hill (M & M activities), Zoris Soderberg (the K-method for effect teaching about air and gasses), Don Kanner (sound) and Porter Johnson (apparent weightlessness).

March 20, 2001 with lessons by Barbara Hill (geometry in various places), Joyce McCoy (a windsock), Cynthia Southern (where's the math?), Earnest Garrison (electromagnetism and circuits), Porter Johnson (battery types) and Valvasti Williams (making a motor or generator).

April 3, 2001 with lessons by Carloyn McGee and Claudette Rogers (cereal Venn diagrams), Tanisha Kwaaning (plan bloom basics), Emma Norise (density and the scientific method), Monica Seelman (book report on Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea) and Porter Johnson (special numbers).

April 24, 2001 with lessons by Mary Scott (Jelly Bean investigation), Virginia O'Brien (magnets), Renee Robinson (kitchen chemistry and ice cream), Iona Greenfield (Orange science), Shyla McGill (basic instructor book), Christine Etapa (chemical changes), Beth Womack (fun with mirrors), Marva Anyanwu (magic number columns), Roy Coleman (a puzzle) and Fred Farnell (Chemlinks for Kids).

May 8, 2001 with lessons by Betty Marshall (glue goo), Lori Fugate (dancing raisins), Jeanine Frazier (volume), Marva Anyanwu (aerodynamics), Roy Coleman (puzzle solution from 4/24) and Bernina Norton (fractions with egg cartons).

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1999-2000 Biology-Chemistry Academic Year Lessons

September 7, 1999 with lessons by Pat Riley (elements, compounds and mixtures), Ken Schug (U-tube and diffusion), Chuck Buzek (toys for science) and Barbara Pawela (general info).

September 14, 1999 with lessons by Therese Donatello (magnets) and Chuck Buzek (outside science fair projects).

September 28, 1999 with lessons by Ken Schug (optics demo), Ed Scanlon (orange juice to strawberry float), Pam Moy (cell model) and Karlene Joseph (Star Trek 'life'?).

October 12, 1999 with lessons by John Scavo (germinating seeds), Pat Riley (physical vs. chemical changes and balancing chemical equations) and Ken Schug (chemical reactions).

October 26, 1999 with lessons by Shirley Hatcher (making butter and other colloids), Erma Lee (water into marbles and sand), Glenda Ellis (measuring leaves), Eartha Sherrill (city ecosystems) and Pat Riley (the stuffed mole).

November 9, 1999 with lessons by John Scavo (DNA matching), Ben Butler (the scientific method), Marva Anyanwu (air pressure) and Melinda Ross (gravity).

November 23, 1999 with lessons by Karlene Joseph (color mixing in various liquids), Sophia Watson (egg dying) and Melinda Ross (brain power and memory).

December 7, 1999 with lessons by Lois Jackson (the scientific method with mystery boxes), Marva Anyanwu (physical vs. chemical changes), Val Williams (the electronic keyboard) and Eartha Sherrill (20th century scientists).

January 25, 2000 with lessons by Pat Riley (dynamic equilibrium), Chuck Buzek (smell through balloons), Karlene Joseph (probability related to gene combinations), Bill Colson (cartoons), Fred Schaal (conservation of angular momentum), Arlyn Van Ek (static electric experiments), Carl Martekian (railroad gauge vs. horses) and Janet Sheard (simple machines).

February 1, 2000 with lessons by Therese Donatello (skeletal/bone issues), Zoris Soderberg (egg in a bottle and "poor man's" lava lamp) and Chuck Buzek (hands on evolution).

February 15, 2000 with lessons by Pam Moy (are thumbs helpful), Karlene Joseph (paper birds), Zoris Soderberg (density and air pressure).

February 29, 2000 with lessons by Ed Scanlon (analytical key for identification) and Zoris Soderberg (learning with a tic-tac-toe type game).

March 14, 2000 with lessons by Alma White (different yo-yos), Shirley Hatcher (a color analyzer), Glenda Ellis (Adler Planetarium handout and the planets) and Erma Lee (newspaper tower).

