The SMILE website is hosted by the Illinois Institute of Technology
The following is a collection of almost 1000 single concept lessons
along with lists of references, places to obtain hands on materials and
supplies and information about how to start and/or organize a science
fair. The lists of references and the science fair information was
developed by the SMILE plus participants during the summers of 1994 -
The lessons may be freely copied and used in a classroom but they
remain the copyright property of the author.
You should probably use the 'search page' or 'edit/find on page'
abilities of your particular Web Browser to locate a particular topic,
title, author or school.
Biology Lessons
The Biology lessons are divided into the following categories: Anatomy & Physiology, Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, Genetics,
Environmental Studies and Ecology, Biochemistry,
General Biology and Miscellaneous.
Anatomy & Physiology
Gathering data about respiration by
Charles Buzek - John Spry School
Production of Sound by Valvasti Williams
Jr. - Perkins Bass Elementary School
Feely Balloons by Winnie Koo - Ravenswood
Investigating the Nervous System by
Barbara J. Baker - Doolittle West Primary
What Happens When You Eat? by Kelly
Ludwig - Lincoln-Way High School
Taste, Smell, Touch by Rocenetta Jacobs -
Roswell B. Mason Elementary School
Name That Taste by Gracie L. Jones -
Charles Carroll Elementary
Breathing Is Essential to Life by Dianne
Mehlinger - Arthur Libby School
Sound and hearing by Cecile Savage - John
Farren School
Bones, Bones, and More Bones by Juliette
Walker - Crown Community Academy
An Introduction to the Senses by Therese
R. Tobecksen - St. Andrew the Apostle
Making and Using a Gel Person to Teach Human
Anatomy by Kelly Ludwig - Lincoln-Way High School
Give Me A Hand, I'm "Thumb-body" Special
by Ranada L. Johnson - Horace Mann Elementary
Measuring Work by Cynthia Clemons - John
Exploring the Left and Right Sides of the
Brain by Kathleen Hall - Goethe School
Immunity and Disease by Gregory Carter -
William King Elementary
Healthy Colon with Good Digestion and Fiber
by Lenora Jean Black - Parkmanor School
Ears and Hearing by Angelica Wright -
Robert Fulton
Staying Young with Vitamin E by Kelly
Ludwig - Lincoln-Way High School
Rubber Egg by Angel Lee Gilbert -
Douglass Middle Academy
Learning the Bones and Muscles of the Head
and Face by Charles T. Buzek - John Spry School
Straight from the Heart by Cheryl L.
Trammell - Delano Elementary School
Respiratory System by Mona Turner -
Delano Elementary School
Mechanism of Vision by Celestine Miller
Jeffreys - Beethoven School
Movement Across the Membrane (Diffusion)
by Kelly Ludwig - Lincoln-Way High School
The Five Senses by Ollie L. Jamison -
Delano Elementary School
Cervical Vertebrae by Angel Lee Gilbert -
Douglass Middle Academy
Da I's Have It: A Fun Look At The Eye by
Ann Fultz - Charles Holden Elementary
Learning the Dissecting Planes by Charles
T. Buzek - John Spry School
Some Activities For Teaching the Mechanics of
Vision by Charles T. Buzek - John Spry School
Inhalation and Exhalation by Kelly Ludwig
- Lincoln-Way High School
Fingerprints--2 mini-teaches and a game
by Russ Osantowski - Carter Elementary
MuscleMania by Celestine Miller Jeffreys
- Beethoven Academic Center
Breathe In, Breath Out by JoAnn
Brooks-Williams - Overton Elementary
Listen To Your Heart Beat by Lula Carey -
Overton School
Internal Anatomy: A Fun Look At The Digestive
System by Ann Fultz - Charles Holden Elementary
Aspects of Individual Human Blood Pressure
by Ora Newman - Fulton Elementary School
Reliability Of Your Visual Sense by
William M. Gordon - Parkman Elementary School
How Air Moves In and Out of the Lung by
Dorothy Anthony - Luella Elementary
The Senses: Hearing and Sight by Vincent
McEnerney - Peck Elementary
The Investigation Of The Taste Buds by
Ola Jean McGehee - Yale Elementary
How the Body's Immune System Responds to a
Virus by Margaret Mikel - Robert Fulton Elementary School
The Female Reproductive Organs by Glenda
Faye Rowe - John P. Altgeld
The Sense Of Touch by Louise R. Wooten -
Henry Clay Elementary
The Tongue...A Sense of Taste by Dores H.
Cook - Myra Bradwell School
What is blood and how it circulates in and
out of the heart by Merry Jelks - A.C. Powell Elementary School
Skeletal System And External Body Development
Of A Full Term Fetus by Joi Lewis
The Adverse Effects of Birth Control on the
Female Anatomy by Deneen Signator - D.S. Wentworth
The Brain Reflex System And How It Works
by Bobbitt, Ruby - Chalmers Elementary School
Using Your Senses by Daniels, Elizabeth
A. - Collins High School
The Human Ear by Kall, Maureen
How Do Toxins Affect the Human Body? by
Hale, Patricia - Nansen Elementary School
Cardiorespiratory Fitness by O'Malley,
Paul - Senn Metro Academy
What's Covering You? and Why? by
Weathersby, Dorothy - Sherwood School
To Have Or Not To Have Oxygen (Part I -
Fermentation) by West, Anna - DuSable High School
The Bone Connection by Artis, Emma -
Emmet School
Nutrition by Gilmore, Marie - Raster
Genetic Variations in Hand Span Size by
Richard Chilton - Chicago Vocational High School
Comparison of Respired Air Volume by
Matthew F. Mendyk - Steinmetz High School
The Eye and Color Images by Lacy Grigsby
- Paul Robeson High School
Embryology: From Egg To
Chick by Ben Butler Jr. - Laura Ward
Be A "Peder-Reader" - A Discovery Activity
by Lilla E. Green - Hartigan Community Arts Specialty
Cool Coral Reefs by Frana L. Allen -
Skinner School
Sea Activities by Pedro Rodriguez -
Bateman School
Animals: Here and Now by Marvin W. Bragg
- John Hope Community Academy
Insect Classification by Mushtaq Ali
Khawaja - Bateman
Bernoulli's Principle and Winged Flight
by Ben Stark - Illinois Institute of Technology
Teeth Identification in Omnivores, Herbivores
and Carnivores by Allen Nelson - John P. Altgeld
Insects: Grasshoppers by Wanda
Williamson-Johnson - Crown Community Academy
Insect Inquiries by Allen Nelson - John
P. Altgeld
Wonderful Worms by Judith Lessin - Rogers
Elementary School
Know Your Cousins - Monotremas, Marsupials,
and Placentals by Wilma Haynes - Ruggles School
A Fish Tale by Frances A. Henry - John
Whistler School
Bird Beaks by Katherine Hill - Helen J.
Sharks by Myrtie Bryan - Martha Ruggles
Dinosaurs---Read All About Them! by
Roberta Fried - Douglass Math and Science Academy
Making Your Dog Your Best Friend by
Patricia Guthrie - May Community Academy
Testing Fats in Food by Patricia A. Banks
- Rosa L. Parks Middle School
Toothpick Worms by Judy Hobson - TAMS
The Earthworm by Carolyn Matthews - Curie
High School
The Amazing Starfish by Doris Agbefe -
South Shore Community Academy High School
A Guinea Pig Makes An Excellent Classroom Pet
by Curtis Brasfield - Horace Mann
Animal Behavior: "Groggy Goldfish" by
Pearlie M. Hayes - Henry Clay Elementary
What Can You Learn From A Mealworm? by
Jessie Rucker - Curie High School
Animal Life Histories Derived From Morphology
by Charles Buzek - Spry Elementary School
Marine Life: Whales by Myrtle Guice -
Powell Elementary School
Marine Life: Anatomy of a Humpback by
Carolyn Hawkins - Adam Clayton Powell Elementary School
Classification of an Echinoderm by Dill,
Henry - Kennedy High School
But, Why SEX? by McVeigh, Steve - Dunbar
Owl Pellets by Robles, M. Elena - Kenwood
Animals and Their Coverings by Sorenson,
Beverly - Darwin School
Animal Behavior by Turner, Homer D. -
Hubbard High School
Classification of an invertebrate:Sponge
by Giles, Carol - Collins High School
The Acetate Animal Hunt by Carter, Linda
- DuSable High School
Reconstructing A Fossil Pterosaur by
Elder, Nathan R. - Farragut Career Academy
How and Why Chameleons Change Colors by
Ross, Shirley - Neil School
Let It Grow by Virginia
T. O'Brien - Higgins Community Academy
Which Sex is it? by
Pamela Moy - Morgan Park High School
Fun Activities Using Seeds
by Imara Abdullah - Douglas Academy
Data-gathering Activities Relating to Trees in
Their Environment by Charles Buzek - John Spry School
Investigating the Structure of the Flower
by Charles Buzek - John Spry School
Transportation in Plants by Matthew
Gibson - Joliet West High School
Structure Of A Plant by Sheila Mckinnon -
Sherman School
Structure of Seeds and Effects of Fertilizer
on Plant Growth by Ben Stark - Illinois Institute of Technology
A Close Encounter of the Tree Kind by
Charles T. Buzek - Spry School
Aztec Floating Gardens by Vanessa
Villalobos - Oscar Mayer Elementary
How Plants Spice Up Our Lives by Trudy S.
Moore - Scott Joplin Elementary School
Plant Actions by Angelica Wright - Robert
How Buds on Trees Survive the Cold (and
Related Mysteries) by Ben Stark - Illinois Institute of Technology
Structure and Function of Seeds by Ben
Stark - Illinois Institute of Technology
Seed Germination by Calvin Harris -
Bethune Elementary
The Structure of A Flower by Dorothy J.
Brandon - Anton Dvorak Elem. School
Birth of a Plant From a Seed by Janet A.
Elkins - Douglass Middle S & M Academy
Indoor Gardening by Patricia H. Haynes -
Wirth Elementary School
Photosynthesis by Karen F. Adams -
Burnside Scholastic Academy
Tree Identification by the Use of Leaves
by Elaine E. Messal - Henry Clay Elementary
Seeds-Seed Sort by Anna Summers - Henry
Clay Elementary School
Algae--Where does it Live? by Mary Ellen
Dote - St. Cletus School
What are Some Substances That Will Cause
Algae To Grow? by Liz Jones - Yale School Elementary
The Parts of A Perfect Flower by
Guinevere Miller - Englewood High School
Photosynthesis: A Controlled Experiment
by Coley, Juana - Rosa Parks Middle School
Four Parts of a Green Plant and the Functions
of each Part by Hawthorne, Sarah F. - Coles Elem. School
The Effects of Light & Temperature on the
Growth & Development of Plants by Robinson, Minnie - Fenger
High School
From Flower to Fruit by Ward, Joy A. -
Hope Community Academy
Growth of Plants and Bacteria by Chaffin,
Mildred C. - Hyde Park Career Acad.HS.
Showing Nature's Way-Plant Development &
the Plant Parts We Eat by Ewers, Katherine - Burke Elementary
Germination: Name That Seed by Blonzella
Campbell - Chicago Vocational High School
Cell Structure and Function by Barbara J.
Baker - Doolittle West Primary School
Mold Investigations by Ben Stark -
Illinois Institute of Technology
Micro-organisms by Janet Elkins - F.A.
Douglass Middle Math & Science Academy
Micro-organisms by Janet Elkins - F.A.
Douglass Middle Math & Science Academy
Cell Division and Mitosis by Nicholas
DiGiovanni - Naperville Central High School
Cell Size and Division or How Big Would You
Want To Be by Nicholas DiGiovanni - Naperville Central High School
The Effects Of Osmotic Balance And Imbalance
In Living Cells by Wayne Brown - Collins High School
Cells, The Structural and Functional Units of
Life by Carollyn V. Warlick - South Shore High School
A Hands-On Approach to Teaching the DNA
Structure and FUNCTION by Carter, Linda - DuSable High School
Plant and Animal Cells by Will White -
Copernicus School
People Are Like Peas in a Pod by Eartha
Sherrill - Daniel Hale Williams School
DNA Extraction with Kitchen Chemistry by
Donna M. Bronson - John B. Drake
Monstrous Mutations by Pamela S. Moy -
Morgan Park High School
DNA/Genetics by Sandra E. Broomes -
William T. Sherman School
Groovy DNA Beads by Celestine M. Jeffreys
- Hales Franciscan High School
Wearing My Genes: Basic Principles of Heredity
by Anita Jacobs - Horace Mann
Inheritance in Maize (Indian Corn) by
Renee Allen - Louis Wirth Experimental
Traits by Jennifer Wesley - Scammon
Elementary School
Principles of Heredity by Williamson,
Morris - Esmond School
Beans and Genes/Genetic Probability by
Joyce Craft - Hyde Park Academy
Environmental Studies & Ecology
Saving Humpty Dumpty by
Christine Etapa - Gunsaulus Scholastic Academy
Life in a Drop of Water
by Marva L. Anyanwu - Wendell E. Green
Topics in Environmental Science by
Willie Hoskins - Williams School
How Pollution Disrupts Our Natural Environment
by Sheila Mckinnon - Sherman Elementary School
Recycling by Shirley A. Knight - John
Whistler Elementary
Building A Biome by Kelly Ludwig -
Lincoln-Way High School
Zebra Mussels and Water Pollution by
Allen Nelson - John P. Altgeld School
Soil Examination by Allen Nelson - John
P. Altgeld Elementary School
Food Webs by Kelly Ludwig - Lincoln-Way
High School
The Effect of Automobile Exhaust on Hydra in
an Environmental Chamber by Donald H. Anderson - Foreman High
The Effects of Trash and Garbage On the
Environment by Bernadette M. Gilbert - Charles Kozminski Community
Population Study and Applications Using PTC
Paper by Susan H. Smigla - Leslie Lewis Elementary
Biological Communities by Jimmie Whitney
- Lucy Flower Vocational High School
The Effects of Pesticides on the Food Chain
by Betty Conley - Byrd Academy
The Properties of Air by Dores H. Cook -
Gallistel Language Academy
How Organisms Respond To Changes In Their
Environment by Carmella Gordon - Farragut High School
Recycling by Brad Wohlgemuth - Thornton
Twp. H.S.
Urban Effects On Inshore Plankton by
Arnam, Steve - Roosevelt H.S.
Acid Rain And How It Affects Our Environment
by Iftner, George - Schools, various
Filtering Water To Prevent Pollution by
Ander, Perry - Robeson High
Living Organisms As Indicators of Pollutants
In Fresh Water Ecosystems by Hubers, Hendriekje - Chicago High
School for Agricultural Sciences
Air Pollution by Levine, Stephen - Gordon
Upper Grade Center
Water Purification by Wilson, Wardell -
Raster School
Photosynthesis, Respiration, and the ATP-ADP
Cycle by Clovis O. Price Jr. - Lucy Flower High School
What's the Matter? by Earline Muhammad -
Louis Wirth Academy of International Studies
What's the Matter? by Earline Muhammad -
Louis Wirth Academy of International Studies
The Chemistry of Water by Virginia Harris
- DuSable High School
Chromosome Karyotyping by Gray, JoAnne S.
- George Henry Corliss High School
The Role of Enzymes by Rucker, Jessie B.
- Curie Metro High School
The Coding of Protein Molecules By D.N.A.
by Glenn, Georgia S. - Bogan High School
Natural and Synthetic Fiber by Grant,
Erskine - Washington High School
Molecular Shuffle by Johnson, Betty -
Haugan Elementary School
Constructing A Dichotomous Key by
Margaret Bankhead - Robert A. Black Magnet School
Active Transport Across The Plasma Membrane
by Dorothy Sarmiento - Lindbloom Technical High School
General Biology
Food Chain by Lyvonia
G. Hearns who is Retired and feeling Wonderful!
Memory and Learning by Mary A. Mason -
Clay Elementary School
Cells Are Us by Cheryl L. Trammell -
Delano Elementary School
Enquirer-type Newspapers Have Many Uses
by Russ Osantowski - Carter Elementary
Living and Non-Living by Ollie L. Jamison
- Delano Elementary School
Freshwater Sharks Bite Children at 35th
Beach. A Play by Russ Osantowski - Carter Elementary
Food For Energy - Four Food Groups by
Anna M. Rembert - Faraday Elementary School
Classification by Bobbie Dixon Heard -
McCorkle Elementary School
A Biology Game To Promote Classification And
Observation by Charles T. Buzek - Spry School
Introduction to the Scientific Method by
Maureen P. Kall - Hillcrest H.S.
A Demonstration of Photo-and Geotaxes in
nauplii of Artemia salina by Daniel C. Koblick - Illinois
Institute of Technology
Nutrition by Donna Lynn Attinello -
Gallistel Language Academy
Biology Trivia Questions by Carol Giles -
Collins High School
Biology Trivia by Carol Giles - Collins
High School
The Characteristics of Living Things by
Mary Hopkins - Edward Coles School
Watercycle by Clara Phillips - Dawes
Diffusion by Charles, Harold - Farragut
Career Academy
Biology Trivia by Giles, Carol - Collins
High School
Nutrition Awareness by Cora, Luis - Lake
View High School
Observations (collecting data) by
English, James - Simeon H.S.
Diffusion by Gupta, Raj - Schurz High
Problem Solving: Dots, Symbols, Words, and
Proteins by Sims, MaryLouise - Farragut Career Academy
Clouds - Movement and Type
by Tanisha Guterz-Kwaaning - John Farren
Natural Cleaners by
Jeannine Frazier - Farren Fine Arts
Rock Formation by
Therese Donatello - St. Edward School
Land Formations by
Barbara J. Baker - Doolittle West
Oceans AWAY by Frana L.
Allen - M. T. Elementary School
Somethin' Sweet by Angela Patrick -
Crown Academy
Can Young Children Distinguish Between
Living and Non-living Things? by Joyce E. Combest - Daniel Dale
Williams School
Stacking The Deck on Nutrition by Elaine
Pauline Agusto-Laster - Daniel Hale Williams Elementary School
Calorie Connection by Imara Abdullah -
Douglas Community Academy
Biological Flight by Russell C.
Osantowski - Bateman Elementary
A Taste of Our Classroom by Carisa R.
Bryant - W. K. Sullivan Specialty Elementary School
Usefulness of Irrigation by Gloria T.
Bond - Coles School
Water Conditions by Kelly Ludwig -
Lincoln-Way High School
Measuring Matter by Jessie D. Barnes -
Henry Clay Elementary School
Dinosaur Tracks and Critical Thinking by
Charles T. Buzek - Spry School
Discover Science by Claire Davis - Myra
T. Bradwell Elem.
Data Sampling by Debra Dortch - Henry
Suder Elementary
Physical And Chemical Change Of Six White
Substances by Jacqueline Sanders - Myra Bradwell School
How Big Is Big? by Lucille Smith - Horace
Mann Elementary School
Extra Sensory Perception by Heflin, Marie
- Walter Dyett M.S.
For Safety's Sake: Introduction to Laboratory
Safety in Science by Gaddis, Linda - Walter H. Dyett
The Frigid Gourmet by Drolson, Rochelle -
Clemente High School
GenEng by English, Jami - Dyett Middle
Paper Chromatography - Chemical and Mechanical
by Valerie Young - Kenwood Academy
Chemistry Lessons
The Chemistry lessons are divided into the following categories: Basic Tools And Principles, Atomic and
Molecular Structure (Including Moles), States of
Matter, Types and Control of Chemical Reactions
and Chemistry of Elements, Compounds and Materials.
Basic Tools And Principles
What Objects Sink and What
Objects Float by Michael Young - Jane A. Neil School
Surface Tension (Soap Boat)
by John J. Scavo - Richards Career Academy
Changing the Freezing Point
of Water with Salt by Shirley Hatcher - Daniel Hale Williams School
The Relationship Between Salinity and the
Density of Water by Therese Donatello - St. Edward School
Metrics by Angela Smith - Julia Ward Howe
Scientific Method - The Big Ahah by Lorna
J. Holliday - Horace Mann School
Passing The Heat Along by Anthony Love -
Robert Fulton
Reading The Periodic Table by Evelyn
Williams - John Hope Community Academy
Is More Expensive More Absorbent? by
Robert D. Wilson - Hermann Raster Elementary School
Dispersement of Particles: Diffusion and
Osmosis by Marge Rockwood - Horace Greeley
Densities by Ellice M. Norman - Teachers
Academy for Math and Science
The Magnificent Breathing Machine by
Evangelyn R. Lilly - Ray School
The Conservation Of Mass (The Mass Of Gas)
by Jake Carter - Douglass Math and Science Academy
Discovering C.A.S.T. (Cohesion, Adhesion and
Surface Tension) by Elise S. Greene - Teachers Acad. For Math and
Bubbles: Science or Fun? by Paula Z.
Jones - Charles Brownell
Electricity: Static And Current by
Catherine Coughlin - Douglass Math and Science Academy
Measurement by Therese Donatello -
Archbishop Weber High School
The Scientific Method Using Mystery Powders
by Gail Gavin - Chicago H. S. For Agri. Sciences
Physical And Chemical Changes by Carolus
Love - Hoyne School
Density by Barbara Pawela - May Academy
Density And Volume by Linda Cooper -
Nathan Davis School
Can You Measure Up! by Valerie Hardy -
Horace Mann School
Density of Liquids by Patricia Doyle -
Peck School
Density as a Unique Physical Property by
Teresa Granito - Von Steuben M.S.C.