March 28, 2000 with lessons by Ben Butler (spectra) and Val Williams (music applications).

April 11, 2000 with lessons by Pam Moy (a chicken named Mike), Karlene Joseph (3-D cereal box), Brian Cagle (classification) and Marva Anyanwu (M & M atoms and isotopes).

May 2, 2000 with lessons by Kim Baker (water usage), Pam Moy (How Females choose their mate) and Chuck Buzek (measuring trees).

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1999-2000 Mathematics-Physics Academic Year Lessons

September 7, 1999 with lessons by Bill Colson (what science isn't), Ann Brandon (the Fizzz keeper), Carl Martikean (collapsing soda can), Roy Coleman (time travel paradox), Alex Junievicz (example of ISPP free give-away), RaeLynn Schneider (Brookfield Zoo programs) and Fred Schaal (off center spokes on a new bike).

September 14, 1999 with lessons by Carol Zimmerman (Boyle's and Charles' law demo), Walter McDonald (AC resonance), Ann Brandon (ping-pong ball cannon), Carl Martikean (is Hell Exothermic or Endothermic?), Bill Blunk (tank periscopes to demo depth perception) and Bill Colson (rotation patterns that give the perception of color).

September 28, 1999 with lessons by John Bozovsky (Principal's Scholars program), Ann Brandon (air resistance), Bill Blunk (useful paradigms), Sue Sitton (IIT Camras Scholars program), Bill Shanks (a solar/wind-up radio) and Fred Schaal (good view of Venus and how to graph inequalities on a graphing calculator).

October 12, 1999 with lessons by Announcements (Nova program, Chicago Section AAPT meetings), Bill Colson (NASA fiasco), Walter MacDonald (the HP48GX calculator), Bill Blunk (showing inverted images in the eye), John Bozovsky (fall began and why not 12 hours of sunlight and night?), Earnest Garrison (calorimetry) and various parables were also discussed,

October 26, 1999 with lessons by John Bozovsky (wind chill), Larry Alofs (action at a distance using cow magnets), Bill Colson (the Intel Virtual Microscope), Bill Blunk (mini video camera and aluminum foil rocket launcher), Bill Shanks (ISPP stadium horn give- away), Ann Brandon (2 dimensional motion), Roy Coleman (GPS demo - good for Great America?) and Earnest Garrison (the Mirage mirrors).

November 9, 1999 with lessons by Bill Colson (Geometric designs), Ann Brandon (liquid crystal thermometer), Carol Zimmerman (inertia demos), Bill Blunk (air powered rocket) and Fred Farnell (more inertia demos).

November 23, 1999 with lessons by Roy Coleman and Lee Slick (a turkey caller for Thanksgiving), Arlyn Van Ek (mass vs. weight and the 'stuck car' problem) and Bill Shanks (the physics of music).

December 7, 1999 with lessons by Porter Johnson (Christmas tree ornament), Carl Martikean (pop bottle rocket), Bill Colson (misconceptions about why it is colder in the winter), Arlyn Van Ek (a bird problem) and Eduardo De Santiago (bridge design and construction).

January 25, 2000 with lessons by Pat Riley (dynamic equilibrium), Chuck Buzek (smell through balloons), Karlene Joseph (probability related to gene combinations), Bill Colson (cartoons), Fred Schaal (conservation of angular momentum), Arlyn Van Ek (static electric experiments), Carl Martekian (railroad gauge vs. horses) and Janet Sheard (simple machines).

February 1, 2000 with lessons by Earl Zwicker (a topological puzzle), John Scavo (soap powered boat), Bill Colson (historical references), Fred Schaal (conic altitude), Larry Alofs (boiling water room temperature), Arlyn Van Ek (triple point) and Ann Brandon (audio from a tv remote).

February 15, 2000 The Chicago Region High School Bridge Contest (also see ).