Everyone has Problems, but Chemists have
Solutions by Kathy Kreidler - Thornridge High School
Just How Thick Is Aluminum Foil Anyway???
by Patricia A. Riley - Lincoln Park High School
Physical And Chemical Changes by Ann Sims
- Dyett Middle School
Mass/Weight/Data/Graphing - "WHAT IS THE MASS
OF A DINOSAUR?" by Alan Tobecksen - Fenger HS
Indirect Observation by Belvon Walker -
Frazier School
Density Determination by Marcea Anderson
- Thornton Township High School
Using Density to Identify Metals by
Elaine Hunter - Zenos Colman School
Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures by
Marcea Anderson - Thornton Township High School
Eye Safety by Robert Cholewick - Whitney
Young A/C
Estimation and Significant Figures by
Dick Trent - Elk Grove High School
Computer Software and ACS Materials For
Chemistry by Brandon, Larry L. - Thornwood High School
Metrics in the Home and in the Store by
Granderson, Mary - Senn Metro Academy
Grab Bag Experiment by Lee, Lucile -
Warren Palm School
Popcorn by Robinson, Veronices - Beasley
Academic Center
Can Cruncher by Schaumburg, Carl - Von
Stueben MSC
Discovering Gravity: What Goes Up Must Come
Down by Marsha Craig, Debra Lester, Connie Henderson, Mary
The World of Molecules by Therese
Donatello, Harendra Gupta, Mattie Mayfield, Veronices Robinson
Density - Qualitative and Quantitative
by Bahner, Stan - Whitney Young High School
Density Phenomena - Using the concept of
density by Bahner, Stan - Whitney Young High School
Sewer Lice by Jones, Mamie - Rosa Parks
Middle School
Burning vs Heating: by Schaumburg, Carl -
Von Steuben High School
The Amazing Apple by Smith, Bonnie -
Nansen Elementary School
Physical and Chemical Changes In Matter
by Wilcox, Azzie - Edward Hartigan
Balancing Equations by Lorraine Pettigrew
- George Washington High School
Conservation of Energy by Ruby Bowen -
Hyde Park Career Academy
Periodicity (The Periodic Table) by Alvin
Wilson - Wendell Phillips High School
Thermodynamics by Marilyn L. Mayfield -
Lindbloom Tech. H.S.
Relative Masses by John Schwartz - Senn
Metropolitan Academy
Acid/Base Indicators by Ilene J. Wagner -
O. A. Thorp
Atomic and Molecular Structure (Including Moles)
Strong Ice by Barbara
Pawela who is Retired!
The structure of the periodic table by
Therese Donatello - Weber High School
Moles, Moles, Moles by Patricia A. Riley
- Lincoln Park High School
Color, Light and Excited Electrons by
Lorna Paisley - Lincoln-Way High School
Crystals by Therese Donatello -
Archbishop Weber H. S.
Radiation Energy by Doris Watkins - John
Hope School
How Strong Is The Solution? by Ernestine
C. Davis - Horace Mann Elementary School
Aspects of Weather by Janine Garrett -
Crown Academy
Density - An Introduction by Therese R.
Tobecksen - St. Andrew the Apostle
Surface Tension of Water by Barbara
Pawela - Retired
Concentration vs Solubility by Therese
Donatello - Archbishop Weber H. S.
The Science of Color and Light by Janine
Garrett - Crown Academy
Density: Floating, Sinking, and Suspending
by Ayodeji Griffin - Robert Fulton Elementary School
What's The Attraction by Elizabeth A.
Abioro - Delano Elementary
The Marvels of the Molecule by Douglas
Xavier Key - Douglass Math and Science Academy
Polymer by Sherrie L. Birts - Teachers
Acad. of Math and Science
Atomic Structure and Ionic Bonding (A Visual
Approach) by David Harazin - Jamieson Elementary School
What's The Matter? by Shikilia Tukes -
Ninos Heroes
Mystery: Structure of the Atom - A Case for
Indirect Evidence by Miriam Meade - Saint Joseph School
Composition of the Atom by Carol
Zimmerman - Lane Tech High School
Mole Relations by Samuel E. Hall, Jr. -
Chgo H. S. for Ag. Sciences
Growing Crystals from Solutions by
Delores E. Jackson - Richard Byrd School
Structure of the Atom by Donatello,
Therese - Weber High School
Models of Hydrocarbons by Sklowdowski,
William - Gage Park High
Stereoisomers by Kreidler, Kathy -
Thornridge High School
Chemistry is Crystal Clear by Root, Linda
- Everett Elementary
Ion (Derstand) Bonding through Energy Level
Diagrams by Turbov, Jane - St. Viator High School
Periodic Table by Walton, Malcolm -
Chicago Vocational High School
Why Are Electrons Important? by Brandon,
Larry L. - Thornwood High School
Atomic Structure by Bristow, Sadie -
Volta School
Classification of the Chemical Elements
by Purham, James - Chicago Vocational High School
The Mole by Stringer, S. C. - Morgan Park
High School
Molecular Architecture by Larry L.
Brandon - Thornwood High School
States of Matter
Solid, Liquid or Gas?
by Dena R. Hall - Milton Brunson School
It's the States of Matter by Carl E.
Martikean - Lew Wallace High School
It's a Gas! by Barbara Pawela - Retired
We All Scream For Ice Cream by Virginia
T. O'Brien - Higgins Community Academy
The Water Cycle by Delores Jean Brooks -
Percy Lavon Julian High School
Learning About Matter And Energy by
Marjorie Fields - Ella Flag Young
Weather by Charlene Clark - Fulton
Elementary School
As a "Matter" of Fact by Alfreda Freeman
- Perkins Bass Elementary School
What A Gas! by Trudy S. Moore - Scott
Joplin Elementary School
Introduction to Gases by Barbara Pawela -
Matter and Molecular Motion by Susan
Schwartz - DeWitt Clinton Elementary School
The Vibrational Nature of Sound by Lorna
J. Holliday and Eugenia L. Sampson - Horace Mann School
Osmosis by Sandra E. Broomes - W. T.
Sherman Elementary School
States of Matter: Solids, Liquids and Gases
by Eugenia L. Sampson - Horace Mann School
Weather by Brenda Lewis - George M.
Pullman Elementary School
States of Matter by Herbert C. Favors -
Wendell Smith School
Density In A Wave Machine by Deloris
Braham - Horace Mann
Sublimation by Amelia D. Witherspoon -
Mays Academy
States of Matter For Grades Kg-8 by
Ruthie Banks - Carter Elementary School
Diffusion Through Balloons by Angela
Patrick - Crown Community Academy
Frozen Solids by Evangelyn Lilly -
William H. Ray
Crystals by Alyce Sutton Miller - Julia
W. Howe Middle School
Crystal Painting by Patricia Ann Riley -
Lincoln Park High School
States of Matter by Barbara Pawela -
Air and Air Pressure by Mildred L.Butler
- Douglass Math and Science Academy
Air Exerting Pressure by Mable McMiller -
Reavis Elementary School
Surface Tension Of Water by Anita J.
Smith - Joseph Warren School
Selling The Molecular Kinetic Theory by
Edward S. Guzdziol - Worth Junior High
The Three States of Matter by Mary Allen
- Joseph Warren
States of Matter by Barbara Pawela - May
Recycling by Alice Stacker - Morton
Career Academy
The Chemistry of Bigger Bubbles by Yvonne
Tuck - Ericson Academy
Life Means Water Environment by
Algimuntas Vailokaitis - Chicago Board Of Education
Pressure and Volume of Gases by Sister
Stephanie Blaszczynski - Resurrection High School
Change Of State by Bernard Hudson -
Morton Career Academy
Soap Bubble Chemistry by Theresa Colby,
Al Oldenburg, Al Tobecksen
Relationships: Pressure, Volume, and
Temperature by Samuel E. Hall, Jr. - Chicago H. S. for Ag Sciences
What Is a Gas? by DeYoung, Robert -
Joliet Twp. H. S. - West
Physical Changes of Water by Zuger, Nancy
- Hanson Park School
Gas Laws by concepcion Millet-Rivera,
William Sklodowski, Nancy Zuger
Let's Get Fizzical by Stan Bahner, Larry
O'Connell, Linda Root
Chemistry Is A Gas by Blake, Thelma B. -
Louis Worth Experimental School
Using A Spreadsheet To Solve Gas Law Problems
by Branch, Arthur - Tilden H.S.
Popcorn Is A Gas by Katz, Linda - Orr
Molecular Forces At Work: Creating Soap
Bubbles by Laz, Jerome - Everett School
Solubility of Gases In Liquids by Sticha,
Frank J. - Saint Ignatius College Prep
Types and Control of Chemical Reactions
Chemical Reaction Rates
by Ken Schug - Illinois Institute of Technology
Equilibrium: What is it?
by Patricia Ann Riley - Lincoln Park High School
World Of Plastics And Polymers by Marva
Anyanwu - Wendell E. Green
Water from a Match: The Principles of
Combustion by Ben Stark - Illinois Institute of Technology
Reaction Rates - Catalysis, Concentration,
Surface Area, and Temperature by Kenneth Schug - Illinois Institute
of Technology
Acids/Bases by Chandra E. Price -
Burnham/Anthony Inclusive
Secret Message by Stephen W. Ha - James
Ward School
Introductory Lesson on How pH Levels Are
Determined by Jeri Chavis - Langston Hughes Elementary
Bubble Festival by Lyvonia G. Hearns - Asa
Philip Randolph
Acid Rain Environment Pollution by Helen
Porter - Morrill School
by Kenneth Schug - Illinois Institute of Technology
The Chemistry of Fire and Other Oxidation
Reactions by Barbara Pawela - Retired
Chemistry is pHun by Michelle Jones -
Morgan Park High School
The Color Of Your Own: Mixing Paint by
Toni Spooner - Horace Mann School
Chemical Changes by Geraldine Smith -
Delano School
Chemical Changes by Stella L. Harvey -
Horace Mann School
Chemical Reactions With Vinegar by
Lucille Denmark - Rudyard Kipling School
Chemical Change and Physical Change by
Vince Davis Sr. - William Penn School
How to Make Invisible Ink by Linda Casey
- Whistler Elementary School
Electrolytic Titration by Patricia A.
Riley - Lincoln Park High School
The Difference Between Acids and Bases Using
Different Indicators by Lejon Ross - Betsy Ross Elementary School
Evaporation and Temperature Change by
Dorian J. Price - Horatio May Academy
Acids, Bases, and Indicators by Edwin A.
Metzl - Lincoln Park High School
Rate of Solubility by Sharon Barfield -
Perkins Bass
Indicators For Acids And Bases by Marian
Johnson - Morton Career Academy
Electrochemistry by Bruce Kitsuse -
Peirce School
pH Neutralization For Pollution Control
by Mahesh Parikh - Daniel Boone
Measuring the Heat Energy of a Chemical Change
by Patricia Riley - Lincoln Park High School
Can Acids And Bases Remedy The Body? by
Bev Tatum - Beethoven Elementary
Solubility by Loretta Davis - St. Agnes
Consolidated School
Calories by Sandra M. Green - Frazier
Chemical Changes by Bonnie J. Hickerson -
Horace Mann
Voil! C'est La Magie De La Chimie by
Pamela Jackson - Horace Mann School
The History of Creation by Therese Colby
- Montessori Elementary School
Calorimetry by Albert Oldenburg -
Lindblom Tech. H.S.
The Need for Normality by Carl Schaumburg
- Von Steuben M.S.C.
An Introduction to Acids and Bases by
Therese Tobecksen - Saint Andrew the Apostle
Chemical Equilibrium by Nancy Zipprich -
D.D. Eisenhower H.S.
Chromatography by Sr. Stephanie
Blaszczynski, Barbara Daiker, Nancy Zipprich
Separation Of Mixtures And Compounds For K
Through 12 by Patricia A. Riley, Viva Henson, Patricia Doyle
Combining Elements to Form a Compound by
Judith Brakes - Byrd Academy
The Six Solution Problem by Larry Brandon
- Thornwood High School
Cooperative Learning Experience Through the
Flipping Lid Demo by Robert Cholewick - Whitney Young A/C
Bleach Chemical Reactions by Verdell
Marie Henderson - John Calhoun Elementary
Acids And Bases by Joseph Humphrey -
Seward School
Getting Down to Basics (and Acidics) by
Deborah Lewis - Hinton School
Oxidation and Reduction by Edwina Nelson
- William W. Carter
Rate Determining Step and Catalysts by
Dick Trent - Elk Grove High School
Acid(s)-Base(s) Detective by Gupta,
Harendra Kumar - Hyde Park Career Academy H.S.
Oxidation: How Can It Be Proved? by
Henderson, Connie - Eli Whitney Elem. School
Activation Energy by Kreidler, Kathy -
Thornridge High School
Mystical Membrane by Lester, Debra
Coke Soda, Hot VS. Cold by Mayfield,
Mattie - Thomas Chalmers School
Cleaning Of A Metal by Millet-Rivera,
Concepcion - Schurz High School
Energy and Changes of State by Robert
DeYoung, Lucile Lee, Alisa Ferrell
Osmosis by Urbanek, Robert A. - Corliss
High School
Household Acids and Bases by Veasley,
Joyce - Nansen Elementary
Over-the-Counter Antacids by Kreidler,
Kathy - Thornridge High School
Properties of Matter by Raymond
Zmaczynski - Senn Metropolitan Academy
Redox Reactions by Jean Mason - Maria
High School
Empirical Formulas by Arzie R. Thomas -
G. W. Carver Area High School
Exothermic And Endothermic Reactions by
Herbert Tarnor - Du Sable High School
Chemistry of Elements, Compounds and Materials
Reuse, Reduce, Recycle Paper by Lynnette
Millner - Robert H. Lawrence School
Biodegradable by Darryl Matthew Bonaparte
- Stockton Elementary
Recycling by Donna L. Mead - Bass
Elementary School
What The Peanuts Say: Catabolism and Calories
by Clovis O. Price Jr. - Lucy Flower High School
Solubility and Bonding I and II by
Patricia A. Riley - Lincoln Park High School
Oobleck/Slime War by Karen Malhiot -
Jenner Academy of the Arts
Combustion in a Test Tube by Zoris A.
Soderberg - Daniel Webster
Gases, Pressure, and Volume by Patricia
A. Riley - Lincoln Park High School
Making Mayonnaise-An Edible Emulsion by
Angela D. Patrick - Crown Community Fine Arts Academy
Milk Glue by Michelle Jones - Morgan Park
High School
Air Pressure by Ruthie L. Banks - Carter
Paper Chromatography by Alonzo L.
Stallings - Teachers Acad. For Math and Science
Chromatography - Chemical Separation of Colors
by Vickie Townsend - Crown Fine Arts Academy
Amazing Salt by Ruby Bell - Park Manor
Polymers: The Discovery by M. Elaine
Granger - Beethoven Elementary
Pollution - What is it doing to us? by
Dalila M. Johnson - Charles Sumner Academy
Classic Trash by Carol Colby - Oak Lawn
Community High School
Esters: The Secret of Natural and Synthetic
Fragrances by Marianne Dlugo - St. Cletus School
Mining an Ore by Teresa Granito - Von
Steuben Metropolitan Science Center
Playful Polymers by Nancy Mosher - Infant
Jesus of Prague School
What is Soap? by Barbara Daiker -
Brookwood Junior High
Flame Test by Theresa Fichera - Frazier
Elementary School
Chemistry in Foods by Viva Henson -
Andrew Jackson
Starches and Fats by Alean Stancil - St.
Gelasius Elementary School
The Tests of Fluids for Excess Glucose, Amino
Acids and salicyclic acid by Russell C. Osantowski - Carter
Fermentation Of Apple Cider by Marie
Samuel - Colman School
They Call Me Slime - A.K.A. PLASTIC by
Verdell Marie Henderson - John Calhoun Elementary
Chemistry In The Kitchen by Craig, Marsha
A. - Everett Elementary
Properties of Soaps by Ferrell, Alisa -
Whitney Young H.S.
Eggshells by Gaines, Patricia A. - O. W.
Holmes School
Pesticides by Gutter, Nadine - Robeson
High School
Preparation of Artificial Flavorings and
Fragrances by Kammin, Sandra - Resurrection Lutheran School
Chemical Composition of American Coins by
O'Connell, Lawrence P. - Lincoln Park High School
Cereals by Gaines, Patricia A. - O. W.
Holmes School
The Determination of the Presence of Reducing
Sugars by Brekke, Stewart E. - Robeson High School
Polymers by O'Toole, Jim - Corliss H.S.
Acidity Of Foods by Larry Alofs - Kenwood
Why Cheerios Don't Sink by Christine S.
Smith - Englewood High School
Electrochemical Cells by James Miller
Mathematics Lessons
The Mathematics lessons are divided into the following categories: Geometry and Measurement, Patterns
and Logic, Probability and Statistics, Recreational and Creative Math, Practical
and Applied Math, Arithmetic, Graphs
and Visuals, Algebra and Trigonometry, and Miscellaneous.
Geometry and Measurement
The Pythagorean Puzzle by Earl Zwicker -
Illinois Institute of Technology - Dedicated to Prof.
Harald Jensen, Lake Forest College
Areas of States - Estimation
by Janice C. Harvey - Carver Middle School
Liquid Volume by Robert
Foote - Disney Magnet
Spherical Geometry: A Global Perspective
by William R. Colson - Morgan Park High School
Geometry Distance of Triangles using a
Protractor by Eileen Lally - A. Philip Randolph Magnet School
Circles - Diameter, Circumference, Radius and
the Discovery of Pi by Kathleen Ryan - Randolph Magnet School
How To Measure Area by Levi Johnson -
James Otis
An Introduction to Pi and the Area of a Circle
by Edwina R. Justice - Gunsaulus Scholastic Academy
Area and Perimeter by Monica Starks -
John Fiske Elementary
Shapes (Geometric) (Lesson 2) by Violet
M. Nash - Spencer Math and Science Academy
Shapes (Geometric) (Lesson 1) by Violet
M. Nash - Spencer Math and Science Academy
Measurements: Inches by Joyce McCoy -
Spencer Math & Science Academy
Getting To Know You by Kathy Koval -
Randolph School
Inch by Inch and Centimeter by Centimeter
Extravaganza by Pamela J. Bates-Hines - Ninos Heroes Academy
Interior Design by Sally Hill - Horatio
May Community Academy
Maximizing & Minimizing the Area of
Rectangles Given a Fixed Perimeter by Tim Amrein - Franklin Fine
Arts Center
Phenomenological Pizza by Robert Foote -
Disney Magnet School
An Introduction To Volume by Linda James
Woods - Harold Washington Elementary School
Measurement of Volume by Richard Murray -
Gage Park High School
Volume and Surface Area by Charlotte
Goldwater - Kenwood Academy
An Introduction to Area and Perimeter by
Edwina R. Justice - Gunsaulus Scholastic Academy
An Introduction to Estimation and Measurements
by Christeen Brown - Robert Fulton Elementary
Circumferences, Diameters, and Radii by
Dwayne Belle - Fuller School
Measuring in Inches and Centimeters by
Debra Thomas - Douglass Math and Science Academy
Estimation by Iona Greenfield - Carnegie
Elementary School
Measurement of Objects Using Similar
Triangles in The Plane by John Gabrielson - Chicago H.S. for Agri.
Travel Triangles by Sarah Barrett - Mars
Hill School
Measurement-What is it? by Claudy E.
Chapman - Hartigan School
Finding the Sum of the Exterior and Interior
Angles of a Polygon by David Drymiller - Morgan Park High School
Forming, Measuring and Labeling Angles by
Essie Lee May - May Community Academy
What's My Area? by Karen L. Mickel -
William Carter Elementary School
Geometry and the Geoboard by Jacqueline
Darling - Simmye Anderson Community Academy
An Introduction to Angles by Samuel A.
Anoma - Hyde Park Career Academy
Use A Chair To Teach Math by Laura B.
Reed - Rosa L. Parks
Measurement (cup, pt, qt, gal) by JoAnn
Campbell - Leslie Lewis School
Measurements In The Metric System by
Christine Fair - Farragut Career Academy
The Area of a Circle (Version 2.0) by
Edwina R. Justice - Gunsaulus Academy
The Surface Area of a Cylinder (Version 2.0)
by Justice, Edwina - Gunsaulus Academy
Similarity by Kee, Natalia - Harlan
Community Academy H.S.
Polygons Made To Order by Malone, Loretta
- Washington High School
Properties Of Quadrilaterals by Olson,
Margaret A. - Morgan Park High School
Parallel lines and Angles by Singleton,
Earl M. III - Daniel Hale Williams
The Surface Area of a Cylinder by
Justice, Edwina - Gunsaulus Academy
Soap Film Models by Pintozzi, Joan -
Curie Metro. H.S.