February 29, 2000 with lessons by Porter Johnson (leap day), Larry Alofs (tuning fork resonance), Walter McDonald (inequalities), Fred Schaal (plotting a tangent curve), Bill Shanks (airplane wings) and Porter Johnson (mathematical follow-up to Fred Schaal's presentation).

March 14, 2000 with lessons by John Bozovsky (Mystery Physics ala Ellery Queen), Bill Blunk (Millikan Oil Drop experiment), Roy Coleman (Pi day and AP Exam) and Porter Johnson (coffee cup caustics).

March 28, 2000 with lessons by Fred Schaal (height vs volume of a cone), Ed Robinson (the forged coin problem), Sally Hill (geodesic domes) and Porter Johnson (follow-up on forged coin problem).

April 11, 2000 with lessons by Porter Johnson (announcement of Dr. Leon Lederman lecture), Ann Brandon (Physics Day volunteers needed), Bill Colson (Chicago Tribune article on baseball with picture of Porter Johnson and several book sources), Bill Blunk (small accelerometer and recording acceleration), Bill Shanks (generating Pythagorean numbers), Earl Zwicker (Co-ax power cable), Fred Schaal (riddles and solution to cone problem presented last meeting), Arlyn Van Ek (the Genetron) and Carl Martikean ('sewage eating' objects).

May 2, 2000 with lessons by Bill Colson (articles on 'science running amok'), Fred Schaal (Law of Sines), Bill Lilly (CBR recording of a pendulum), Roy Coleman (follow-up on power cable shown by Earl and a haunted house), Bill Blunk (the ROMP pendulum), Fred Farnell (force to break an egg), Larry Alofs (metallurgy or the new dollar coin), Arlyn Van Ek (NOVA tape on ancient Siege weapons), Janet Sheard (force and motion kit) and Porter Johnson (solution to cone volume problem).

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1999-2000 Elementary Mathematics-Science Academic Year Lessons

September 21, 1999 with lessons by Lyvonia Hearns (hurricanes), Zoris Soderberg (gravity and air pressure), Frana Allen (biome in a box), Terry Donatello (how to make electricity visible), John Bozovsky (Principal's Scholars program), Carl Martikean ('drinking bird' and boiling tube) and Al Tobecksen (paper puzzle).

October 5, 1999 with lessons by Lyvonia Hearns (zoo animals), Marjorie Fields (monsters and senses), Ben Butler (museum loans for the classroom), Lilla Green (garbage and recycling), Al Tobecksen (classification), Sue Sitton (IIT students are available), Estellvenia Sanders (science in sign), Earnest Garrison (the zog hotel) and Barbara Pawela (dropping various shapes and masses).

October 19, 1999 with lessons by Christine Scott (solid or liquid?), Joyce McCoy (helicopters from printed directions), Carolyn McBride (voodoo number and least common multiples), Beverly Merchant (penny boat), Erma Lee (a color wheel), Shirley Hatcher (seeds and science), Stephanie Ruffin (timing a pain reliever), Denise Murphy and Shirley DeSadier (internet lessons), Therese Tobecksen (symmetry), Carl Martikean (the brick layer song) and Al Tobecksen (the rope trick).

November 2, 1999 with lessons by Barbara Lorde (illusions), Barbara Baker (photosynthesis), Marva Anyanwu (simple machines), Charlene K. Smith (kitchen tools), Ed Scanlon (visible chemical reaction), Melinda Ross (biodiversity) and Ernie Garrison (pigs in space).

November 16, 1999 with lessons by Cynthia Southern (properties of matter), Winifred Malvin (jelly bean estimation), Imara Abdullah (leaf rubbings), Kenneth Onumah (body measurements), Erma Lee ('between' numbers), Shirley Hatcher (seed estimation), IIT Camras students-Jackie Johnson (chemical engineering), Tarik Galijasevic (pepar bridges), Brian Larsen (paper and straw airplanes), Roy Coleman (the turkey kluker), Edgar Boyd (running water uphill), Earnie Garrison (the ZOG hotel revisited) and Brian Cagle (weird science/math).

November 30, 1999 with lessons by Virginia O'Brian (rocket balloons), Wanda Pitts (fractions), Mamie Hill (helicopters), RaeLynn Schneider (puppets), John Scavo (model rockets), Edgar Boyd (the rotating S's), Al Tobecksen (the gyroscope) and Valvasti Williams (a portable keyboard).

December 14, 1999 with lessons by Margia Artis (bouncing buttons), Mikail Siddiq (science Jeopardy), Chandra Price (art from wood), Jean Essig (decorating gingerbread), Glenda Ellis (historical people), Marie Wong (seeds inside fruit), Imara Abdullah (bats, chickens, cows & owls), Sophia Watson (the art of dying), Shirley Cesair (bubbles), Iona Greenfield (soft drink differences), Stephanie Ruffin (picture science in poetry), Pearline Scott (the Bernoulli effect), Porter Johnson (the full moon), Janet Sheard (simple machines), Melinda Ross (air) and Brian Cagle (Weird Science).

January 25, 2000 with lessons by Pat Riley (dynamic equilibrium), Chuck Buzek (smell through balloons), Karlene Joseph (probability related to gene combinations), Bill Colson (cartoons), Fred Schaal (conservation of angular momentum), Arlyn Van Ek (static electric experiments), Carl Martekian (railroad gauge vs. horses) and Janet Sheard (simple machines).

February 8, 2000 with lessons by Frana Allen (Biomes), Jean Essig (making a butterfly), Barbara Lorde (counting shapes), Earnest Garrison (making 'slime'), John Scavo (making a thermometer), Zoris Soderberg (fire) and Barbara Pawela (combustion, air pressure, liquid transfer).

February 22, 2000 with lessons by Shirley Hatcher (Chocolate Chip Diamonds), Glenda Ellis (Clouds), Beverly Merchant (Diffusion), Erma Lee (bouncing buttons and bouncing raisins), Charlene K. Smith (worms), Therese Donatello (soap bubbles), Ed Scanlon (human muscles) and Ernest Garrision (polyethylene foam).

March 7, 2000 with lessons by Winifred Malvin (rockets), Margia Artis (plan bingo/vocabulary), Alma White (oatmeal play dough), Marjorie Fields (clocks), Allan Evans (ideas with M&M's), John Scavo (Einstein information), Carl Martikean (Weird Science), Earnest Garrison (the evolution rap), Porter Johnson (codebreaking), Porter Johnson (the icosahedron).

March 21, 2000 with lessons by Wanda Pitts (rippling rainbow), Marie Wong (jelly beans in a bag), Ernest Garrison (polymers continued), Cynthia Southern (Michael Jordan's hand size), RaeLynn Schneider (windup Whirlygig), Monica Seelman (paper folding), Pat Phillips (probability), Porter Johnson (The Monte Carlo Method applied to probability), Val Williams (science through music), Estelvenia Sanders (science in sign) and Barbara Pawela (clanging soda pop cans).

April 4, 2000 with lessons by Carolyn McGee, Carolyn McBride and Claudette Rogers (ecosystems), Shirley Cesair (various handouts), Christine Scott (center of gravity), Ben Butler (spectra), Sophia Watson (State Goals in Science), Ed Scanlon (Web-cam web sites), John Scavo (weather and air pressure), Janet Sheard (two digit multiplication), Sally Hill (M & M math) and Estelvenia Sanders (Cued speech).

April 25, 2000 with lessons by Porter Johnson (announcement of Dr. Lederman lecture), Virginia O'Brien (Birds), Lilla Green (skeletal system), Erma Lee (soda straw tower), Carl Martikean (folding paper), Sally Hill (math bingo), Lee Slick (magnetic material from CPS), Kimberly Baker (uses for water) and Pearline Scott (calendar averaging).