Primary Geometry by Pitra, Barbara -
Marconi Community Academy
Proving Pi by Williams, Gwendolyn D. -
Paul Robeson High School
The Solar System by Fred J. Schaal - Lane
Tech High School
How Many Regular Polyhedrons Are There In
This or Any Universe? by Lawrence E Freeman - Kenwood Academy
The Area Of A Circle by Edwina R. Justice
- Gunsaulus Academy
Patterns and Logic
M&M MATH by Barbara P. Lorde -
Crispus Attucks Academy
Using Symmetry to Create A Community Quilt
by Beverly Brown - Hedges West
Sorting and Analyzing by Vickie Townsend
- Crown Fine Arts Community Academy
Sorting Through Life! by Barbette Flennoy
- Joseph Stockton
Number Patterns in Pascal's Triangle by
Ulysses Harrison - Dunbar Vocational High School
Visuals Patterns in Pascal's Triangle by
Ulysses Harrison - Dunbar Vocational High School
To Classify Beans And Peas by Gwendolyn
Williams - Adam Clayton Powell
Chess Math by Louis C. Jackson - Lincoln
Elementary School
TESSELLATIONS: An Application Of Simple
Regular Polygons by Mary Racky - Kenwood
Logic and Reasoning by Pearline Scott -
Greeley School
Tower of Hanoi by Paul Eubanks -
Washington High School
Logic by M. Elaine Granger - Irvin C.
Counting Triangles by Mamie P. Scott -
Coles School
Using Diagrams in Problem Solutions by
Angel L. Torres - Peabody School
Formula Determination by Odom, Clark -
Collins H.S.
Classification by Wilburn, Delores B. -
Shakespeare School
="Learning by Logic - Total Surface Area
by Boyd, Carolyne - Bennett Elementary
Probability and Statistics
Laws of Probability:
Mutually Exclusive-vs-Mutually Inclusive Draws by Mikail A. Siddiq
- Raymond School
Probability by Ana Timbers - Stockton
Probability of Childhood Games by Robert
Foote - Disney Magnet School
Probability by Sandy Reed - Robert Fulton
Phenomenological Probability by Robert
Foote - Disney Magnet School
Mean, Median, Mode, etc. by Charlotte
Goldwater - Kenwood Academy
Paper Toss Shootout by Edwina R. Justice
- Gunsaulus Scholastic Academy
Statistics of Mars* by Wilhelm L. Lilly -
Kenwood Academy
Averaging by Sharon Thomas - Emmanuel
Christian School
Probability by Turner, Emily - Joplin
Elementary School
Probability by Moss, Laura Willis - South
Shore Community Academy
Modeling Permutation Group by Mary
Margaret Nee - Von Stueben Science Center
Recreational and Creative Math
Boomerang by Wilhelm L. Lilly - Kenwood
Academy High School
How Much is a Million? by Sharon Simmons
- Joseph Stockton Elementary
Rocket High by Elizabeth Kelly - Pilsen
Community Academy
Making Ice Cream by Vickie Townsend -
Crown Fine Arts Community Academy
Games Using Multiplication by Amaechi
Onyeali - Carter Elementary
Napier's Rods by Irene Santos - Alexander
Graham School
The Golden Rectangle by Edwina R. Justice
- Gunsaulus Academy
Paper Folding to Make Cubes by Koshy
Kanicherilnalil - Chicago Public Schools
Integer: Tic-Tac-Toe Four In A Row! by
Conchita A. Little - Terrell School
Fractions and Paper Folding by Bill
Wagner - Hyde Park Career Academy
Number Up by Ernestine Bickham - Maria
Saucedo Magnet School
Math Game Using A Tic-Tac-Toe Board by
Gertrude Franklin - William Penn
The Moebius Strip by Arnita Newton -
Kenwood Academy
Fraperdec* by Connie Taylor -
Holy Angels School
How To Use An Abacus by William Gordon -
John Hope Academy
A Fibonacci Primer by Freeman, Larry -
Kenwood Academy
Geometric designs in the game of "Life".
by Byrne, Willaim - Martin Luther King H.S.
Paper Pool by Williams, Barbara - Cook
Elementary School
Graphing Game by Lalagos, Thomas - Hyde
Park Career Academy
Geometric Bingo by Lawrence, Anne - Wells
Community Academy
Practical and Applied Math
What Does Greatest Common
Factor Mean to Me? by Stephen Ha - Lloyd Elementary School
Learning with Links by Winnie Koo -
Ravenswood School
Data Collection - Primary Poster by Amelia
Witherspoon - New Concept School
How do You Stack Up? Revisited by Robert
Foote - Walt Disney Magnet School
Measuring for Cookies by Sally J Hill -
Roberto Clemente Community Academy
Ratio, Percent & Proportions by
Rosalyn Winston - Walt Disney Magnet School
MISSION: POSSIBLE by Mary Terhune -
Rachel Carson School
Dream Home Mathematics by Dennis W.
Montgomery - Lyman Trumbull Academy
Temperature by Patricia A. Calloway -
Spencer Math and Science Academy
Sales Tax by Allen Batts, Jr. - Jane A.
Neil School
Money Matters by Barbette Flennoy -
Joseph Stockton
Budgeting Money by Yolanda Smith -
Douglass Math and Science Academy
Converting Celsius To Fahrenheit by
Amaechi Onyeali - Carter Elementary
Percents by Albert Michael - Robert
Fulton Elementary School
Uncorking Work Problems by David
Drymiller - Marie Sklodowska Curie Metro H.S.
Mass and Weight in the Metric System by
Janet L. Powe - Harold Washington Elem.
Uniform-Motion Problems: Just Playing With
Cars by David Drymiller - Morgan Park High School
Estimating and Counting Money by Omega L.
Minor-Clark - R. Nathaniel Dett Elementary School
Estimation by Theresa W. Akpan - Wells
Community Academy
Using A Round-O-Meter To Estimate by
Kathleen M.K. Pidrak - Edward H. White
Flight Angles Of Inclination by Marie C.
Smith - Anthony Overton Elementary School
Money Sense by Marie Bijou Wong - Joseph
Warren Elementary School
Percents: (An application to real life
problems) by Lucille H. Chambers - Trumbull School
Real Numbers in the Real World by Ulysses
Harrison - Dunbar Vocational High School
Manipulating Formulae...Using Recipes To
Understand by Nancy Ressler - Oakton
Problem Solving Using Percentages by
Thelma A. Rex - Rosa L. Parks Middle School
Whole Language Approach in Solving Word
Problems by Barbara Thomas - Langston Hughes School
Effective Use of Living Space by William
L. Brown - Parkside Community Academy
Making Predictions by Lucille Chambers -
Lyman Trumbull School
Estimation Contest by Sandra A.
King-Bryson - Saucedo Magnet School
Finding area & perimeter in a miniature
house using standardized units by June Muhammad - Park Manor
Ratios and Proportions by Mamie P. Scott
- Edward Coles Elementary School
Draining the Swimming Pool by William
Byrne - Martin Luther King
Sales Tax and Discounts by Denise Folk -
Richard E. Byrd Academy
Mixture Problems by Alphonso Kennedy -
Lindblom Tech. H. S.
An Introduction to Percent by Kenneth
Surdell - Lewis School
Solving Word Problems by Barbara Trotter
- O.A. Thorp Scholastic Academy
Problem Solving: Steps and Strategies by
Barrett, Sarah G. - Mars Hill School
Time by Davenport, Gracie - Spalding
Problem Solving by McCree, Marilyn -
District 12
Ratios by Murray, Richard - Gage Park
High School
Learning ratios and proportions through scale
drawings. by Laskey, Erwin - Eugene Field School
Problem Solving by Rogers, Patricia -
Edward Hartigan
Ratio and Proportions by Trotter, Barbara
- Ole A. Thorp
From Hypothesis To Conclusion...Reading Maps
To Understand Proofs by Blaszak, Maryann - South Shore Community
Triangulation by Brandon, Ann M. W. - Oak
Forest High School
Cuisenaire Rods And Math by Linda Easter
- Dewitt Clinton Elementary School
Introduction To The Number
Line by Sheila Alexander - Manley School
Extending Our Knowledge of Place Value by
Angie Morris - Burnham School
Filling the Glass (Water, Air, and Fractions)
by William R. Colson - Morgan Park High School
Having Fun working With Fractions by Brian
Cagle - John W. Cook
Number Addition Race by Janice Schaults -
Randolph Magnet School
Lesson for Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
with Post It Notes by Robert Foote - Disney Magnet School
Adding Mixed Numbers with Unlike Denominators
by Camille Gales - Edward Coles Elementary School
Multiplication by Virginia Muhammad -
John Hope Community Academy
Putting the Pieces Together (Making a
Fractional Quilt) by Demetria E. McKnight - Bateman Elementary
Factors by Edwina R. Justice - Gunsaulus
Scholastic Academy
Place Value by Dwayne Belle - Fuller
Percentages by Emma Taylor - Douglass
Math and Science Academy
Counting and Place Value by Carole Gills
- Edward Coles School
Ratio and Proportion by Valesta Cobbs -
John Fiske Elementary School
Introduction to Fractions Using Cuisenaire
Rods by Gwendolyn M. Manson - Benjamin Banneker
Measuring Mixed Numbers by Karen Trout -
Sumner Math and Science Academy
A "New Set of Numbers" (An Introduction of
Integers) by Barbara Barlow - Caldwell School
Primary Understanding and Use of Place Value
by Eleanor Brzozowski - Hanson Park School
Introduction To Equivalent Fractions by
Rose Cartwright - Lyman Trumbull School
Fickled Fractions by Elizabeth Chambers -
Keller Gifted Magnet Center
Addition and Subtraction of Signed Numbers
by David Drymiller - Morgan Park High School
Working with Cuisenaire Rods In Mathematics
by Willis Grace - O. A. Thorp Academy
The Generation Of Fractions by June
Muhammad - Park Manor School
A Method of Front-End Arithmetic by Eddie
Newton - Carver Area High School
Money: Demonstrating Coin Values up to $1.00
by Camille Gales - Coles Elementary School
How Divine Is My Proportion? by Edwina R.
Justice - Gunsaulus Scholastic Academy
Equivalent Fractions by Gertrude Lockett
- Emmanuel Christian School
Division For Third Graders by Savannah
Walker - Mason School
Prime and Composite Numbers by Charlotte
Goldwater - Kenwood Academy
A Fictional History of Place Value by
Bette B. Jarrow - Goudy Elementary
Fundamentals of Multiplication by Carl D.