May 9, 2000 with lessons by Mikhail Siddiq (the power of doubling), Mamie Hill (liquid lens), Iona Greenfield (sailboats), Chandra Price (simple science with everyday materials), Ken Schug (comment on Chandra's presentation), Joyce McCoy (wind sock), Barbara Baker (condiments and dinosaurs), Kenneth Onumah (Hand area), Marva Anyanwu (monocot and dicot seeds), Pearline Scott (Math fair vs. Science fair), Lee Slick and Roy Coleman (the Pythagorean puzzle), Earnest Garrison (water quality tests), Estelvenia Sanders (geometry for the deaf), Carl Martikean (Stomp Rocket web site) and Porter Johnson (Pokemon continued).

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1998-1999 Mathematics-Physics Academic Year Lessons

September 8, 1998 with lessons by John Bozovsky (t-shirts for fund raisers), Carol Zimmerman (class time and standardized testing), Fred Schaal (Soda problem), Bill Blunk (knob magnets and demonstrations), Ann Brandon ( small cheap tops) and Bill Colson (math word problems).

September 15, 1998 with lessons by Al Tobecksen (a bed of nails and an inverted full flask), Bill Colson (magazine articles on teaching math) Fred Schaal (foaming soda vs. temperature), Karlene Kurth (measuring volumes), Porter Johnson (comments) and Ann Brandon (Australian soda labels.

September 29, 1998 with lessons by Theresa Tobecksen (various materials and testers), Alan Tobecksen (a rope problem), Bill Shanks (free fall demo), Bill Colson (science articles) and Earl Zwicker (iron and magnet demo)

October 13, 1998 with lessons by Alex Junievicz (video problem with 30 vs. 60 frames per second), Tynetta Stanley (blowing up balloons in a bottle), Bill Shanks (cheap laser pen), Betty Roombos (digital camera images), Al Tobecksen (solution to a rope puzzle presented on 9/9), Roy Coleman (announced changes to the SMILE web site), Larry Alofs (cow magnets) and Porter Johnson (geometry problem solution with a computer simulation).

October 27, 1998 with lessons by John Bozovsky (oil propelled fish), Magdalena Lilisa (size and internal structure of atoms), Earnest Garrison (astronomical units), Carol Zimmerman (mnemonics for remembering the order of the planets), Bill Blunk (Pasco air rocket and a stadium horn) and Ann Brandon (scalars and vectors).

November 10, 1998 with lessons by Arlyn Van Ek (bow and arrow problems), Ann Brandon (sources of error), Carol Zimmerman (a paper river and Stompers), Larry Alofs (Pasco mini-launcher), John Bozovsky (beach ball sun for a scale solar system), Alez Junievicz (a maze and how to protect meters), Earl Zwicker (articles on SETI) and Bill Blunk (address of favorite science store).

November 24, 1998 with lessons by Sandra Broomes (how to retrieve something dropped into a sewer), Arlyn Van Ek (spinning dish of water), Fred Schaal (bright star question), Ann Brandon (pressure from area of shoe and weight), John Bozovsky (star gazing and collapsible cans), Bill Shanks (the Bernoulli effect), Al Tobeckson (game of removing pieces) and Bill Colson (optical illusions from spinners).

December 8, 1998 with lessons by Carol Zimmerman (a problem with Newton's Second Law with photo-gates) and Professor John O'Leary (Bridge design and building)

February 2, 1999 with lessons by Bill Colson (sucking in spaghetti), Cynthia D'Sousa (NSF projects with ball rolling down ramp), Bill Blunk (magnetic modeling), Ann Brandon (diffraction grating demos and catalog address), Alex Junievicz (the 'pot hole' problem and progressive reflection) and Bill Shanks (using a metronome).

March 2, 1999 with lessons by Fred Schaal (determinants and magic squares), Walter O. McDonald (battery driven coupled oscillators), Carol Zimmerman (science articles) and Ann Brandon (reading analog meters).

March 16, 1999 with lessons by Al Tobecksen (using a carpenter's square), Fred Schaal (sucking an egg into a bottle), Lee Slick (portable laser ban), Bill Colson (laser anomalies), Don Kanner (burning plastic bags), Bill Blunk (the Levitron), Ann Brandon (AAPT high school Photo Contest and Video Contest info), Betty Roombos (the Pasco motion sensor) and Louis Harmon (vector addition).