Mason - Suder School
Place Value by Ceopal Porter - Dr. Ralph
J. Bunche
Fractions, Simplifying Parts of Shapes --
One-Half, One-Third, One-Fourth by Austin, Sarah - Mary Bethune
Fraction Message by Harper, Charles -
Goldblatt Elementary School
Identification of Equivalent Fractions by
Jarrow, Bette B. - Gaudy School
Introducing Powers and Models-I by
Barrett, Sarah - Mars Hill School
Math Technique in Multiplication and Division
of Fractions by Garth, Frieda - Farragut Career Academy
Introduction to Fractions on the Numberline
by Jones, Claudia R. - Crane High School
Equivalent Fractions by Williams, Flora -
O. A. Thorp
Introducing Powers And Models-II by
Barrett, Sarah - Mars Hill School
Understanding Fractions by Bradley,
Florida - Hartigan
Odometers and the Place Value Chart by
Bronson-Cochran, Donna - George B. Swift
Basic Mathematical Operations Using Mathtiles
by Jones, Claudia R. - Farragut Career Academy
Adding Integers by Thomas, John Charles -
N. F. Simeon Voc. H. S.
Locating Rational Numbers On the Number Line
by Winebrenner, William - Dunbar Vocational
Continued Fractions With A Calculator by
Fred J. Schaal - Lane Tech High School
Graphs and Visuals
Collecting Data and Graphing
by John Ramsey, Jr. - Morton Career Academy
Environmental Graphing/Eco Graphs by
Chandra E. Price - Burnham Inclusive Academy
The Ups and Downs of Graphing by Frana
Allen - Skinner School
Teaching Arithmetic and Math Concepts To
Headstarters by Jamal Brown - Daniel Hale Williams
Watermelon Graphing by Shirley Hatcher -
Daniel Hale Williams
History Of Our Solar System on a Time Line
by Richard Murray - Gage Park High School
Graphing Speed by Yolanda Smith -
Douglass Math and Science Academy
History Of Our Solar System on a Time Line
by Richard Murray - Gage Park High School
The Statistics of M&Ms by Charlotte
Goldwater - Kenwood Academy
An Introduction to Data Reading and
Computations by Christeen Brown - Robert Fulton Elementary
Counting And Graphing by Vernita Smith -
Mahalia Jackson Elementary School
Locating IIT Using Ordered Pairs by Diane
Yvette Branch - Harold Washington Elementary School
Collecting Data and Graphing by John
Ramsey, Jr. - Teacher's Acad. For Math and Science
Apples A Peel To Me by Olga Moreno -
Horace Greeley School
History Of Our Solar System on a Time Line
by Richard Murray - Gage Park High School
Locating Points Using Cartesian Coordinates
by Mercedes Rodriguez - Clemente Community Academy H. S.
Getting the Goods on Graphing by Velma
Elois Rouse - DeWitt Clinton
Introduction to Curve Stitching - Line Designs
by Wilhelm L. Lilly - Kenwood Academy
Junk Food Math by Sharon Ross - DeWitt
Clinton School
Rotations by Nash, Susan - Lake View High
Graphing Equations From Software by Webb,
James - Harlan H.S.
Algebra and Trigonometry
The Cuisenaire Four-Pan
Algebra Balance: Limitations & Suggestions by Bill Colson -
Morgan Park High School
The Pythagorean Puzzle by Earl Zwicker -
Illinois Institute of Technology
Sorting Pennies, A Wagering Activity for
Algebra 1 by David Drymiller - Marie Sklodowska Curie Metro H.S.
Trigonometric Functions by Lesia Smith -
Michael M. Byrne School
Equalities And Inequalities by Perry
Lemon - Shoop School
Draining The Swimming Pool by Byrne,
William - Martin Luther King H.S.
Inequalities by Butler, Ben Jr. - Gage
Park High School
Linear Equations by Ennis, Beatrix U. -
Senn Academy High School
Algebraic Addition by Junievicz, Alex -
Kelly H.S.
Simplifying Equations of the Form ax+b=cx+d
by Wagner, William F. - Hyde Park Career Academy
Rules of Sign Change by Zuger, Joel P. -
Chicago Metro High School
Using the Balance by Davis, Marie -
Marconi Community Academy
Multiplying and Factoring Polynomials Using
Algebra Tiles by Marshall, Regina - Curie Metro High School
Vision Props of Signed Numbers by
McMiller, Mable - South Shore High School
Positive and Negative Numbers by Siegel,
Lincoln R. - Cregier High School
Positive-Negative Charge Model For Integers
by Williams, Barbara - J. N. Thorp School
The Sine Function by Ronald G.
Sienkiewicz - Prosser Vocational High School
Visual Structure of Postulates and Axioms in
Algebraic Operations by Sanford Olshan - Roosevelt High School
Introduction To Solving Equations by Mary
Lynn Bochenek - Central Junior High
Order Of Operations by Bernice E.
Holloway - Bellwood School District #88
Commutative, Associative And Distributive
Properties by James E. Breashears - Robeson High School
It's About Time by Vernita Smith -
Mahalia Jackson Elementary School
Multiplication and Areas by Albert
Michael - Robert Fulton Elementary School
Zone Out! by Willie Mae Wilson - Hartigan
Elementary School
Elapsed Time by Bernice Joyce Henry -
Edward H. White
Telling Time in Different Time Zone by
Borita Khim - Stockton Elementary School
Area, Arithmetic and Algebra by Larry
Freeman - Kenwood Academy
Area, Arithmetic and Algebra by Larry
Freeman - Kenwood Academy
Tony's Tiger BITES by Maudestine McLeary
- John Hope
Properties of Numbers by Steinfelds,
Leon - King High School
Make-and-Take: Staff Development by
Pintozzi, Joan - Curie Metro. H.S.
An Introduction To Sets by Belton, John P.
- Jones Metro. H. S.
Discovering New Units by Jenkins, Kay -
James Shields Elementary School
Play Ball by Roslyn N. Matthews - South
Shore High School
Using Variables And Ratios To Get You In The
Right Gear by George K. Smith - Dunbar VHS
Physics Lessons
The Physics lessons are divided into the following categories: Matter, Mechanics, Fluids,
Electricity & Magnetism, Waves,
Sound and Optics, and Miscellaneous.
Introduction to the
Periodic Table by Estellvenia Sanders - Chicago Vocational
Tempting Temperatures by Marjorie Fields
- Ella Flagg Young
Air: Demonstrating Its Presence and Effects
by Porter Johnson - Illinois Institute of Technology
Density by Marilyn Martello - Clinton
Air Movement by Lisa C. Ingram -
Frederick Douglass Middle Academy
Gases Lighter and Heavier than Air by
Bonnie Anderson - Libby School Annex
States of Matter by Kathleen Moore - O.
W. Holmes
Temperature by Jackie Baker - Crown
Community Academy
Exploring the Properties of Matter in the
Preschool by Lorraine Watt - Brian Piccolo Elementary School
The Air Out There by Gladys Allen - Louis
Wirth Experimental School
Comparing Densities of Different Liquids
by Elaine Messal - Henry Clay Elementary
The Three States Of Matter by Sharon R.
West - Edward Hurley
Solids, liquids and gases by Donna
Armstrong - Frazier Elementary
Density in Relation to Float and Sink by
Carolyn C. Roberson-Ellis - Morton Career Academy
Gravity Lesson by
Leticia Rodriguez - Henry D. Lloyd
The Great Tin Race by
Bernina L. Norton - Abbott School
Center of Gravity by
Wanda Pitts - Douglas Community Academy
The Inertial Balance by
Carl E. Martikean - Lew Wallace High School
Bouncing Balls by
Porter Johnson - the Illinois Institute of Technology
Mass vs Weight by
Earnest S. Garrison - Jones Academic Magnet
Bouncing Superball Physics - part 1 by
Porter W. Johnson - Illinois Institute of Technology
Superball Physics Revisited by Porter
Johnson - Illinois Institute of Technology
The Jensen Bar - What is it and how do you
make one by Earl Zwicker - Illinois Institute of Technology
Linear Motion: Speed, Velocity &
Acceleration by Richard J. Watson - Orr High School
Energy by Wanda Pitts - Douglas Academy
Potential Energy: How is It Related to
Kinetic Energy? by Camille Gales - Edward Coles Elementary School
Mass/Acceleration by Renee M Allen - Louis
It's So Simple by Kimberly
Baker-Brownfield - Jacques Marquette Branch
The Soup Roll by Christine Fair - Farragut
High School
Straight Line Motion in Two Parts by Ann
M. W. Brandon - Joliet West High School
Aviation by Portia Conaway - Farren Fine
Arts School
Newton's Third Law by Jerri Chavis -
Langston Hughes
Motion of a Bowling Ball by John J.
Miller - Maine Township High School East
Strings and Springs by Michael McIntosh -
Whitney Young Magnet High School
Super-Ball Physics by Porter W. Johnson -
Illinois Institute of Technology
Inertia by Peter Insley - Retired
Momentum by Sandi Sorkin - Newton Bateman
Kinetic Energy and Work by Yolanda Mc
Gehee - Lincoln Park High School
How to speed up a slow Grandfather - The
Pendulum by Arthur Hermann - Fiske Middle School
Newton's Third Law Of Motion by Lilla E.
Green - Hartigan Elementary School
Objects Race 500 by Eloise Dillon -
Newton Bateman
Newton's Second Law; M - A Relationship with
Dynamics Carts by D. James Chichester - Lincoln-Way High School
Potential Energy by LaToya Bennett -
Robert H. Lawrence
Momentum by Sandra Tucker - Crown Fine
Arts Academy
Projectiles by Rochelle Ingram - Delano
Newton's Second Law of Motion by Cynthia
D'Souza - De La Salle Institute
Tops by Sandra Tucker - Crown Fine Arts
Periodic Motion - The Pendulum by Deborah
Lojkutz - Joliet West High School
Inertia by Peter Insley - Retired
Rockets by Rochelle Ingram - Delano
Weightlessness by Cynthia D'Souza - De La
Salle Institute
Simple Machines by Bonnie Anderson -
Libby School Annex
Vectors by Eileen Wild - Retired
Inertia by Maeola Walker - Chicago Board
of Education
Torque by Larry L. Smart - Helen Hefferan
Give Me Energy by April Luehmann - Zion
Lutheran School
Newton's Third Law of Motion by John E.
McCoy - Douglass Math and Science Academy
Pendulums by John J. Miller - Maine East
High School
Bouncing Balls by Porter W. Johnson -
Illinois Institute of Technology
Friction - What a Drag by John J. Miller
- Maine East High School
Momentum Conserved by Savannah Walker -
Mason School
Momentum And Colliding Spheres by Robert
Watkins - Beethoven Elementary School
Straight Line Motion with a Stomper by
Ann Brandon - Joliet West High School
Periodic Motion - The Pendulum by Deborah
Lojkutz - Joliet West High School
Why Use Seat Belts? by Larry Brandon -
Thornwood High School
Reaction Time by Roy Coleman - Morgan
Park High School
Projectile Motion by Jan Dudzik -
Riverside-Brookfield High School
Sports in Physics: Measuring Velocity in a
Mini-Olympics by Marion T. Hill - Disney Magnet School
So You Want to Hit a Home Run? by Karlene
Joseph - Walther Lutheran High School
Center of Gravity by Minnie E. Bounds -
Dyett Middle School
Friction by Kathleen Cummings Dominguez -
Sabin Magnet
Circular Motion: by Jan Dudzik - Whitney
Young H.S.
Rolling Spheres on Inclined Planes by
Kenneth Guzik - O.A. Thorp Scholastic Academy
Orbital Motion by Eleanor Kopsian -
Franklin E. Frazier
Positioning the Fulcrum in Class One Levers
by Janis Gary Sullivan - A. O. Sexton School
Action and Reaction by Mitzie Wilkins -
Enrico Fermi Elementary School
Rotational Inertia by Corla Jean
Wilson-Hawkins - Bethune Elementary School
Projectile Motion (or You Bet Your Grade)
by Roy Coleman - Morgan Park High School
Physics Lab Rockets by Joseph Dogadalski
- Austin Community Academy H. S.
Stress and Strain by Therese Donatello -
Weber High School
Simple Machines by Susan Frazier - Fort
Demonstrating The Kinds of Energy by
Willie L. Gray - Adam C. Powell
Come Fly With Me by Karlene Kurth -
Walther Lutheran High School
Forces and Acceleration by Marvin Orr -
Lincoln-Way High School
Determining A Spring Constant by Fred
Pannell - Luther Burbank School
Helicopter by Banks, Albert L. - Martin
L. King High School
Projectile Motion by Cunningham, Mary M.
- Resurrection High School
Newton's Laws of Motion by Harris, Wanda
- Raster Main Elementary School
Simple Machines by Jensen, Tom - Bloom
High School
Retrograde Motion by Katich, Rodney -
Bowen High School
Inertia by Monegain, Louise J. - Park
Coefficient of Rebound by Winston,
Rosalyn - Walt Disney Magnet
Inertia by Bowen, Sheila J. - Gwendolyn
Brooks Junior High
Pendulum Problems by Carlson, Robert -
Providence Catholic H.S.
Sitting on Nails-Boyle's Law by Cieslik,
Daniel - Mather High School
Newton's Third Law of Motion by McCoy,
Carrol R. H. - Chicago Board of Ed.
Balance and Gravity by Stevenson, Mark -
James H. Bowen High School
Friction by Tobecksen, Alan - Fenger H.S.
What Is Work? by Economou, Alex - Chicago
Vocational H. S.
Oscillations by Foreman, Dorothy - Joplin
Acceleration by Oldenburg, Albert -
Lindblom Tech High School
Momentum and Energy Loss of Collisions On
Various Surfaces by Rich, Loretta - South Shore High School
Demostrations of Law of Conservation of
Linear Momentum by Tisdale, Robert W. - Percy L. Julian High School
Centripetual Force by Garrison, Ernest -
Schurz High School
Flight Physics by Antoinette Rabalcaba,
Loretta Rich, Renee Russell, Eric Skalinder
Conservation Of Momentum by Ann M.W.
Brandon - Thornwood High School
Work, Power And Entropy by Norbert L.
Zarumba - Marengo Community High School
The Center Of Mass by Joan C. Preer -
Beasley Academic Center
Measuring The Gravitational Constant, G
by Joel Hofslund - Kenwood Academy
Vectors by Albert Oldenburg - Lindblom
Tech High School
Friction by Jim Szeszol - Mendel Catholic
High School
The Bernoulli Effect -
Conceptually by Earl Zwicker - Illinois Institute of Technology
Surface Tension by Pamela S. Moy -
Morgan Park High School
Compared to What? Comparing the Density of
Different Liquids by Camille Gales - Coles Elementary School
Buoyancy: What will float and what will sink
by Suzzanne' O'Quinn - Phillips Alternative High School
Air Pressure by Brian Cagle - John W.
Buoyant Force by Thomas J. Billups -
Delano Elementary
Do You Sink or Float? by Jackie Baker -
Crown Community Academy
Bernoulli Effect by Michael McIntosh -
Whitney M. Young Magnet High School
Bubbleology Mickey Mouse Style by Paula
Z. Jones - Black Magnet
Pressure in Fluids by Porter W Johnson -
Illinois Institute of Technology
Surface Tension by Lisa C. Ingram -
Frederick Douglass Middle Academy
Displacement by Thomas J. Billups -
Delano Elementary
Sinking And Floating by Tunya Alexander -
Frank L. Gillespie School
The Unmixables: Investigating Immiscible
Liquids by Joyce Cohen - Shakespeare-Elementary School
Surface Tension by Amina Grant -
Viscosity by Gale Hunter - Dyett Middle
Does AIR Really Exist? by Elyse Futterman
- Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School
Air Pressure by Gloria Heard - Willams
Air Pressure by Allen, George - Austin
Community Academy
The Pressure Of A Liquid by Bradley,
Patricia - John Hope Community Academy
Liquid Conductors by Perry, Jean M. -
Oakton Elementary School
Liquid Pressure by Johnson, Leon - D. H.
Williams Elementary School
Bathtub Physics - Density, Buoyancy and
Flotation by Russell, Renee - South Shore High School
How To Make Water Run Uphill by Edgar
Boyd, Dorothy Foreman and Earnest Garrison
Electricity & Magnetism
Fish and Clip by Winnie
Koo - Ravenswood School
Series and Parallel Circuits by Janet M.
Sheard - West School
Simple Circuitry and series circuit by
Stephen W. Ha - James Ward School
About Magnets by Barbara J. Baker -
Doolittle West School
Magnet Muscles by Deborah Barnes - Robert
H. Lawrence School
Electrostatics by Alyce Glauner-
Community Academy
Electrostatics by Jan Dudzik - Riverside
Brookfield High School
Batteries and Bulbs by Beverly Gregor -
Oglesby School
Electromagnets by Shirley Porter-Cesair -
Charles R. Henderson
Electromagnets by Tanya English -
O'Keeffe Elementary School
Electrostatics by John J. Miller - Maine
East High School
Introduction To Magnets by Sheila
McKinnon - Sherman School
Electricity by Tanya English - O'Keeffe
Elementary School
Electricity by Julian Levey - Teachers
Acad. for Math and Science
Resistances In Series And Parallel Circuits
by Austin E. Barnett - Bogan High School
Magnets, Electromagnets & Fields of Force
by John J. Czerwiec - Kenwood Academy
How Smart Are You About Electricity,
Batteries And Conductors? by Lorraine
Epps - Douglass Math and Science Academy
Introduction to Elementary Circuits by
Michael D. Jackson - W.H. Carter
Electricity by Marie McCadd - Coles
Elementary School
Magnets, Electromagnets, and Motors by
Lynne Nolan - Naperville Central High School
Magnets by Hoi Huynh - Clemente Community
Exploring Series and Parallel Circuits by
Pamela Schneider - Luther East High School
Magnets by Mina Valenzuela - O. A. Thorp
Scholastic Academy
Electron Current Flow by Greg Zipprich -
Bloom Trail High School
Conductors and Insulators by Leona
Williams - Cregier Vocational High School
Ohm's Law by Anderson, Herbert D. -
Hermann Raster Elementary School
Electric Currents and Circuits by
Williams, Claudette - Dever Elementary School
Magnetism by Gilmore, Marie - Raster
What Is Electricity by Oldenburg, Albert
- Lindblom Tech High School
The Millikan L'Eggs Experiment by
Coleman, Roy - Morgan Park High School
Electrochemistry by Allen, Donna L. -
Bowen High School
Electric and Magnetic Fields by Garrison,
Earnest S. - Schurz H.S.
Current-Carrying Coils In Magnetic Fields
by Landato, Janet - St. Viator High School
Coulomb's Law by Austin A.Winther - Paul
Robeson High School
Waves, Sound and Optics
Sound: The Vibration of
Materials by Camille Gales - Coles Elementary
Now Hear This! by Juliette M. Walker -
Crown Community Academy
Mixing Primary Colors by Pamela Lopez -
Betsy Ross Elementary School
Light and Vision by Nathaniel M. Brown Jr.
- Robert Fulton Elementary School
Polarization of Light by D. James
Chichester - Lincoln-Way High School
Light by Winnie Koo - Ravenswood School
Mixing Colors With Light Beams by Angela
President - Chicago Public School
Sound by Winnie Koo - Ravenswood School
Polarized Light by Scott R. Welty - Maine
East High School
Sound by Christine Scott - Beethoven
Color by Cecelia Brown - Anton Dvorak
Specialty Academy
Sound by Kathleen Moore - O. W. Holmes
Lenses by Carol Bible - Carter Elementary
Mirror Symmetry/Mirror Images by Alan
Tobecksen - Henry Clay Elementary School
Color by Sandra E. Broomes - Sherman
Light by Ozell Bonds - Ignace Paderewski
Make Waves by Carol Bible - Carter
Homemade Instruments by Clara Williams -
Douglass Math and Science Academy
Understanding Waves by Renee Allen -
Louis Wirth Experimental
Making Sounds by Bettye J. Banks - Horace
Mann Elementary School
Light - Reflection - Illusion by George
Brydie - Edward White School
Sound by Anne Chamberlain - Bethune
An Awareness Of Light Made Simply Fun by
Marian Hunter - Morrill Elementary School
Pitch by Rosalyn Winston - Walt Disney
Plane Mirror Images by Ann Brandon -
Joliet West High School
Hear The Light? by Jane F Long -
McAuliffe Elementary
Comparison of Images Formed by Plane,
Cylindrical and Spherical Mirrors by Jim Szezol - Naperville High
I Can See A Rainbow! by Lorraine I. Crump
- Lawndale Community Academy
You may now enter the Holodeck. by April
Luehmann - Zion Lutheran School
Sound by Cynthia R. Newman - Washington
Sound/Pitch by Joan Cwiklik - O.A. Thorp
Scholastic Academy
Reflection Relay by Lillian Degand -
Peterson Elementary
Wave Motion by Susan Frazier - Fort
Dearborn Elementary
How Sound Travels by Joyce Janovec - St.
Mystery of the Mirrors by Lyvonia Hearns
- A. Philip Randolph
Light by Pennie Machnick - Dirksen School
Light And Color by Lillie Mae Rayborn -
John D. Shoop School
Spherical Mirrors by Bryan, Bill - Joliet
Catholic H.S.
Polarized Light by Springer, Ellen -
Nazareth Academy
Colors by Schaumburg, Carl - Von Stueben
Reflections Of by Fowler, Elva House -
Cook Elementary School
Polarization by Hasegawa, Harry -
Lawndale Community Academy
Waves by Johnson, Levi - James Otis
Guitar Waves by Kulak, Tim - Thornwood
High School
From Vibration To Sound by Persons,
Pamela - Walt Disney Magnet School
Comparison of Images Formed by Plane,
Cylindrical and Spherical Mirrors by Springer, Ellen - Nazareth
Alternate Theory of Color Perception by
Szeszol, Jim - Naperville Central H.S.