April 6, 1999 with lessons by Bill Blunk (rotating the top of the Levitron), Earl Zwicker (a top from Harold Jensen), Don Kanner (electron bonding), Bill Shanks (Quantum sounds), John Bozovsky (Y2K vs Y1K problems), Karlene Joseph (getting a balloon into a flask and the Ocarina) and Lilla Green (more on the Ocarina and a riddle).

April 20, 1999 with lessons by Bill Blunk (magnetic sheet), Fred Schaal (area problem by counting squares), Karlene Joseph (baseball physics), Larry Alofs (the space pendulum), Arlyn Van Ek (series and parallel light bulbs) and Al Tobecksen (pattern block problems).

May 5, 1999 with lessons by Fred Schaal (more on the egg in the bottle problem), Earnest Garrison (a high tech yo-yo), Porter Johnson (rounding on a calculator) and Earl Zwicker (compressed spring bouncer).

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1998-1999 Elementary Mathematics-Science Academic Year Lessons

February 2, 1999 with lessons by Irma Abdullah (a fruit trick), Frana Allen (Coral reefs), Therese Donatello (molecular models), Ernie Garrison (star finders), Ben Butler (density columns) and Zoris Soderberg (temperatures and conversions).

February 23, 1999 with lessons by Sandra Broomes (estimation and math activities), Jarjorie Fields (static electricity), Shirley Cesair (flubber), Irma Abdullah (ions in fruit), Sheila McKinnon (origami), Barbara Pawela (physical and chemical changes), Nina Lilisa (energy transfer), Earnest Garrison (pocket sundial), Estellvenia Sanders (science and signing) and Ben Butler (homemade balance).

March 9, 1999 with lessons by Winifred Malvin (crystal formation), Carolyn McBride (measuring areas of the hand and foot), Rosalyn Winston (multi-cultural math box), Camille Gales (air takes space), Al Tobecksen (peg game and Pythagorean integers from a carpenter's square), Janet Sheard (classifying objects and the concepts of force and work), Porter Johnson (dropping coffee filters) and Pearline Scott (categorize by colors).

March 23, 1999 with lessons by Lilla Green (color your brain), Christine Scott (primary and secondary colors), Dana Gentile (vibrations and sound), Desiree Raddetz (bubbles), Laura Shimkus (Easter eggs), Cynthia Southern (can you tell the source of sound), Therese Tobecksen (classification of students and drawings), Al Tobecksen (pattern blocks), Pam Gibson & Bonnie Anderson (math squares, homemade lava lamp and the ZOG hotel) and Estelvenia Sanders (science in sign).

April 6, 1999 with lessons by Joyce McCoy (insects), Yolanda Miro (the ozone layer), RaeLynn Schneider (color tops), Erma Lee and Shirley Hatcher (lessons on color), Angela Patrick (measurement ideas), Cheryl Pitts (root gardens), Juliette Walker (Lady Bug Lodge), Barbara Baker (daytime stars), Val Williams (what is sound), Karen Cronk (oil spill cleanup) and Earnest Garrison (physical science workshop) and Al Tobecksen (the gyroscope).

April 27, 1999 with lessons by Sheila Gladney (Rice Krispies Treats recipe), Barbara Lorde (math and science in a salad bowl), Margia Artis (the five kingdoms of living organisms), Mary Gleason & Wanda Pitts (experimenting with craters), Roy Coleman (a tornado bottle, coke cans and bowling balls), Stephen Fears (math with straws and tape) and Marva Anyanwu (memory).

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1997-1998 Mathematics-Physics Academic Year Lessons

September 16, 1997 with lessons by Pete Insley (images in mirrors), Larry Alofs (measuring the density of a gas), Bill Blunk (Attilla Gorilla balloon) and Ann Brandon (laser pointers).

September 30, 1997 with lessons by Porter Johnson (announcements), Karlene Joseph (position for a physics teacher), John Bozovsky (a dancing bear), Walter McDonald (measuring lung volume), James Chichester (cartoon physics), Alex Junievicz (eddy currents with a cow magnet), Fred Schaal (questions about NASA moon landing tapes), Ann Brandon (the trundle wheel) and Porter Johnson (the points on a compass).

October 14, 1997 with lessons by Jane Shields (the Lite Bright box), Roy Coleman (math oddities and anomalies), Porter Johnson (more math oddities and anomalies), Carol Zimmerman (alternate worksheet in place of Physics Day), Bill Blunk (the Force stick), Fred Schaal (billiards), Larry Alofs (eye problems) and Alex Junievicz (more eddy currents demos).

October 28, 1997 with lessons by Roberta Williams (fruit powered batteries), Karlene Joseph (push and go toys), Bill Shanks (new flashlight), Porter Johnson (Argonne information center), Ann Brandon (announce AAPT meeting at IIT), Carol Zimmerman (more alternate assignments), Sandra Brooms (Halloween treats from the Museum of Science and Industry) and Jamie Chichester (toy crossbow).

November 11, 1997 with lessons by Porter Johnson (websurfing sessions), Betty Roombos (inertia), Walter McDonald (circuits), Fred Schaal (Tandy Basic program), Bill Shanks (heat on a laser beam), Ann Brandon (bridge building rules), Jamie Chichester (Larry Byrd experiment) and Lee Slick (shop projects).

November 25, 1997 with lessons by Bill Blunk (wave beats), Lee Slick (coat hanger inertia), Debbie Lojkutz (skateboard cart), Arlyn Van Ek (vector addition - boat crossing river), Fred Schaal (true-false logic), Betty Roombos (questions about computer tech in classroom) and John Bozovsky (CPS science requirements).

December 9, 1997 with lessons by Professor John O'Leary (bridge building principles), Estellvania Sanders (measuring and comparisons), Jane Shields (magnetism), Angela Scott (physical property categorization), Angela Patrick (cratering) and Bill Lilly (calculator based ranger).

January 20, 1998 with lessons by Pat Riley (bed of nails), Therese Donatello (grouping using shells), Larry Alofs (hydrogen+oxygen reaction), Chuck Buzek (biological time scale), Carol Zimmerman (cartoon physics) and Ken Schug (acid/base color changes).

January 27, 1998 with lessons by Carol Zimmerman (Millikan eggs), Bill Blunk (rockets), Alex Junievicz (electronic parts) and Ann Brandon (alternate to fragile static equipment).

February 10, 1998 with lessons by Roy Coleman (deleting/renaming illegal DOS file names), Jamie Chichester (a set of 'Odd Balls'), Karlene Joseph (excited/resonating strips), Larry Alofs (resonance) and Ann Brandon (gravity demos).

February 24, 1998 the annual High School Bridge Contest

March 10, 1998 with lessons by Larry Alofs (Boyle's Law), Porter Johnson (under inflated tires), Bill Blunk (electrostatics) and Hoi Huynh (graph paper Pythagorean theorem).

March 24, 1998 with lessons by Sheila McKinnon (global warming), Larry Alofs (eye problem update), Jane Shields (the Bernoulli effect), Bill Blunk (measuring a mass using nickels) and Ann Brandon (Slinky waves).

April 7, 1998 with lessons by Porter Johnson (Web surfing sessions and summer SMILE), Bill Lilly (CBR - calculator based ranger demonstration), Richard Goberville (balancing birds and 'centripetal force puller'), Fred Schaal (freezing ice cream) and Estelvania Sanders (signing about foods).

April 28, 1998 with lessons by Bill Shanks (the physics of a brush pruner and an LED flashlight), Arlyn Van Ek (resonance using a DC motor), Larry Alofs ('tripped' resonance), Chris Raymond (raising butterflies), Fred Schaal (slimed slugs), Sharon Baker (mood music), Renee Allen (8th grade element posters) and Tynetta Stanley (word meanings and folk medicines).

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