Microscopes and Telescopes by Vanderjack,
Karisa - Dwight D. Eisenhower H. S.
Optical Illusions by Boyd Edgar -
Reflections With Mirrors by Rubalcaba,
Antoinette - Inter-American Magnet School
Color Mixing by Springer, Ellen -
Nazareth Academy
Comparison of Images Formed By Plane and
Curved Mirrors by Ellen Springer, Robert Tisdale, Levi Johnson and
Alex Economou
Laser Holography by Carol Zimmerman -
Hyde Park Career Academy
Computer Interfacing: Frequency Measurement -
The Doppler Effect by John Bozovsky - Bowen High School
The Pythagorean Puzzle by Earl Zwicker -
Illinois Institute of Technology - Dedicated to Prof.
Harald Jensen, Lake Forest College
Identify And Construct A
Constellation by Barbara J. Hill - Fernwood
Simple Machines make work easier. by
Mikail A. Siddiq - Raymond School
Moon Phases by Kimberly Baker -
Marquette East
Let's Outrage The Bull by Lilla E. Green
- Hartigan Community Arts Specialty School
Building A Straw Power Tower by Lyvonia
Hearns - Asa Philip Randolph
10 (or more) Cheap or Free Science Tips by
Roy Coleman - Morgan Park High School
Physics at the Zoo by Peter Insley -
Shop projects Summer Smile Program by F.
Lee Slick - Morgan Park High School/IIT Staff
Heat by Lynnette Millner - Robert H.
Lawrence School for Math & Science
Measurement by Tina Hudson - Garrett A.
Probability by Mary J. Holder - Sherwood
Elementary School
The Effects of Solar Energy by Jacqueline
A. Davis - Anton Dvorak Specialty Academy
Airplanes by Sandra E. Broomes - Sherman
Thermal Energy Transfer - Conduction by
Eileen Wild - Retired
Radioactive Decay Curve by Alan L.
Tobecksen - Henry Clay Elementary School
Cooperation Blocks by Alan L. Tobecksen -
Henry Clay Elementary School
Circles Minilab by Alan L. Tobecksen -
Henry Clay Elementary School
Probability by L'Ouverture Perkins -
William S. Carter Elementary School
Metric Olympic Games by Angela E. Scott -
Wm. T. Sherman Elementary School
View Tube Triangulation by Pete Insley -
Jones Metropolitan H. S.
Models of the Earth and the Moon by Anne
Chamberlain - Bethune Elementary School
Paper Mache Solar System by Fe Andres
Juachon - Alexander Hamilton
Earthquake Waves And Their Destructions
by Sharione O. Mays - Donald Morrill
Plate Tectonics by Phyllis J. Robinson -
Mount Vernon Elementary School
The Science of Airplane Flight by Charles
Watson - William H Brown School
Aerodynamics by Carole Janda - O. A.
Thorp Scholastic Academy
The Puzzle by Tom Jensen - Bloom High
Kinds of Weather And What to Wear by
Margaret Ann Thornton - Cardenas Elementary School
Heat Absorption by Marvice Box - Lawndale
Community Academy
Radioactive Decay/Half-Life by Sallie M.
Fladger - John Hope Academy
Weather Facts by Dorothy Parker - Beasley
Academic Center
Using the Senses as a Means of Observation
by Joe Scales - Brennemann
Reading a Weather Map by Robert A.
Urbanek - Bloom Township H.S.
Vectors Via the Calculator (For Non-Math
Students) by Junievicz, Alex - Gordon Tech
Calorimetry by Martin, Daniel - Chicago
H.S. for Agricultural Sciences
10Huh? by Coleman, Roy -
Morgan Park High School
To Construct An "ALTITUDE LOCATOR" To Find
Various Heights by Desai, Jyotiben - Schurz High School
Measurement by Johnson, Levi - James Otis
Using A Video Camera In the Physics Classroom
by Skalinder, Eric - Francis W. Parker
A Potpourri of Science Ideas - Finding Pi
by Group Mini Teach by Foreman, Dorothy - Joplin School
Computerized Problem Review by Group
Teach by Donna Allen, Joytiben Desai and Albert Oldenburg
An Alternative Temperature Measurement by
V. K. Brown - Lindbloom T. H. S.
Persistence Of Vision by Rudy Keil -
Schurz High School
The following is a collection of single concept lessons developed
during the SMILE PLUS program. These lessons may be freely copied and
used in a classroom but they remain the copyright property of the
A Landing Craft Egg Drop by Jake Carter -
Douglass Math and Science Academy
Wonderful You by Janet Elkins - Douglass
Middle Math & Science Academy
Simple Machines by Lorraine J. Epps -
Douglass Middle Math & Science Academy
Experiments in Probability by Robert
Foote - Disney Magnet School
Bubbles Bubbles and More Bubbles by
Sandra M. Green - Frazier School
Does Air Exist? by Gloria Heard - Carter
MuscleMania by Celestine Miller Jeffreys
- Beethoven Academic Center
Let's Make A Graph by Audrey Laufman -
Walt Disney Magnet School
What's the Matter?: The Three Phases of Matter
by Lee McLaurin - Edward Franklin Frazier School
Can you invent or make a musical instrument?
by Karen Mickel - Carter School
Introducing Attributes by Marcella
Morrison - Disney Magnet School
What is Displacement? - Move Me Up! by
Edwina Nelson - Carter Elementary
Performance Assessment by Russell
Osantowski - Carter Elementary
Sliding Along by L'Ouverture Perkins -
Carter Elementary School
Static Electricity by Catherine Walker -
John Hope Academy
Moving, Pushing and Pulling by Joy
Kitchen Ward - Hope Academy
Two Basic Types of Energy by Clara
Williams - Douglass Middle Math & Science Academy
Changes in Matter by Evelyn Williams -
John Hope Community Academy
Starch Test in Foods by Susan Wimberly -
Frazier Elementary School
Water by Carmelita Austinberry - John
Hope Community Academy
Recognizing Cardinal Numbers by Beverly
Clayton - Walt Disney Magnet School
Step into the Magic of Colors by Janine
Garrett - Crown Academy
Same Symmetry by Ruth Goodman - Walt
Disney Magnet School
Investigations with Bubbles by Sandra M
Green - Frazier School
OH DEER! by Elise S. Greene - John Hope
Community Academy
Water Holding Abilities by Bunny Guy -
John Fiske School
Pendulums by Lisa Ingram - Frederick
Douglass Middle Academy
Math Games by Amaechi Onyeali - Carter
Making Mayonnaise-An Edible Emulsion by
Angela D. Patrick - Crown Community Fine Arts Academy
Bending White Light by L'Ouverture
Perkins - William W.Carter
Graphing Exercise by Yolanda F. Smith -
Douglass Math and Science Academy
Graphing by Monica Starks - John Fiske
Count The Skittles by Vernita Smith -
Mahalia Jackson Elementary School
Who's The Culprit? by Evelyn Williams -
John Hope Academy
How To Integrate The Curriculum And A Lesson
Plan by Lillie Childs - Douglass Math and Science Academy
Formation With Playdough by Tenna Davis -
Douglass Math And Science Academy
How Do You Stack Up? by Robert Foote -
Walt Disney Magnet School
Patterns of Living Things - Animals by
Joy Ward-Drew - John Hope Community Academy
The Scientific Method Form by Jake Carter
- Frederick A. Douglass
Biological Classification by Clestine
Miller Jeffreys - Beethoven Academic Center
Nature's Airfoils by Eileen Wild -
How to Make a Flying Saucer Spacecraft
(hovercraft) by Russell C. Osantowski - Carter Elementary
Paper Columns by Renee Allen - Louis
Wirth Experimental
Estimating Using Numerical Relationships
by Christeen Brown, Sandy Reed and Gloria Cheers - Fulton School
Sky High by Gladys Allen - Louis Wirth
Experimental School
Recycling In The Classroom: Litter Value Bag
by Judy Lerner, Belinda Rawls and Christina Noran - Delano School
Changes In Matter by Sheila McKinnon,
Sandra Brooms and Angela Scott - Sherman School
Recycle In The Classroom: THE GREAT PAPER
WASTE by Belinda Rawls, Christina Noran and Judy Lerner - Delano
Elementary School
Recycling In The Classroom: Sorting Through
Garbage by Christina Noran, Judy Lerner and Belinda Rawls - Delano
Elementary School
The Three Property of Matter by Angela
Scott, Sandra Brooms and Shelia McKinnon - William T. Sherman
Elementary School
You Have A Pulse by Kathy Threatt - Louis
Wirth School
Incredible Plants by Juliette M. Walker,
Angela Patrick and Victor McFarlene - Crown Community Academy
Phemenological Extravaganza by Porter W
Johnson - Illinois Institute of Technology
TTO Demonstration by Kenneth Schug -
Illinois Institute of Technology
Substances and Properties by Mark Wagner
- Mark Sheridan
Recycling Math by Michelle Jones and Bob
MILK KALEIDOSCOPE by Victor M. McFarlane
- Kanoon Magnet School
Balloons In Science by Ilene Wagner and
Celistine Jeffreys
Science Fair
The following files provide a series of time lines, sample letters,
forms and references for organizing and running a school Science Fair.
Readers are, however, encouraged to use their local libraries,
consultants and resources as their primary source of information about
how their particular Principal or district operates. Introduction and justification for a
Science Fair.
General information and timelines.
Organizational Timeline for running a
Science Fair.
Student Timelines for preparing to
participate in a Science Fair.
Samle letter to parents about the Science
Sample letters to judges.
Sample judging forms.
Sample judging criterion and guidelines.
References for science projects.
Interesting Web addresses.
An extensive list of general science
and math references.
The SMILE, SMILE+ and ISPP groups have developed a source list for hands on classroom materials
and supplies
which are inexpensive and useful. Since this list was developed by
Chicago area groups, most of the sources are in the Chicago area. This
list is by no means complete and readers are urged to send their
favorite sources to either this address ( or Dr. Porter
Johnson at the address listed on the home page.
Brief advice about the configuration needed for a computer for
classroom administration (grading, test writing, etc.) outside of the
classroom is provided through a computer
configuration table. Note that this table was developed in the fall
of 1994 and may be somewhat out of date but it will give the reader
some idea as to what you might need at home to run two of the programs
that each of these groups was provided. The two shareware programs we
provide are available through many sources. The first is GRADE GUIDE
(Ver 2.5 from Jon Kane, 2814 Regent St. Madison, Wisconsin 53705) which
is a gradebook type of program. All of our teachers are strongly
encouraged to keep their records on some type of computerized
spreadsheet/data base. The second is PC-Write (Ver 2.71), a word
processor. Again, the participants are encouraged to use some type of
word processor to produce and save their materials. There are also
several places which have inexpensive used
computer hardware.
Back to the SMILE home page.